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Posts posted by vold

  1. To me Its the Timeloop paradox.


    Its a bit messy


    Where ST:FC leads to Enterprise leads to TNG - Voyager


    The Borg first know us in their point of view is VIA the message sent by themselves 24th Century Drones from the past in 2152. After the nearest Vessel intercepted the message, they in their own way was intrigued as to why their drones are so far away & set off to find this Species 5618 the Drones mentioned of.


    After Archer's experience, 2 centuries or bit lesser has past, the data on their encounter is covered with dust & forgotten. Except for a curious few, the Hensens. Who later start of their journey at the year 2355, after learning the Cyborg's name VIA any El-Aurians or rumors.


    But before the Hensens, around 62 years ago at 2293 A Cube assimilated Guinan's world. After assimilation they went around the sectors first before pursuing for Sector 001. After all Humans weren't a priority at that time yet, so they seek out any potential races around that sector for assimilation.


    After 70 years at TNG's 1st season's ending time, a Cube reached the Romulan Neutral Zone & assimilated a Fed & Rom Outpost. After assimilating them unnoticed they realized that Species 5618 is nothing special at all, just another primitive culture, so they just turn their back on us & headed back.


    Next year later, Q lost his temper due to human's arrogance, he snapped the Ent-D to the nearest Cube, [presumably the same Cube that assimilated the Outposts at the Neutral Zone which was currently 7,000 light-years away from their present location] There Picard made the first "Official" meeting with the Borg. [Archer's meeting is merely a mysterious meeting]


    Now here's where the Borg 1st got interested in us more then usual. They in their own way, are intrigued more as to how we appeared out of no where in a split second with no any type of trail at all. So they target the ship for assimilation. Which later ending of "Q Who?" the Ent-D again disappeared to no where in a second. Now that really got their full attention, especially the Queen of the Borg.


    She has "how should i put it", found a perfect equal for her. For such a unique race. So they pick the leader of that ship they met which so happens to be the Flagship of the Federation "Captain Jean Luc Picard"


    "No, not you C.J.L.P. :clap:"


    They assimilated him into Locutus & created a graveyard at Wolf 359 & got tricked by the Ent-D Crew & the Queen self-destructed the Cube before any tech could be stolen. At the end of "Best Of Both Worlds" unknowingly to even Picard himself, he have a feeling they are coming again & soon. He also felt the Queen but deny that feeling due to his anger with the Borg, hence he forgotten her.


    Mean while a Cube on its course to earth all the way from the Unicomplex along with the Queen took 6 years to reach Earth, where Voyager could have taken 60 something years without the Hub's help.


    At 2373 The Cube reached Sector 001 & got destroyed in battle thanks to the new Sovereign Class ship & Picard's connection with the Hive mind to find out a location where the Cube's shield are failing.


    After the Sphere ejected, they started a plan of heading to earth's past. & so goes the ST:FC movie.


    “To our primitive thinking we thought they wanted to rid of us from the past”

    [To me I think the Borg wasn't intending to assimilate earth for real, they are just fulfilling their duty to complete a temporal loop they understand in Temporal Mechanics. The reason they attacked earth is to draw the Enterprise-E to follow them, so they will do what they have to do too.] But the Federation Officers didn't know about the loop like the Borg did.


    But 1 thing the Borg didn't know is when the message is sent to the Delta Quadrant. Because the message they received are degraded due to the distance it took to reach the nearest Borg Vessel. So the Queen assumed that they have to send the message now. But since it failed 1 thing led to another, which ended the movie itself.


    Then 100 years later 2152, those Drones are found on earth by human scientists & those Drones carried out their last known mission they had from their Queen. "Contact the Borg in the Delta Quadrant" so they did 'in a way :)" Hence completing the temporal loop.


