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Posts posted by vold

  1. Ahh, but that's where you're mistaken.

    Look you believe that it all alters & lives in 1 universe without creating another.


    But how can that be if he changed it that would mean his past self did not see that vision.


    So in other words, its the creation of new universes that he lives in now & his past self depends on the other universe to see that vision.


    For without it, he wouldn't have made the choice / change.


    So we can't say that vision's reality is obliterated, because without it,


    "there is no present universe we are currently watching."



  2. No not entering another reality, creating another reality.


    Theres a difference between the 2.



    Original timeline:

    Picard's crew split up before 2371 so someone else or no one went to Amargosa Observatory or Veridian III. So either someone failed or no one stopped Soran from doing what he wants & those Klingon sisters got the weapon later & ruled the empire & severed the ties between Klingon & Federation & thrashed the Romulan empire.


    Alternate & presently used timeline:

    Since Picard saw all this horror of the future, he manage to kept the cool amongst his crew & manage for them to stay together, then by some chance they ended up near Amargoza to save Soran & be at Veridian III to stop both him from destroying a star system & the Klingon Sisters from getting the weapon. Hence a more peaceful timeline but with the cost of the Enterprise-D.


    guess the Enterprise-D is a hero too [for stopping a crisis in its own cost], :P didn’t see it that way before till now. :force:


    So my point is, the timeline where the Klingons regained power is still existing in another reality of the infinite possibility realities.


    Picard's vision, help him to make a different choice to try to change what he saw as an unwritten future as he said. But by changing some things amongst his crew have already altered the timeline hence a new reality is born & taking course in this new & present timeline.


    Reality & time have a connection. Not just 1 changes alone. :huh:


    Ok, gotta stop here. getting late to prepare for an extra class on Saturday. ;)



  3. Remember in this universe tuvok is part of the resistance, starfleet has been gone for decades and the majority of terrans are slaves, so no voyager ( but no reason there could'nt be an alliance vessal hunting a terran ship when suddenly..... :grin: )

    well, like i said somewhere I'm not to sure about the Mirror Universe thing, so whatever chasing & got lost is fine by me, :wow:


    About elvis i prefer not to even think about him.

    He started something good & bad, mostly bad from what i see. :P


    Not his fault thoug, how would he know the people will take it the wrong way. :P


    no offense intended.



  4. What do you base this on?  The most logica assumption would be that our present would unfold differently, much like how the timeline kept morphing in VOY "Year of He**".  Once you're in the past, the future does not exist from your perspective, so you can do whatever he heck you want.  You cause a new future to unfold, none of this "other reallity" nonsense.


    Actually it ain't as simple as things being destoyed or changed the reason we see things change in that episode is because another reality is being created & they have to show us on that reality because its being viewed by the Krenim person.


    The episode is seeing through he's eyes because he's the one outside of time & not effected by it.


    After Voyager crash & destroyed that ship the show then entered to the place where the timeship hasn't been invented yet.


    What you guys are talking about is going to alternate reallities, not time travel. :grin: [/color]


    Which is sort of how time traveling works. Hard to explain at the moment :wow:



  5. Yes i agree with the captain here, & note the guest guy is actually me, i got the habit of forgetting to log in before posting :wow:


    anyway, about the time thing.


    When the traveler alters the past, the part where is being changed will take on its own role as a new universe now.


    While the traveler's original universe will remain as the source of his birth & disruption of the other timeline.


    It won't change the traveler's own actions, because in the new timeline he may not even think of it & the old timeline he has done what he have set of to do intentionally or not & returns to wherever the coordinates of his machine takes him to. It may be his own one where nothing's changed, or the altered timeline where things are different, or somewhere else as a glitch on the system. :grin:

  6. Maybe they don't believe in holography, so instead of holo pleasures they use genetic pleasures.


    Meaning they make live people instead of false images.


    Genetic Deck. lol  :P

    I never considered that!! :o That fits right in with the attitudes of the mirror universe!! Why waste energy with a holo-deck when you can create living,breathing beings to live as slaves for the alliances elites!! That solves the problem of Vics presents there and opens up a whole host of possibilities!!

