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Posts posted by TransporterMalfunction

  1. That is a very bold statement as you say,




    however I think the fact that people are motivated to campaign by setting up websites, forums and go out on the street, show that people do like Enterprise.


    Certain people do like ENT, but they are a relatively small group.


    Funny then how the anti-Enterprise have smaller websites/messageboards and are unable to hold any events.


    Other shows such as Doctor Who have in the past suffered from this sort of "fan" and eventually the entire franchise time-bombed for 16 years.


    I don't care about Doctor Who. Never watched it, never wanted to watch it.




    The reason that franchise has had trouble could be the crap special effects, cheapo budget and weaknesses within the Beeb itself.


    Well isn't it hypocritical to comment on something you haven't watched? I hope you formulate your views on other subjects with more care.


    Moving on, the fan situation is very similar between Doctor Who 16 years ago and Star Trek now. There was a minority of people who actively campaigned against the show yet called themselves "fans". They disliked certain aspects of the later years and this lack of support led to the entire show being cancelled for 16 years rather than a change of Doctor (which is akin to when a Star Trek series ends and a news one begins).


    Personally if I didn't like the show I wouldn't spend my time campaigning against it, because it is selfish and shows no consideration for those people that do like the show.


    Anyway I'm going to say that this discussion is over so that we can get back to the original topic.

  2. 4) They think that the sets should be less futuristic looking than TOS.  Yes, we should definitely make a retro 1860s bridge.  NOT.  Come on people!  The stuff we have now is more futuristic looking than TOS stuff.  I feel like the Enterprise provides a nice segway between the technology of today and the technology of TOS.  Or we could have the characters use 8-track tapes and do their hair in beehives.




    I completely agree with this. I have often heard claims that Star Trek fans are on the average brighter than the general public. (I think Star Trek fans are like everybody else..but I have heard this..).


    Why is it such a struggle for folks to accept a prequel where the technolgy looks like things we have today, which look better than what Kirk had on his Enterprise? Why is this such an intellectual stretch?



    I agree with you mj. For me these are just minor issues that were necessary for the show to be made on a practical level.

  3. It certainly is, but I'm going to be bold and say the affection people have for TOS will not be replicated with ENT. I don't think people care as much about ENT as they do about TOS.


    That is a very bold statement as you say, however I think the fact that people are motivated to campaign by setting up websites, forums and go out on the street, show that people do like Enterprise. It is only a minority of spoilt brats within the fan base who actively hate Enterprise and have no concern about the rest of fandom or the franchise, and by that I don't mean those people who dislike the show (I have not been the most keen on every version of the franchise) but those people who actually go so far as to bitterly campaign against it. Other shows such as Doctor Who have in the past suffered from this sort of "fan" and eventually the entire franchise time-bombed for 16 years.


    They are under a delusion that they are fighting for a cause as popular and worthy as the one the Trimble's carried out. The rallies attracted laughable numbers and some of the views expressed on the Brazaelian sites border on insanity. Their campaign to fund a new season was doomed from the start. Their conspiracy theories are very funny. Their conduct towards those with opposing views is hilarious and very sad at the same time.


    So you think Star Trek fans are sad and laughable? Isn't that a bit of an overgeneralization? A very interesting comment from a self proclaimed Star Trek fan himself. :biggrin:

  4. What, you mean like the original series? Star Trek was cancelled after season three and created a successful film franchise!  


    No, because the original series had some tremendous characters.


    Archer, Trip and T'Porn hardly match up to the brilliance of Kirk, Bones and Spock.


    Not to mention the supporting cast of TOS. All wonderful.


    Besides, TOS was cancelled because it was unlike anything ever seen before, the audience for something like that was just emerging and NBC didn't know what the heck to do with the show. But over the years without Trek, people discovered it and realised how great it was. IMO, ENT was cancelled because it was terrible. I don't see it building up a great fanbase through re-runs in the years following IT'S cancellation.


    If people didn't want to watch these dismal characters on TV, then I doubt they'll go see them on the big screen where more of Paramount's millions will be flushed down the tube. But hey, that'll be the "hat-trick" of bombs. INS, NEM and then STXI.


    :biggrin: :lol:



    ENT was cancelled because it was terrible


    Ah, but it is all down to perception. We all know that you hate Enterprise and that is your prerogative, however every one of the points you make saying how different Enterprise is from the situation faced by TOS is based on your view and can be open to other interpretation. The majority of Star Trek fans on the streets would appear to disagree with you. :hug:


    I think there are more similarities, especially with all the Star Trek fans campaigning to get it back on the air in a similar fashion to that done in the 60's.

  5. A big budget movie based on a show that flopped hardly makes me optimistic for the health of the franchise.





    What, you mean like the original series? Star Trek was cancelled after season three and created a successful film franchise! :lol: :hug:

  6. Is there anyone of the same opinion as me regarding Enterprise?


    I have been a Trek fan since before TNG aired and have always loved the classic episodes as my favourites. During the 90's I really got into TNG and enjoyed this show very much, a classic in its own right.


