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Posts posted by vold

  1. More or less wouldn't hurt for me. :wow: if they need to land, so land.


    Surely we can't say something like this. \/


    "No don't land, you already landed 10 times, i forbid u to land even though u run out of enerygy." :lol:


    "Nigtingale"? i don't recall seeing them land there. :lol:


    There may not be an episode where its all on a planet.


    but in "Demon" they landed there for 1/2 the episode time or bit more.. :lol:

  2. i said neo because if the are in the Matrix neo is the most powerful thing

    and if they are outside of the MAtrix neo can shoot some electrisity out of his hands at him like at the end of the Matrix reloaded

    I'm not sure if anyone had said this or not, but there's where you're wrong.


    Neo didn't shoot electricity, he got a connection with the machines, he just shut the sentinels down in part 2 & self destructed all those machines that came towards him in part 3.


    There's no electrical power he's been using.


    In Data's case, Neo got no connection with him, because he is designed differently & not connected to the Matrix's computer.


    So Data can do anything onto Neo where he is just like any normal human being in the real world. :lol:


    no offense to him, but its true. :lol:

  3. Do they really need a particular launcher to lauch something that fits their normal torpedo casing?


    How does torps & its launchers work?


    Apparently in all 3 movies, the Ent-E itself took alot of pounding, the D would not have survive what the E had barely survived.


    First Contact: the E is damaged alot from the inside via :lol:


    Insurrection: the E got whacked, dumped a core & got a big blow from both warp & subspace explosion.


    Nemesis: E got shot at, pieces of Valdore wrekage wacking the hull :wow: , Got a big hole on its head from both the Scimitar's firing & a head bang :lol: between both ships.

    "How much more can it take?" :lol:


    About the icons below, what on eart is that thing at the bottom left corner? "Beside the BOP


    & where's a Sovereign icon?

  4. look what a single species 8472 ship was able to do to a Borg ship.

    15 Cubes would be a better example, :lol:


    Anyway, that's mainly because their weapon "Bio Pulse" has no particular frequency to adept at all, its random based Frequencies constantly.


    2nd reason, is because their electrical weapon is able to flow through the entire Cube killing off Drones & equipments from inside weakening the Cube Quick.


    3rd Borg Vessels don't have shieldings like other race's, theirs aren't a field of energy to block out stuff, so the Biopulse was able to get in because the Borg's shield got nothing to adept to in the first place.


    Unlike Voyager, their shields aren't depending on adeptation to freqs. so theirs can protect them bit longer then a Cube could last.



    The first shot could kill dozens of Drones :lol: on a Cube.


    While for normal shield based ships like Voyager in this case,


    The first shot won't kill anyone, unless they bump themself hard on something & die of bleeding & injury. :lol:

    They have to take down their shields first before can harming anyone onboard via "electricution"

  5. Actually it all had happened, is happening & going to happen all the time.


    That's how things usually works. Loops :lol: gotta love them.


    It also shows how the Hensens knew about them, etc.


    So in other words, there hasn't been any changes at all, just something that occured over & over again in this universe's timeline. :lol:


    Watch Robotech all the way, you'd realized that something in the last episode is the cause of the whole thing ever starting. :lol:


    All this because some 2 people in the future fell in love got thrown back in the past & started the whole thing all over completing the loop. :wow:

  6. Not all Excelciors are the same, the older one could have different deck number. I got the source from a site, where he got at least 3 specs of Excelcior, & some got different deck count.


    The Ent-E got a some changes made, hull bit different, a couple of extra decks, etc.


    Different Specs aren't that odd, they change as they grow. For the better mostly. :lol:

  7. not quite,


    Those are after tiny things that is both easily destroyed & have weak weaponry.


    The Federation's most powerful Shuttle the "Delta Flyer" got destroyed by 3 Gravimetrix Torpedos by the Tactical Cube.


    Just 3, those Scorpions barely got any Borg tech on it, all Reman only. In other words not much compared to the Flyer, So they'd get destroyed much easier, I suppose.