    :grin: That is so cool! :wow:

    Thanks :)


    Dang i keep forgetting to log in before posting, i just lost 3 post counts for me. Rising to next rank is going to take a while :P


    Hmm. that would mean theres a biologically engineered EMB on their Voyager lost in the Delta Quadrant. :wow:


    speaking of their Voyager, u think they are torturing people on the other side or are they torturing them when presumedly they should be much worst then them.



  7. Also, It wouldn't be very hard to assimilate Darth Vader... He's already mostly machine.

    not quite,


    we know that Borg can assimilate technology as well as organic [shown in Voyager & Enterprise]


    Vader still has his brain & all, the nanites would assimilate the brain the usual thing will happen & as for his body, the nanites would also analyse it & enhance it in anyway possible.


    In Data's case, he's neural net is too complex for a direct assimilation, it may damage something & loose the info they are looking for in ST:FC

  8. Very interesting hope the info is canon. :waaaa:


    1 thing concerns though, 3 main Deflectors?


    What possible use is that?


    "3 major frequency weapons against Borg vessels?" lol :assimilated:


    thanks for the look though. :assimilated:

  9. I not sure u read this or not, but I'll post again. :waaaa:



    People always ask this very question.

    Harry: "Wait a second, If I send a message from the future & change the past, then that future may no longer exist, right. So how could I send the message in the first place?"


    In order to answer this, we need the "multi universe" theory's help. Where


    [with every choice made the universe is separated to unlimited of different universes based on the choices made & proceeds on with its own course of time.]



    We'll be focusing on Voyager "Timeless" as its the best example.


    PS: Please ignore the dots (`), its to keep far apart words stay apart.


    ```````````````````````````Year 2390

    ``````````````````````(15 years after Harry`````[Geordi Laforge

    ``````````````````````& Chakotay got back)`````````a Captain]


    Alternate reality >_____________________________________________



    They both have````````````````/```````````````````They both have

    Same History`````````````````/```````````````````different Future



    Normal Reality....>_____________________________________________


    ```````````````````````Year 2375``````````````Year 2378 "Endgame"

    ```````````````(Voyager attempted Quantum

    ````````````````````Slipstream Drive)


    As you can see, this 2 lines represent 2 different Timelines intersecting with one another in a certain time [2390 & 2375]

    My theory is, when a timeline has been changed, the previous Universe hasn't been destroyed. It is still there thriving. So Laforge's fear was unjustified, he could just let Chakotay, Harry Kim & the Girl to do their business & they will all still be alive & living in that timeline they knew after Voyager's crash.

    While another Reality where Voyager hasn't crashed but exited the slipstream just in time is created to live long & prosper.


    But theres a catch to altering the timeline, a very big catch, which the cost is the alterer's life in this case "Harry Kim, The Doc, Chakotay & his Girlfriend.

    The reason for their life to end is to prevent themselves from realtering their own plans. Meaning,


    Say Geordi let them live & do what they want, & Harry succeeded in saving Voyager. But they will not realize it, because their reality will still remain & they'd think they have failed & try again, & by doing so they could be creating more different universes still trying to save Voyager that they already have.

    That is why the alterer must die, to prevent themselves from undermining their own actions. & with the other reality in existence, that is how the event keeps repeating it self to save Voyager, Harry's other reality self is what is saving Voyager again & again & again & ...


    So for those who wants to alter the timeline, they would have to be prepared to die as well.



  10. Sounds good, but how do they stop these time-cops from abusing their positions? If they changed the timeline to benefit them, would the federation be able to find out??

    That's what some loyal people are for & other time cops, theres a division of them, not just 1.


    Like how Braxton [ is that his name?] tried to toast Voyager, but he's own past was after him & then the crew themself take them both to custody.

  11. I beg u difer, its a "computer game"


    don't say video, it sounds awful.


    anyway, just checking if theres real or not. After all games do base on the show too. The Feds & Klingons had a war on each other, don't they something bigger then


    Constitution or K'T'inga classes?