    Sorry i lost track of the main point, :)

    Ok, so the main reason they are interested in us is because of

    1. The unique things we do. [What they didn't realize was that it was Q who did that unique jump]

    2. How a weak race like us manage to survive them again & again & again. :)


    So IMHO, the Borg have planned to study this "humanity" of ours. Hence they used & spared Voyager's life to study them. All would have gone well, if the Admiral hadn't interfered her plans & got the Hub destroyed. But 1 way or the other, in that 4 years time, they learn much about Humanity about how they are able to work with Drones in Scorpion, 7 of 9, the other drones they met, etc. Which leads me to think there’s a possible peace can be made with the original Borg, "not the renegades" I think the Borg will soon realize their method will eventually lead to nothing left to do after assimilating the galaxy, if not the Universe


    So they have to find a new way of finding perfection. Example:

    Ridiculus idea:

    Click for Spoiler:

    Meeting a species, assimilating some not all of the population [Volunteers] & the relevant technologies, then later leave the race alone to develop more. Which later they can come back to assimilate more of that race's progress.


    This is much better because, they still have those individuals to progress on for them to assimilate new tech again from the same race, rather then depending on other races they haven't met yet. [if u know what i mean]


    Those Volunteers also will mean they need to change some rules in the Hive Mind's workings. Lots of stuff to recalculate.


    & since they can reproduce in a way like Voyager "Drone", that will solve their population requirements since they have an opportunity Cost of leaving the species not fully assimilated for crew.



    But it'll be a long time before that will happen.



    Click for Spoiler:

    The first humans ever seen a Borg is Lily from ST:FC, The Scientists are 2nd, The Hensens are 3rd & Picard is 4th. [in the timeline]


    Though Picard's is 4th, but he's is the first official contact with the Borg, hence 1st for the Federation. Since everyone else, didn't make it back to tell the full tale.


    lol, very confusing eh my writing.

  2. Not quite, ;)


    since his on a planet, it be kinda odd for him to say that. :cloud9:


    & i tried to hear him said that, made him sound bit more odder then it is with that extra words.


    Just curious though, did u know why he said that? "Oh my..."


    from what i heard, its not on the script at all, he himself is the one who said it for some reason. So they decide to use it.



  3. I agree.  I'd like to see him command a new ship, allthough not a prototype since the current series features one, or an older ship, but not too old, like a Nebula-class or Steamrunner-class ship.

    Speaking about Nebula Class, back at the newly upgraded startrek.com message board.


    I read someone found a possibly official site that the Titan is a Nebula Class because he found the Titan's name on the Nebula category.



  4. Ok, i just thought u mentioned that randomly. B)


    some people just say that as an example. But in this case it was close to becoming reality which is good it didn't B)


    a difference, this is very different B)




    He got a nice planet to be burried on, a planet he saved too. B)


    If sentient life ever grow there, they got an interesting fosil to dig up. :rolleyes:

  5. Vulcans seem to be so wrapt up in themselves in Enterprise... they really think that they are higher evolved or something than humans just because they had warp drive first.

    Its not just about Warp Drive, its also the way they think & live their life, they think that all race should do the same.


    That's why they can't make peaceful contact with hostile species right away.


    "Andorians, that race that Trip or Tucker? was stuck with on a dry & hot planet."


    Where Vulcans failed for centuries, humans have made friends with them in few weeks if not a day. With more of this going on, the it is logical that the "Federation" would have humans as 1 of the main leaders of it. Not Vulcans as the top chief anymore.


    1 thing i'm not sure though, did Vulcans become part of the Federation? or do they just let their children join Starfleet? for education.



  6. Be thankful they didn't stick with their original idea. You know what that is? :rolleyes:


    You know the part Soran said something like this,


    "Yes I am familiar with history, if I'm not mistaken you're dead." When Soran caught Kirk offguard, they plan for Soran to shoot him in the back, before Kirk got to do anything heroic at all. B)


    Would you prefer that? B)

  7. I think Kirk's death is done greatly as C.J.L.P. put it.


    As for the Nexus thing, theres a difference between Kirk & Picard & Guinan.


