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Posts posted by vold

  1. They could have explained it to Anakin when they showing him the controls, :dude:


    anyway, Bigger? they have covered the entire galaxy that's bigger then ours. No wonder they got tons of problems, concrete worlds "concrete cities"


    burnt out world "Tons of factories" etc.


    So any idea what that cloth thing infront of their ships they use to travel?



  2. The Excelcior is the latest in design in the 23rd Century. Its able to adept to current tech & still able to stand its space "ground".


    I saw Oberth, Miranda, & Excelcior so far these 3 are the only old ships I know of that I've seen on 24th century screen.

  3. A Death Star is equivalent to 9 100m Species 8472 Bioships


    Theres no doubt it can take out a Trek ship in a shot, its the smaller ships that are the mystery. That's 1 thing I don't like about SW.


    There's no explainations in almost everything. They never tell what weapons scemetics or what engines they use.


    Did u know Obiwan traveled almost 1/2 their galaxy in a manner of hours if no :dude:


    Its either they got great engines or, their galaxy is a very small one.

  4. I voted Good. But that should be the last TNG film!


    actually i wanted to say it doesn't matter if they make another or not, but theres no choice on that. :dude:


    Its all about the story, but since they split up its very hard to make another. But that won't stop the possibilities of having them in other movies as background characters.

  5. Lasers are very primitive. As shown many times on Trek that lasers don't pose a threat. :dude:


    Not sure about "Turbo Laser" & stuff. but I wouldn't be surprise if 1 full sweep from a stardestroyer doing like 1% shield damage. :)



  6. Sorry :idea:, that was me, I forgot to login that time, its that your answer after mine, made me think that u think that I'm talking about you.


    Because I mentioned that someone did not know about something, then later u replied about your name so I thought u thought I was refering to you. Those icons of yours about demons too wasn't helpful for me to intreprate your purpose of your words.




    anyway, what's so spoiling about the pic?


    even if people never play before they could not have known what it was about, if u get the pic from the game itself without the name on it.



  7. Yeah, i agree on all accounts.


    In my opinion, its the Borg that made her a "sexy babe" looks may be irrelevant but that won't stop them from making the best for the races they assimilated.


    Voice inhancement, body, legs, hands, breast even :unsure:


    its all a matter of improving the individual. The only reason other Drones don't look great when they are freed is because they don't have a proper physician to free them. :idea:

  8. not quite predestine paradox, it is an alteration but to what as we know of, have i showed u my timeline alteration theory?


    how other realities still exist even though its been "altered"


    if people change the past, its not actually altering, its more like creating a new reality where the result is what they wanted. In other words.


    "Timeless" Geordi is still looking at 3 dead humans & a hologram in front of him.


    "Endgame" Captain Harry, the doc & Barclay all thought she failed because nothing has changed.



  9. In my point of view, its something that has to happen in order for the 29th century we know of to exist.


    It has to happen :unsure: like most other time events like Borg in 2063, Chronowerx, etc.


    They all have to happen. :idea:


    :dude: "There are no chances, coincidence or luck" :idea:

  10. That's the thing about new Queens, they got the old one's memories, all they need is a new body from whatever proper species & download the memories into that new Queen.


    I believe from the very beginning they already have a Queen, reason is to watch the progress of their idea.


    :hat: < watching over :dude: a future heir of santa < :unsure:


    Whoever the original species is, must have wanted an individual to watch the progress whether they are achieving their goal or not. But ofcourse there could be some errors later, or the original programmers did not do a proper job in their priorities. :idea:


    Example from a game:

    A gasious race who can't leave their world is offered Probes to explore the galaxy for them, they made a mistake in programming the probe's multiplying habit too high that whenever they encounter new species they are overwritten to scramble the ship for extra material to produce more Probes. lol



    As for the Species 125 is an example they use different people to make the new Queen, because their original race should be 0 or 1 only, a single digit. since the latest Queen we know is a 125, that means they use other Drones to be a new Queen meaning its not a clone. :idea:

  11. Its definately not a clone, because if its a clone then she should be Species 0 or 1 as being the 1st Queen's species all the way. :dude:


    her brain is inside the metal skull. Partly machine like any Borg ofcourse :unsure:


    There's an Queen Alcove on every vessels, so we can'tjudge that she's in 1 because theres 1. I still said they died 2 times only by Fed hands.


    The reason they look so alike is because of their 95% body alteration when creating a new Queen.


    Here's a thought, maybe the next Queen is more like a Princess. Most knowledge are gone & maybe protocols [or something] too, this new "Queen" is a bit confuse as to what to do. Out of character. A more peaceful type. After a while the Collective will decide to rid of her & create a new Queen as replacement because she is impeding efficiency. But the Queen did not die. Instead was taken by the Rogue Borgs "Freed Drones" & become their Queen.


    :idea: strange idea but I like it. :bow:



  12. That's because the only way to have any contact with them is via "time"


    but I hope your not thinking that's all the Feds are doing in the future, This "Relativity" is but 1 special group that offices the time table.


    There are ofcourse normal captains & crews that are still doing other things, exploring, research, fighting, getting lost, etc. I doubt every ship has their own Time tech.



  13. Its nice but 1 thing i don't understand is what's Sisko's mirror doing on that station or some of the others.


    After the mirror Spock took over, the Terrans aren't doing so well, so things could be lot different.


    The normal universe Sisko is there because of the transfer after Wolf 359. What's the mirror Sisko's purpose of being there? or the others for that matter.


    That universe should have been different in aspect of characters, because they got their own life journeys & choices to be made. Its only called "Mirror Universe" just because Kirk see's doubles.


    When actually its just merely another universe with a tougher life there. I wonder how they are dealing with their Borg. Are they worse or kinder there? lol