
Starfleet Command
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Posts posted by TransporterMalfunction

  1. Well, I will set aside my anger and frustration for this upcoming season, but they better deliver something of a very high standard, and I mean "Deep Space Nine" quality.


    B)  B)  B)



    Since when was DS9 better than Enterprise? Enterprise is superior imo because it is closer in feel to the original series. Personally I hope it stays away from the "quality" of DS9.


    As an aside, Manny Coto seems to be doing wonders for the show by taking it closer to its roots.

  2. For me nothing beats TOS, that show is Star Trek and will always be better. TNG did a fine job in following TOS and is a fantastic show in its own right, in many ways they are very different.


    Of the newer Star Trek shows I have been less enthusiastic. I have seen the majority, if not all the episodes from these shows but have not really found either DS9 or VOY to be favourites. DS9 really began to apply more personal and solely character driven plots that many times seemed to forget that the show was set in space within the sci-fi genre, I know many like this aspect but for me personally it began to act more like a soap than a sci-fi show.


    When Voyager came around I was really looking forward to getting back into space with a new crew. At the beginning I enjoyed the stories but after a while it was clear that the potential of the "lost in space" plot was not being explored to its full potential, and later we got lots of action but no thought, two aspects that TOS and TNG balanced out well. Anyway I would still say that I enjoyed this show more than DS9.


    Now we come to Enterprise. This really is a return to form, once again (since the end of TNG) I am looking forward to the next episode which must not be missed. This show is much more like the original series and ironically I think it is this factor that many of the more modern Trekkies, who came to the franchise since DS9, seem to dislike to some degree. Personally I love this show and at the moment it sits just behind TNG in the pecking order but it is getting better all the time and the acting is certainly a step up from previous series.

  3. How do you think the show would have evolved had the cast from The Cage remained for the rest of the show?


    Do you think Star Trek would have been as successful?


    Do you think it would have been as good or better?

  4. Very soon this side of the Atlantic will see a new series of the classic sci-fi show Doctor Who. The show involves a time travelling alien (along with a few Earthly companions) visiting different dangerous situations each week.


    The BBC has gone all out and with a budget of over £1,000,000 per episode we will definately see some top notch special effects the complement the writing of the award winning Russell T Davies.


    Quite clearly the BBC are hoping that this show will find an international market and take on the modern American cult shows of the moment. The question is whether this aim is realistic. How do you think the first serious British attempt at a sci-fi show for the past twenty years will do?

  5. I've been a legal secretary for about 7 years now.


    Some advice for you TM. There are two types of lawyers - ones that recognize the importance and contributions of their secretaries and ones who think they are better than their secretaries because they have initials after their name. A secretary can save your butt more times than you can count if you treat him/her well.



    I'll bare that in mind. I know that most of the secretaries who work for the solicitors I know are very knowledgeable and often save a lot of time.

  6. I was interested to find out what different member's professions were on this site so here we are. What is your profession?


    I am currently a student and soon to be lawyer. I have also worked in the media industry as a reporter.

  7. TNG focused a lot on aliens that looked exactly like us but had extra abilities, mentally; Q, Guinan, Troi; a few did not such as the ferengi and the klingons...and then, of course, there were the borg variations;

    but I tend to start getting bored with seeing everything as bipedal/ humanoid.



    I agree here. I must say I never really noticed this as an issue when TNG came out, but by the time of DS9 and Voyager almost every alien was just a normal human with a different nose or a different hair style...

  8. I finally watched the second episode (and my first viewing) and I must say I was impressed. OK it was very much a fan project with many homages but considering the amount of work and money that must go into the project from private individuals it is good fun and well worth enjoying. High praise to all.


    Two things that struck me:

    1. The chap who plays Spock is actually rather good.

    2. The opening of the episode after the title sequence was a highlight, a long track across the planet and the distinctive classic music worked well, much better than some of the establishing shots on the official productions.


    Btw, can someone please provide me with a link to a place where episode one can be downloaded. Cheers.

  9. here's the definition I have read on several articles about the difference between the two.


    A Trekkie is someone who lives, eats and breathes Trek. They wear their uniforms or costumes to the stores, work and so on. They have a huge collection of Trek things and that's about all they talk about. They greet you will the vulcan salute and refer to Trek things in a non-Trek conversation.


    A Trekker is someone who is a Trek fan, but less fanatical. They love Trek as much as a Trekkie, but they don't let it come in contact with their real lives. They don't wear uniforms outside of a convention, sometimes they don't wear on at a convention. They may have a few collectables, but not hundreds. They talk about something besides Trek in conversation and usually only bring it up when asked about it.


    so with that said, Trekkie would be the nerdier person if you were to call one that. But I think everyone who likes Trek is a nerd, including myself. That's what all non-Trek fans think as well and lately I can't disagree. :waaaa:



    I guess I would come into the second catorgory however I still consider myself a "Trekkie" because (other than the fact I prefer the term as a pre-90's fan) I can have an in-depth discussion about the topic when required and can tell you the majority of the dialogue from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Sometimes I even quote Mr Spock! :waaaa:

  10. I was reading an article about Star Trek when I saw the following:


    By the time Star Trek: The Next Generation was produced, the term "Trekkies" had come to imply a certain nerdy fanaticism among fans and was considered pejorative by some. In response, some fans of the new series decided to call themselves "Trekkers." The terms have become interchangeable.


    This had me considering if the terms are nerdy, or peraps one or the or the is. Personally I'm a Trekkie while "Trekker" seems more nerdy to me personally.


    What are your views?