    The reason Guinan's being is still in there is because she like most of her people are being torn apart. VIA transporters from the Enterprise-B when they were being rescued they are being ripped apart leaving part of themself still inside, which made the cravings of wanting to go back in like Soran & the other El-aurians.


    But If people leave by own free will like Kirk & Picard, they are taking 100% of themself outside the Nexus, no shadow or any traces of themself in the Nexus.


    The only other person who did stay in the Nexus in "Generations" is Soran.


    When Soran entered the Nexus he got what he wanted & he is uneffected by time.

    So when Kirk & Picard stop the past Soran from entering, that doesn't mean Soran isn't in the Nexus.


    He is in the Nexus enjoying his life in whatever way he wants.


    So in the end, everyone got what they wanted.


    Kirk - got to make a difference once more

    Picard - get to meet Kirk & help prevent millions of lives being killed

    Soran - He finally may rest in peace in the Nexus "Away from the Predator 'time'"



  8. Grammar or not, what's so hard to understand it? I reread it 3 times its quite simple to understand it. :lol:


    u can say its literally said without any style/grammar. :lol:


    "The Borg miniseries better be a 40 minute per episode rather then the 3 minute one in the Star Wars mini series"

  9. Judging from a site which I find very capable of itself in information, specs, etc.


    the Sovereign Class is about 36.17% more of the Galaxy Class's strength index.


    Note, that all Galaxy's Strength are at a 1000 as the focal point used for calculations between ships. :lol:

    "U can say its practically an Average ship."



    Click for Spoiler:

    Crew 1,014, 15,000 person evacuation limit.


    Armament 12 x Type X phaser arrays, total output 50,000 TeraWatts

    2 x Type 3 burst fire photon torpedo tube + 250 torpedoes


    Defence Systems Standard shield system, total capacity 2,700,000 TeraJoules

    Standard Duranium/Tritanium Double hull plus 9 cm High density armour.

    Standard level Structural Integrity Field


    Warp Speeds

    (TNG scale)

    Normal Cruise : 6

    Maximum Cruise : 9.2

    Maximum Rated : 9.6 for 12 hours.


    Strength Indices (Galaxy class = 1,000)

    Beam Firepower : 1,000

    Torpedo Firepower : 1,000

    Weapon Range and Accuracy : 1,000

    Shield Strength : 1,000

    Hull Armour : 1,000

    Speed : 1,000

    Combat Maneuverability : 1,000


    Overall Strength Index 1,000




    Click for Spoiler:

    Crew 700



    16 x Type XII phaser arrays, total output 100,000 TeraWatts

    1 x Rapid fire quantum torpedo tube

    4 x Type 4 burst fire photon torpedo tube

    4 x Standard photon torpedo tube + 300 torpedoes


    Defence Systems

    Auto modulated shield system, total capacity 5,737,500 TeraJoules

    Heavy Duranium/Tritanium Double hull plus 10 cm Ablative armour.

    High level Structural Integrity Field


    Warp Speeds

    (TNG scale)

    Normal Cruise : 8

    Maximum Cruise : 9.9

    Maximum Rated : 9.99 for 36 hours.


    Strength Indices (Galaxy class = 1,000)

    Beam Firepower : 2,000

    Torpedo Firepower : 5,600

    Weapon Range and Accuracy : 1,420

    Shield Strength : 2,125

    Hull Armour : 1,900

    Speed : 4,125

    Combat Maneuverability : 4,000


    Overall Strength Index 3,084



    this is from www.ditl.org


  10. Either u missed it or they don't show it in your place, :lol:


    anyway, they are showing a miniseries about after the Clone War movie.


    It is VERY RIDICULUS & STUPID. & I wish & pray it has nothing to do with the story's canon.


    Just imagine a 3 minute animation of Star Wars, where they got few words for lines & mostly visual effects for story telling.


    The thing i dislike about it is.

