
The Founders
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Posts posted by mrskirk

  1. When I was a kid, my mother had a very old canister vacuum cleaner. As time passed, the electrical cord became so frayed that the plug nearly fell off. My father, thinking he could save some money (I, too am one of four children) decided to fix it himself since he once was an electrician's assistant when he was in high school. Apparently, he didn't pay much attention to his high school job because he did a very poor repair. I found that out when it was my turn to do the vacuuming. I plugged the cord into the outlet and *zap* was greeted by a flash of light and wound up on the other side of the room! The outlet I had attempted to use was completely black! Thank god I was thrown away from the outlet or I wouldn't be here to type this right now! My mother ran in to the room, saw what had happened, and the next day we had a brand new vacuum cleaner!

  2. I think "City on the Edge of Forever" showcased William Shatner's best acting-ever. What Kirk says near the end of the episode, after he, Spock, and Bones come back to the present safely..."Let's get the hell out of here." is poignant. The way Shatner recited that line was full of raw pain, you felt Kirk's loss. I loved it!!

  3. It's a HUGE site containing TONS of stories. Just click "TV shows" and scroll down until you see "Star Trek." They've got all the series grouped together, and even a block of stories labled "Star Trek-Other." That section is for stories that don't star any character from any series, but other ships and crews made up by the authors. Check it out!

  4. I am all for William Shatner appearing on Enterprise...not as James T. Kirk, but as one of his ancestors. As for the idea being "corny", I disagree. Was Leonard Nimoy's appearance as Ambassador Spock in the TNG two-parter "Reunification" corny? Apparently, not too many people thought so. That episode was one of the highest rated TNG episodes!

  5. I want one too!! The pics I want used have already been posted to this site..the pic of myself and my son, and the wedding pic of Captain and Mrs. can throw it a couple more of good ole James T Kirk as well. How about it, bossman?

  6. Oh well, better late than never...HAPPY BIRTHDAY STARTREKFANS.NET!!! Before I discovered this site, I had just about given up on message boards and chat rooms in general. They were becoming difficult to find, and the main one,, was filled with posters that I would rather not communicate with. Then, one day, I saw a post on the message boards from VBG himself. He had just put some new skins on his site and was inviting fans to come check it out. I did, and am glad I did!! This is much more than just a message board and chat room, it's a family, and I am glad I was welcomed with such open arms. I've made many new cyber friends that I can discuss my beloved Trek with whenever I want. God bless you, VBG and all the mods!

  7. When I was in high school, I hung around with the "party crowd." This was during the 70's, so the standard dress for the "party crowd" was boot cut Levi's, t-shirts, and sometimes a denim vest over the t-shirt. Shoes were usually black or dark blue. I decided I wanted to be different. I wore the Levi's and the t-shirt, but added a bright pink blazer over them. I also had a liking for high topped tennis shoes. I had a bright red pair and a bright yellow pair, but I never wore the "standard" pair--I would wear one of each color shoe, red on one foot, and yellow on the other. My friends all loved it, and I became known as "the girl in the pink jacket."

  8. My avatar is of my two favorite Trek characters, Admiral James T. Kirk and Captain Spock. It's a screen shot from my favorite Trek movie, Star Trek II, The Wrath of Khan. That's why I used admiral as Kirk's rank, he hadn't yet been demoted in this movie.

  9. Well said bossman, and I'm NOT sucking up!! Message boards are supposed to be a forum where people can post their views on a certain subjects, and receive replies on that particular subject. I don't mind at all if somebody disagrees with my viewpoint, it would be pretty boring if everybody agreed on everything! However, if somebody DOES disagree with me, don't just post something like..."You're a stupid b__ch." and leave it at that. I'd rather see something like..."I don't agree, and here's why...." Makes for a much more interesting discussion!

  10. I voted "yes", but I'm not sure I'd want all of the doors in my home to be "Trek doors." Why, you ask? I live in Wisconsin, and sometimes we get storms (Spring and Winter) that knock out the electricity in several areas, sometimes for days. If all my doors were "Trek doors", I'd be locked in whatever room I happened to be occupying when the power went out until the power is restored!

  11. Joined Mar 17, 2003. Approaching my one year anniversary next month...another excuse to throw a party, but who needs an excuse anyway? I came here after reading a post left by our fearless leader (VBG) on the message boards. I was tired of all the childish behavior at the boards and decided to take a look. I'm really glad I did! This is the only message board I visit and post on regularly...the people here are great! I can't WAIT for the convention!