  8. Hmm. the Enterprise-D u say.


    First Contact: may survive but it'll take longer & more dangerous journey cause they aint got Quantums to make a shorter work out of the Borg. Lots of innocents assimilated as they got lots of innocent onboard. "Family"


    Insurrection: they be more vulnerable in "wherever that place they were in." :lol:


    Nemesis: They're most definately be dead, weaker shields & stuff. too many innocent lives onboard, a head on crash is fatale .



  9. Ah like i said, not every mm has something.


    As we see the height as 100m for example & u said the B has 35 decks, while other Excelciors too have different numbers in various times.


    This shows that the designs varied. But more importantly, the ship is build at 100m, doesn't mean all are covered with decks. There could be still space for extra decks when the 28 deck excelcior was cuild, so later when the Ent-B came they can add more decks at anytime. B)


    Even the sovereign got extra space or so. Recall someone mentioned where on that ship did the Viceroi fell when they are already at the bottom deck. The thing is, being at the bottom deck doesn't mean its touching the bottom hull. There's still space for stuff or to fall into, ;)



  10. I'm with C.J.L.P. all the way in this topic.


    I wish people will stop thinking of killing 1 individual to get back another.

    Especially since B4 has barely get to do anything yet & many people out there are ready to kick him out just to get back someone for a short film.


    Memories are just that, memories infos of past experiances, its like brothers or sisters or anyone having a chat about their life time. Nothing more.


    It will not turn them into that person who told the story, it will only make the listener realise things if theres any not known before, so they won't make the same mistake or faults if theres any to make.


    B4 will be a fine lad like his younger brother. :grin:


    I'd say older brother but I can't, because B4 exist longer then Data so that makes B4 older then Data. :lol: ;)


    sorry, got carried away there for the moment. B)

  11. I'm just cutting in :lol:


    Voyager is small & theres nothing wrong with the scales, i once found a site with extraordinary scale measurements & its all perfectly well about their deck & stuff, i think. I don't have them with me at college at the moment to check it out personally & i forgot the site where i got it, so i can't say where, B)


    Constitution - 75m height

    Excelcior - 100m height

    Intrepid - 66m height







    seems to be fine to me. Not every mm has to have something. There could be a bunch of empty space between a couple of m.



  12. I'm with the Borg here.


    In terms of sheer firepower, the Scimitarmay, just may take out 1 Cube but no more after that duel. :lol:


    The Thaleron weapon takes too long to prepare, 500 drones can be transported in few secs. to do what they do best. B)


    Cloak isn't much of a bother for Borg, they handled the tiny Delta Flyer's multi adeptive shielding quite well especially when they start firing blindly which is more accurate then any single individual.


    & once the holding beam is locked on, the Scimitar can barely do much, unless they shot every emitters. ;)



  13. The reason he came to destroy Voyager in the first place, is by some misscalculations that Voyager is the cause of the destruction of earth. Without realising that it was he who started it all by thinking so.


    He detected the destruction of earth, get out of time in time ;) & found a wrekage/signs of Voyager & deduce by destroying Voyager it will solve the whole problem.


    But the problem is, the point that he returns to the past to destroy Voyager, is thereason that the whole loop started. A Temporal Loop, another reality of he's own self went back to past cause the problem by accident, then his other self went back & did the practically the same thing but Voyager's crew made a different choice here & now to cahnge the events by stopping the creater of Chronowerx.


    "instead of whatever their other reality self did that lead to the destruction of earth."


    IMHO. :(



  14. C.J.L.P.

    I haven't overlooked that info, I myself was thinking the same thing when that happens, but till Archer mentioned time is like irrelevant to the 31st century, and then it occurred to me of them handling in the past, which is a more likely thing to do. Because it leaves little if not none at all trails of their intervening. People like the Tholians will have no clue at all about humans having time capability to start an argument in the past. :)


    Having to get their things away in the current moment is too risky even for very future people.


    Anyway, here's another theory :), lets say both our theories are correct, since we manage to answer the situations in both ways. lol



    There there’s possibly many reasons for why they let the doc kept the tech. But i can think of a few now.

    1. Its something suppose to happen.

    2. Its just a minor thing & tiny changes are acceptable. :)

    3. They didn't notice it, :)


    To me its the mix of 1 & 2.


