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Posts posted by headborg

  1. just file it away, leave it alone for now...say nothing to her boyfriend....remember They miss u and she's just being a good girl friend to him...she knows he misses you and is trying to make him feel better....or jealous. if she asks if you got the note...just play dumb...tell her the note must have blown it off the truck....make her be more direct...if she's really got the hots for you...you'll find out.....just be careful and don't be alone with her (unlesss you interested in something happening) understand don't allow her the opportunity to create a compromising position.

  2. Angel, I think the main problem Jeanway's having is the content of some of the pm's he's sending her, and she doesn't want to go into it on the forum....but the idea is for him to get the message....LEAVE MY GIRLFRIEND ALONE!!STOP PM'ing her! Before I send him on permanent vacation to visit his personal jesus.

  3. Well cptwright beat me to it with his first sentence. You have to approach love the way you think of God, It's total surrender..the only way to truly know love (like knowing Christ) is to totally surrender to it and trust in it, any thing less will cause you pain-and that's the biggest problem most people can't take that leap of faith, and that's why love hurts most of the time. As for that saying "it's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all. That's must have been coined by an idiot or someone who was a die-hard S&M guy. No ....given the choice, ignorance is indeed bless! You can't miss what you have never known. I could go on and on but i won't.

  4. Boy I'm pissed off! Just found out that some internet company just hit my bank account for 100 last month, and another 50 this month. And i never authorized any deductions from my account, or gave out my banking info. Is there really such a thing as spyware software...where they can get n my computer find my info and steal my info....What should i do ?

  5. The cold war idea is a good way for Enterprise producers to get around the issue of the war and allow the Enterprise to "be off" exploring the Galaxy. But it's very impractical from a historical war prospective.....Neutral Zones aren't just negotiated for the heck of it...they are brought on because of military stalemates or set up as buffer-zones to prevent future useless blood-shed....case n point the 38th parallel Korean War--DeMilitarized Zone Vietnam. At some point in the Series of "Enterprise" something must happen-perhaps the Death of Archer...so as to motivate Starfleet Command to desinate "enterprise" and all ships there-after with that name to be "explorative" ships......so that Kirks statements...."what's the mission of this ship, doctor?.....TO BOLDLY GO, WERE NO ONE HAS GONE BEFORE" will be the mission of enterprise....The writers have already been mentioning/setting up that idea...with Archer's "Farewell" address to the crew, if he's ever lost or retires starfleet command will probably make that the Enterprise Mission Statement in honor of his service/dream!

  6. Ok...(1) it wasn't a "fan Assumption" that the Romulans don't have warp drive at this point in time- it was Spock that made the comment in (TOS) so as I understand it anything uttered by a principle character becomes "canon"- and I very much understand that it has to be overlooked because of course ...how could they have interstellar travel without warp tech.

    Captain Bolivar:

    And lastly, if Enterprise isn't a large part of the war effort and explores for the majority of the season it would mean that Starfleet would be using 1 less ship. So if another is destroyed in a preemptive strike by the Romulans Starfleet would only have 2 ships to fight the Romulan's with. If Starfleet only has 3 ships for example, why would they decide not to use all 3 even though all 3 wouldn't even be enough?

    I think this would make it unrealistic for Enterprise to be exploring and what not during any Romulan war. This Romulan war is just not adding up. [end quote]


    That was what I meant by "how can the Enterprise not be involved...it takes a fleet of ships to have this war with the Romulans....and Earth will have (2 total) in a couple months...and the war is suppose to begin in two years...the Enterprise will have to be involved unless Earth starts slapping together/ cranking out them puppies soon.

  7. Let's speculate on the class of this starship? unless there is already some canon discription for it-still please indulge- with the listing of starship classes after NCC-1701-e , with speculative dates of introduction.

  8. 1. Gary Mitchell

    2. Apollo

    3. the cloud-"obsession"

    4. Himself -"the enemy within"

    5. The Doomsday Machine

    6. M-5 computer

    7. Khan Noonien Singh- wasn't much of a "great enemy' till Wrath of Khan--

    wouldn't u be "alittle pissed" if Kirk exilied u to Ceti Alpha V and never sent any

    Federation Ship to check on you!

    8. Tholian Commander Loskene

    9. Parmen

    10. Commissioner Bele

  9. Wow! we were just discussing this issue in the chat room today...i was saying when the first episode of TNG aired..i thought the saucer separation looked really dumb...the aft star-drive section of the ship looks like a duck-with- it's head cut off.

    But it's been used twice to good effect- When Riker separated the ship to rescue Picard from the Borg, and who could forget the spectacular separation n "Generations" and Data's line "OH.....ShXXX" when the saucer was going down!

  10. Yes Jeanway, i agree the "cage" is actually one of the best episodes of (TOS) Roddenberry wrote it himself and had plenty of time to work on it- no production dead-line! It was so good that the network commissioned a second pilot..more action)fist-fighting"Where No Man Has Gone Before". I loved the reference to "number one"....and "engage"....and the time warp effect. It's too bad they couldn't get Jeffrey Hunter signed on to play (TOS)...do you think Hunter as capt would have made (TOS) better? or just different?

  11. It's all relative. As long as we do not neglect our work, family, HOMEWORK..then this is the place to be....we be Trekkers....trekking our lives away...at least we aren't surfing porn sites!