  12. There are ofcourse normal captains & crews that are still doing other things, exploring, research, fighting, getting lost, etc. I doubt every ship has their own Time tech.

    Let's face facts. Time travel appears to be a common ability. Remember "The Voyage Home"? I mean if a 23rd century Federation crew, with a science officer who is still missing a few marbles, can take a ship they're not even familiar with to the 20th century and back then what stops more advanced crews and ships from doing it?


    A "time tech" position could be very valuable, if only to serve as a warning of the inherent pitfalls of time travel.

    It may be common, specially for Feds, but they won't have every ship having it, if its been stolen theres problems.


    Or Fed turn bad may use the tech. on their ship for something else.


    in other words, they only assign some ships to have it, hence the "time cops"

  13. Got a pic of it?


    Speaking of Klingon ships, is there a class called

    "Sword of Kahless"?


    or is that just a game thing?

    There's a Sword of Kahless seen on DS9, but no ship class of that name. Commande Kruge's ship from ST-3 was the very first Klingon Bird of Prey seen in Trek. In ST-4, Kirk and crew named it the H.M.S. Bounty. :waaaa:

    Here's a pic of the "Sword of Kahless" I'm talking about.


    In Klingon its called


    "KBB-qeyITS betleH Class"




  14. What a cool looking ship! Can't wait to see this ship on Voyager next year..I've never seen it before..I doubt they would give it to Riker for his first command though..That's why I was thinking about an older class starship..

    lol, yeah but that's bit too old.


    But they did talk like its new. hmm. :waaaa:


    Besides, Janeway is a new Captain & she got the latest ship design at that time.

    "Intrepid Class"

  15. Thanks :waaaa:


    dunno, i haven't got to see the Ferengi episode yet. To archer its just another alien, as he not sure their race's name.


    Ironicly Archer did hear the name before but he didn't know it belonged to those Orange flabby ear ones.


    He heard it in "Dear Doctor" where a preward race said they met the Ferengi before, but both Human & Vulcans never heard of them before. :assimilated:

  16. Yes, that's why those people i mentioned, wouldn't know about the changes. They still be living in their merry little lives.


    That's why most time alterers must die, so they won't suffer thinking they have failed no matter how many billion times they try over. They just won't realise they did succeed.


    so to all time alterers that's not going there themself, have have to be ready to die in some way, so you don't need to worry if u succeed or not. :waaaa:


    unless theres a way for you to know like scanning or something.

  17. Ambassador? lol :dude:


    no offense, but its too old, i doubt 100% that they give that class to Riker for the near 25th century.


    Its either a Prometheus or something new or another Sovereign. I think it should be smaller then a Sovereign.


    They did talk like its something to marvel at. :)

  18. They should try to add some realism in to neutrals background, about other ships around the show.


    Reason I post this here is because Voyager already have done a few of these. As for "Enterprise" I’m not sure, because I didn't get to see more then 1/2 of Season 1. & I don't know where the general Forums are. lol :rofl:


    Ok, what I mean is, not every ship seen on screen have to do with the show, its too obvious. Sure they should have been able to spot ships going somewhere minding their own business. Not have to engage the main ship of the show.



    1. A Borg vessel past by without bothering them,

    [this is already done in Voyager which is good, how they detect vessels that was recently in their vicinity but left already] :dude::rofl:


    2. Ships warping past by them.

    [We all saw how 2 ships warping can see 1 another "Enterprise-D & Cube, Enterprise-E & Scimitar, Delta Flyer & Diamond, Voyager & Dauntless, etc]

    so about ships passing by, ok that's a very low probability, but should have at least once in the entire series or something. I doubt they could do it in "Enterprise" because theres too little activity in that century. :) :rofl:


    How about this, crashing, lol :dude:


    3. Talk & Leave / Hit & Run

    [Can't say much about this]


    4. Other ships quarreling & "non of the main ship's business."



    :) so what you think?


    friendly discussion :dude:.