    Here's a question for you. What temporal scanners? I don't recall Voyager bringing back any temporal scanners? All I know is, with Archer, Picard, Sisko & Janeway's experiences with time, not to mentioned many other people, its well assumed that the Fed or whatever they call themselves in the 29th century call themselves have temporal tech by then or sooner.


    So what scanners are u referring to?  :bow:

  15. Precisely what the Temporal Prime Directive is about, & its because of Archer's experiances, that that particular directive have to be made.




    Ok, C.J.L.P.


    Here's another example i just saw & its from Enterprise too. "Future Tense"


    Its where the Tholians, Sulliban, Vulcan & Human ships engaged in a small battle.


    After the beacon is activated. The future folks went back in any point of time to get the things back so the things dissapeared. Other then that everything else remained the same, [the conflict, the Tholians & Sulibon, everything.] :bow:


    So if we are to follow your idea of how time works, when the future people take back their things in the past, Archer should not have met the Tholians or the Sulibons, because the history would be altered so the encounter never happened. :)


    Instead, they all are left what they were doing all the way until the tractoring the future ship by the Tholians. :)


    Do you understand what i mean?


    If we are to follow your theory/idea, then they should have ended the show with, them passing that space without finding anything & no Tholians or Sulibons came to claim ownership over the unknown vessel.


    So that means it can't be the way you are thinking about how time works. Because its not exactly happening the way you predict. No offense.


    So what do you think now?


    & please don't say its because they are protected by some kind of field, for 1 thing they didn't entered any field, for another thing the only field there is the radiation leakage that makes them repeat things, not protect them in any way from time. Even if it does, the other ships aren't effected by it, so they should have dissapeared but didn't.



  16. I liked the upgraded D at one time, but now I think it looks awful!  And what the hell is the point of a third nacelle? 

    So why did Tom and Janeway evolve into one particular species.  It doesn't add up.

    Actually the reason they changed into the same thing is because they ended up on the same swampy planet, which made them into that thing.


    Paris's transformation in Sickbay has nothing to do with what they become on the planet, its just some random changes due to the infinite locations he has been during warp 10, until they settled on the swamp planet, then their final form has been taken place.


    As for the 3rd nacelle thing, ya i agree its ridiculus for the ship. :blink:

  17. I agree with you on Aquisition, but i disagree on Regeneration.


    From what i see, the Regeneration episode has to happen. This is something i wrote before about the Borg. :force:


    "The Borg encounter".

    With continuously watching every Borg episodes & First Contact. [the Borg are my favorite race]


    Let me start With


    "First Contact"

    Ok, 1st of all. In the TNG episode "Q Who?" [2365] Q mentioned that humans are growing faster then they should. In other words the First Contact made by Cochrane isn't suppose to happen [maybe he got blown up due to a malfunction on his ship/or it just didn't work & he return home empty handed]

    Ok, so the Queen made an expedition to earth's past & failed. The Sphere remnants crashed on earth.


    Over 90 years later [2152] after Cochrane gave a speech on the future about bionic zombies. Archer's time. They found the remains of the sphere. There they found 2 Drones or was it 3. & a Transwarp Coil. The discovery of the coil explains why Scotty was with a test on Transwarp [2285], but since they don't have the coil itself they have no full knowledge on it just speculations on something to advance for them. & with the assimilations of the science group which consist of humans at that time, 200 years before the Hensens were assimilated, humans have the designation of Species 5618. Ok then the Borg drones manage to send a subspace message to the Delta Quadrant which speculated would reach approximately 200 years later.


    After 200 years, the info on the cyborgs went thin [they [starfleet] forgot about them, thanks to the Klingon wars & other things they have to bother with] & since the Borg took the coil & other relevant tech. with them on that transport ship & got destroyed by the NX-01 the Feds have nothing much to research on. In [2293] the Enterprise-B rescued a crew of Guinan's people who told them the Borg destroyed their world. "That's all they told them their name"


    So comes to TNG Picards time. 14 years before Picard met "his" 1st Borg Cube. The Hensens 'Exobiologist' heard about the strange cyborgs in Archer's log mentioned. Out of curiosity they ask Starfleet to give them a ship & permission to search out for this anonymous race. Since the Borg never mentioned their name to Archer, the only way the Hensens knew their name is through gossips or maybe they asked 1 of Guinan's people to tell them about these Cyborgs & found their name "The Borg" They took of in their journey, met their 1st Cube & disappeared.