    By the time DS9 and Voyager came out I began to lose interest and my interest in the franchise waned. I still must have seen all the episodes of these two shows over the years but I was never excited enough to book a place in the day to sit down and watch television of that single purpose.


    Then came Enterprise. For the first time since TNG I was really hooked and could not wait for the next episode to come out. The stories seemed much more exciting by characterisation being more subtle and level of action upped similar to that in the original series. We also saw some of the more extreme aliens from the first series and this again added to the level of interest.

  7. Well, they've been in love for a long time. Charles had to marry Diana because he needed a strong healthy young woman to bear an heir and a spare which she did. That was her whole purpose in getting married to Charles and she knew this fully well. He was never in love with Diana. Once he did his job and fathered the heirs, he could marry for love. A lot of people don't like Camilla simply because she's ugly, but it's a bit of a shallow reason not to like someone. Besides, she's not going to be Queen anyway.



    I think you are slightly mistaken in your views. The reason that Camilla is held by so many people as unacceptable is because the Prince of Wales' marriage to her would be in breach of constitutional practice. Every married King previously has had a Queen and one of the former requirements is that she has not been divorced. A divorce causes lots of problems as Prince Charles will one day ascend to the throne and part of his duty will be to uphold and be head of the Church of England, and in a wider sense, Christianity. Now while the fact that her former husband is still alive and that they divorced does not bother me, it does bother a percentage of the country and a larger percentage within the C of E. A further role of the monarch is to create a greater unity of the people, and his marriage will clearly kick off a few debates and fuel the republicanists who wish to disguard the great British history and traditions we continue to have.


    Don't get me wrong, I can be happy for him on a human rights level, however there may be serious repercussions for the monarchy and his future position.

  8. Enterprise is easily the closest Trek to the original series in style, and that is why it is great. This show makes all those strange new world look vibrant and exciting, and the characterisation is not applied with a trowel.


    The show is more action but is not the all out war that DS9 became and to a degree limited it. Enterprise can have a different story each week and has done well to bring back some of the key concepts used in the 60s show.


    We want Enterprise back because it is Star Trek.

  9. I have an excellent long-term plan to get Star Trek back on track but it's too extensive in size to post here and cutting it down as a summary wouldn't be doing it justice. Anyway, I want to see what Paramount can come up with first.


    But if I (a humble fan) can come up with a reasoned plan for Trek's future, I'm sure the powers at Paramount can do the same, and besides, they get paid to do that.


    :)  :look:  :laugh: 



    I would be most interested to hear your plan The King. I don't see where Star Trek can go from here and would be interested to hear your thoughts.

  10. I am also making the plea to anyone that is not a fan of the show to please sign the petition as well, but please do not add any comments that would discount the purpose of the petition.  I am basically asking for a cease fire of sorts, I understand that there are members that do not like the show and are content if not happy about its cancelation, but I am asking for your help to try to at least make an attempt to save the show for those of us that do.


    Below is a link to the petition.




    I would also like to support Dill's plea to those who were not a fan of this incarnation. I, like many others, loved the show and while I am happy to accept that you may not have liked it as much as I, I appeal to you to please support the show for the rest of us.

  11. Anyone who believes that the cancelling of the show is good for the franchise is living in a bit of a dream world I'm afraid. Now that one of the more modern shows has been cancelled a precedent has been set. Furthermore, the entire franchise has been weakened by this move.


    No, it's not a dream world. Not at all. The entire franchise has been weakened by dismal leadership from Paramount and the actions of Rick Berman. One of the franchise's weaknesses has been cancelled, now it's time for Berman to go too.


    Are you suggesting that the cancelling of a Star Trek show does not have a negative effect on the franchise? <_<


    But a football team is something that will continue if it loses one player, because there are many others. Comparing Star Trek to a football team is a rather unimaginative analogy and incorrect in its juxtaposition, as the two are completely different situations that have little correlation. Lets try to keep this in context.


    No, it's a correct analogy, because there are many better premises for a Trek show (the other players?), and you don't have to rely on keeping the weak player on the pitch to bring down the team. ENT is that weak player and thankfully, it's been cut. Now, Paramount can develop some new "players".


    Ah, but those premises are just that...premises. They have no physical substance until they are made. While a football player can be standing there right in front of you a premise is not.


    More the actions of a basher than a Star Trek fan. I'm sure that such people who would wish to go to such a site already know the address.


    The same thing can be said for the various Pro-ENT sites you posted which could be called "gushers". Whatever those pro-ENT campaigns do will fail. The series failed because it was of low quality and the ratings were poor. I don't see a scenario where many thousands of people will come to it's aid. There are people who think that ENT harms the franchise, so the opposing site should be added to the portal as a link. In the interest of fairness.


    Well I am not familiar with the term "gusher" does that mean "fan"?

  12. It's one way of looking at it.


    Personally, I admire Star Trek fans who would accept that a show which is harming the franchise must be cancelled for the good of the franchise.



    Anyone who believes that the cancelling of the show is good for the franchise is living in a bit of a dream world I'm afraid. Now that one of the more modern shows has been cancelled a precedent has been set. Furthermore, the entire franchise has been weakened by this move.