    1. Bad, lousy, childish/babyish drawing.


    2. They made the Padme look like a 100% innocent child who never held a gun in her life. [i'm not saying she has to hold a gun to be good, its just something that doesn't follow a person's character is what that bothers me. :lol: ]


    3. Stupid story, "bad guy losing, tons enemy fall with every shot, then big bad came to the battle field & then good fall with every shot, then Jedi came & save the day, :lol: Talk about ridiculus fashion all over again. "All this in 3 minutes"


    4. They made like all characters are on the darkside. "Angry faces all the time" even when in a safe place like the Jedi Council talking normally. & talking bad infront of Anakin like as if he's not there, Do they expect this to be went unnotice & to help him not turn "Dark"???


    In short its stupid & should be cutted out, & the 3rd movie better have more senses then this. [which it should no doubt about it, because it has more time on its hands]


    1 thing though, i wonder how are they going to show Anny turn bad, kill all but 2 Jedis & make the Empire arise all in 1 2 hours something movie, :wow:


    Man that be a challenge. B)

  11. A story on its origin is a very dangerous one & must be thought through carefully.


    I don't like to come to the message boards & hear people spamming on the Borg because they think its too ridiculus or weak or stupid or etc.


    I myself like to see one too, but this miniseries better be a 40minute episode ones, not like that ridiculus Star Wars miniseries in 3 minute episodes which made everything look stupid.

  12. Borg Vessels varied from one another in some ways, mostly by size.


    If we compare 2 Spheres we see their specs are different, mostly it depends on its main purpose of the vessel, some could be scouts or tactical.


    In ST:FC the Sphere is 600m, not 1km. Its about the Sovereign's size, the reason it look small is because its far away from the Ent-E


    The vessel in "Descent" is a Borg Vessel, its not a malfunction or anything, theres proof of this vessel's existance in the Borg's database.


    In Scorpion 7 was talking about a MultiKinetic Neutronic mine, & a picture of the mine "a tiny dot" was with a bigger picture, that ship from Descent.


    I think its a heavy armanent vessel or something, carrying stuff like that. :lol:


    Oh well.


    Cubes are 28 cubic km. according to the Hensens, 30,036m i think.

    They are the biggest Borg Vessels yes as for Structures, the Unicomplex is the biggest, not the Hub.


    & about the Hub, in Endgame, its the 7th & new Hub, 7 of 9 did not know the location of it & was bit shocked. & the Queen was highly protective of it like they are just nearly finish in completion of the hub "Under Construction"


    If they had this long ago as 1 of the 6 hubs, then why didn't they used it earlier. So it can't be 1 of the old ones. Its a new one.


    IMHO of course.

  13. Not sure about Q, but to me


    Eventually they will find a better way to seek for perfection then assimilation through convincing help by individuals to have a peaceful relationship with them.


    By Feds i mean. :lol:


    I picture a powerful ally in the future to help take care our galaxy from hostile outsiders.




    I think Q can be assimilated, they aren't as omnipotent as they want us to believe. Even the old Q said so himself, & how Q told his son to leave the Borg alone,


    "they are afraid."


    No ones perfect. :lol:

  14. They do have shields but not like other race's. Theirs is more advance because they are able to adept to freqs. & prevent alot of damage. which is far very effective. So why bother with the old fashion shields like Fed's or other races.


    That was ofcourse before they met 8472, which their adeptive shieldings are practically useless.


    Borg also rely most on armor & regenerative capability, We can say shields are a drain & quite irrelevant. 70% damage still the vessel can perform at peek efficiency.


    We also see many clips about Borg vessels being shot & there are no signs of a shield like view.




    That's why is came to think that they don't have our type of shields "which shows a field of energy blocking attacks."

  15. Not quite,


    what does that have to do with its performance or quality?


    TNG's are wall like

    Voyager's are Girdle like


    hmm. :lol:


    maybe its more advance this way, something about it. All i know is they have done great things with it. :lol: extraordinary things.