    Ok now or much earlier, the Borg received the message sent by the Drones at Archer's time, they analyzed the message & designate us as Species 5618 for the time of assimilation of the human scientists. The Queen may be intrigued by what are her Drones doing in the Alpha Quadrant at that time without her knowledge & send a Cube to search out this human mystery like the Hensens did about the Borg. The Borg make their first attack on the Federation, destroying several outposts near the Romulan border. The Romulans re-establish diplomatic ties with the Federation at year 2364 before Picard's first Encounter. The Borg surely to realized that humans aren't that advance after assimilating the outposts & planned to ignore them & turn back.


    Then later in 2365 Picard, with a provoked conversation with Q & when Q flung the Enterprise-D to 7000 light-year distance to a area where a Cube is nearby, This most definitely draw the Borg's attention, "a vessel appear out of nowhere without any warp trail they expect humans to use." Picard met them, "talked to them", research as much as possible, ran away, "beg" Q to return them back & disappeared from the Borgs sensors. If this doesn't bring interest to the Borg, nothing will. "How did a ship disappeared 7000 light-years away in a blink of an eye", even transwarp can't do that. Of course the Queen did not know that Q did it for them. Nonetheless, she thinks this is a worthy race to assimilate & taking Picard as an equal since he's in charge of a ship that escapes the Borg. [reason for an equal is because, since they are going to assimilate earth they need another Queen like being there 70,000 light years away to control the Borg at the Alpha Quadrant.


    PS: Guinan herself mentioned she wasn't there personally when her world was attacked By Borg.


    As time goes by, at 2367 after the incident at Wolf 359 [graveyard in space 80 Federation ships are destroyed by a single Cube led by Locutus]- "First Contact" [year 2373] came. The Queen went to Earth for assimilation of humanity.


    Then the Queen planned on the time travel idea, unknowingly that it will bring to her demise. [because the Drones did not tell fully of the "First Contact" incident.] "A full circle is complete." Time paradoxes "Temporal Loop" [like Data's Head]

  18. But it does effect his memories, because according to you that future no longer exist, so without it, how's Picard going to see it at all.


    Q did not made that up, that future Picard saw was actually real, so it has to be there, for him to experiance it at all.


    I just saw "Shockwave part 2" & this helps my theory. :force:


    When Daniel brought Archer to the 30th century, things altered the future that humans had never made Federation. But Daniels is still there, as he said that all temporal tech. is gone so nothing is holding him outside of time. :eek:


    Meaning he is existing not part of that universe. Its like that he's own is still there to support his existance. ;)


    in other words, the other reality/timeline is not non-existant. It is still there. Its just that they are in this reality's future where Archer has disapeared & the Federation never came to existance. :huh:



  19. You don't know? nevermind.


    Vision as in a view of the future. What he saw in "All Good Things" is the future that will come to past if he hadn't made some changes in the present. :force:


    That's the vision I'm talking about, he's experiance of the future that Q showed him. :eek:


    If Picard hadn't seen that, he would not know what is to come, & that's what mostlikely will happen. But after seeing it & telling the others about it, he had already started to make some changes which lead to the other shows. :huh:



  20. timeline & water streams are 2 totally different situations.


    & what i mean by obliterate, is you saying the old line does not exist anymore.


    So without the old line, how is Picard going to see that line to make his choice to keep the crew together. ;)


    Because if things are altered & the old is gone, then theres no vision for Picard at 2370. No vision means no changes, no changes means crew separated earlier, Feds war with Klingons, Roms practically extinct, a terrible future. :force:


    & all this is by result on your own metaphor, as that the old line do not exist because of his choice to change, but since it no longer exist, then he's choice would change back again to the old line. :eek:


    This is all following to your idea, which does not fit. Because they can't complete the loop by itself.


    :huh: :P