    Let's just say you support a football team and one of the players is obviously not up to the job. You can either keep him in the team for season after season and the team will suffer, or you can cut him.



    But a football team is something that will continue if it loses one player, because there are many others. Comparing Star Trek to a football team is a rather unimaginative analogy and incorrect in its juxtaposition, as the two are completely different situations that have little correlation. Lets try to keep this in context.


    I'm not one of these people who will love anything as long as it's called Star Trek.



    Neither am I. I thought DS9 and Voyager were both poor by comparison and lost interest in both series after giving them a fair chance. With reruns I have seen almost all the episodes from both of these and while I don't consider both of them to be particularly strong in my opinion, I would never have been happy (of all things) to have seen them cancelled.


    If you are going to put the "SaveEnterprise" campaign's battle plans on the portal page, then you should also place the link to "KillEnterprise" on that same portal too for balance and to be fair.


    It's a smaller site, but both sides should be represented:


    Kill Enterprise



    More the actions of a basher than a Star Trek fan. I'm sure that such people who would wish to go to such a site already know the address.

  13. Sorry guys but I have a hard time believing that those people who think Enterprise's cancellation is great are any sort of Star Trek fan. I disliked certain aspects of some of the more recent incarnations, so while I can respect people’s opinions on the different shows, I would never applaud their cancellation no matter what I thought of them, because it was Star Trek and I also considered the effect that such circumstances would have on the entire franchise.


    Either these people have no perception for the overall picture or quite simply don’t care about Star Trek as a whole. I guess I just miss the real fans of many years ago who actually stood up for their show.

  14. I hate that this happened but I expected it. The vast improvements made this season were too little too late after all.  Concentrating on show content should have been the first priority and should not have occured after the show was under the gun.  I do think one of the reasons of the cancellation was UPN. Another is a shift in society's tastes (not for the better imo).



    Agreed. I think some people now-a-days want their sci-fi to be more like a soap than a science fiction show.

  15. I'm a little tired of hearing how people who don't like Enterprise are people who didn't like TOS ... that is completely wrong...I do not appreciate being lumped into the anti-TOS, johnny-come-lately Trek fan category just because I don't like ENT and did like DS9.


    You may very well not fit into this catorgory and your opinion is no more nor less important if you did, however from the majority of people I have spoken to this issue does seem to be a factor. It may not be the only factor and it may not apply to everyone, but I still seems to be a factor. Trek is so big now and has stretched over so many decades that the fanbase is diverse and many are brought up on different styles of Star Trek.


    We've only been able to sit through one episode of Enterprise


    I absolutely urge you to have a look at a few more episodes of Enterprise as you might be surprised. I'm not a great fan of DS9 or Voyager but I gave them a few seasons before coming to my decision (in fact I must have seen the majority of the episodes now on reruns).

  16. Well, watching ENT, I see very little that is remaniscent of TOS.


    I guess I like the fact that the show is not just one large computer game that it became in the last few series with action only there to bolster weak plots, and after all, while Star Trek was always about action and conflict to some degree, it was never about all out war as shown in DS9 and to some degree in Voyager.


    I also like the fact that Enterprise has several major plots. In DS9 and Voyager these shows had one major plot that carried the series but sometimes made it less varied.


    Looking for further comparisons, in Enterprise we are seeing the return of some classic aliens that somehow seem to make the universe look more exotic and interesting than the plain "ridge-nosed" type each week.


    In Enterprise we can also see an inner group of main characters emerge as Archer, T'Pol and Trip's unit, while very different, reflect the Kirk, Spock and McCoy triad.


    The technology of the ship is taken less forgranted in Enterprise and this again puts more focus on the plot, stopping the need to constantly create new impregnable devices i.e. the metal shielding from the last episode of Voyager seemed too stretched to me.

  17. I am a fan of The Original Series.


    More I would say, I'm a fan of the original "characters".


    I had high hopes for ENT originally, but I after watching it, I felt it would take Trek to the brink of death, then along came NEM, and I became even more convinced that the franchise is in a precarious state.



    I was brought up on Star Trek at a time when there was no need to say 'TOS' because there was only one Star Trek. For me that has always remained what I consider to be the definative version or formula, which is why I tend to like Enterprise.


    Of the people I have spoken to, those who like TOS the most are big fans of Enterprise and see it as a return to form. Those who dislike it are those people who started watching during the run of DS9, at a time when Trek was focused more on overt character interelationships than other aspects that had come together in the original series.


    I must stress that this is only my personal observation from the people I have spoken to, however I have to agree with those who state that Enterprise has a closer feel to TOS and that is why some of the more modern fanbase are unsure of the show. This may not apply to you but it is an interesting observation that does seem to apply in a few cases.

  18. Since when was DS9 better than Enterprise?


    Since I said it was.


    IMO Deep Space Nine is the best Trek series of them all in terms of quality. ENT is the worst.


    Personally I hope it stays away from the "quality" of DS9.


    If it does, Star Trek is going to be in even deeper trouble than it already is.



    Can I ask, are you a fan of TOS? It seems to me to be a trend that those who dislike Enterprise are perhaps more versed in the more recent television versions.