
The Founders
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Posts posted by cptwright

  1. WOW, its nice to know im not alone. i think we all need STA. STARTREK ANONYMOUS. OR SOMETHING.lol

    but its fun. if my wife only knew what i was doing on here till all hours of the night.lol she'd think im even more nuts than she already does. i dont know how i found her, but she hates anything scifi. especially trek. oh well we cant all be perfect lol. i love her anyway. well i had a long day, and have another one tomorrow, im gonna try to make it a really short night tonight. goodnight people. :D

  2. when i always looked forward to watching it with my grandma was my first clue. but then when i would look at people, and say "how can you not like it, startreks a great show. what are ya stupid" lol. i guess the posters, and 40 dollar ships in my "man room" are a giveaway too. lol my wife thinks im nuts.lol :D

  3. well here it is 3:35 am here in NY. i wanted to go to bed a while ago, but i keep reading, and reading, and reading posts. everytime i say im gonna go after this one, i get an email from a subscription or find something else interesting to read. so how many others out there have a hard time getting off this sight to go to bed? lol. there could be worse things though i guess.

  4. I mean if we saw neanderthol man lauching an aircraft carrier wouldn't we expect them to fail?  I think that this is how the Vulcans see humanity at this point.

    The fact they (Neanderthal) built it in the first place might give me reason to think they were not as primitive as I thought and 2nd, if they launch it and it floats (doesn’t sink) then I might begin to wonder what else about them I had underestimated. :D

    thats very good thinking, and logical. too bad the "logical" vulcans didnt look at it that way.

  5.   you could hear lots of beeping type noises and they said that that was the locators of the firemen under the rumble.

    that beeping was pass alrams we use them to locate any firefighter that went down in a fire. it goes off after there has been no movement for a 30 or 60 second period. so thats why they were all going off.

  6. NX-O1 is the first warp 5 starship. they do have other cargo ships, and so on. but nothing starfleet like.

    ENTERPRISE is also becoming my favorite show, tied right now with DS9 but i also like the fact theres no prime directive or anything yet, that they do things seat of the pants. i hope that they start doing more like that " consequences be damned" their new to space their supposed to make mistakes.

  7. i work at a garage door company, been there 3 years, started working for a friend. did everything i could to work for him, and not take advantage of him, but i think they took advantage of me, i worked my a** off for them. had a seasonal lay off last year, thought i had another one this year, but i just found out its a permanent one. they dont even have the guts to just come out and tell me that. i had to go ask, and got a (I'm trying to say a bad word but can't)foot answer. but im going to NORFOLK VA in june to take the test for firefighter. so hopefully my dream of being a paid firefighter will come about thanks to them laying me off. c'est la vie, things happen for a reason just got to go with the flow. things always work out in the end. :D

  8. well, i am in the fire co here at home, and i was a captain till i stepped down after crushing my hand at work. so thats where the cpt comes from. wrights my last name. mr wright. lol. my aim is ltwright71, i was a leiutenant before captain, and 1971 was when i was born. hey VBG, CHESAPEAKES BEAUTIFUL, but yeah your right VBG sounds better. im in ny now but hopefully within the year i'll be in norfolk. got family there, go there all the time, i love it there. :D:D

  9. i was at therapy, i had crushed my hand at work in the july before. when i got back to work, they were all watching the little tv. they told me about the first plane. i thought accident at first, till the second plane hit. it was amazing i never thought about something on that scope happening here. the rest of the day while we were out working we had the truck radio on listening to everything going on. we were all in disbeleif. the only other days that stick in my head like that are the ones where dear friends, and family have died. i just hope that all americans never forget it. cause it can happen again, if we dont stop the terrorists, and madmen first. long live the memory of all the men and women that died that day, and all the brave people that did their jobs trying to help them. i hope they build a suitable memorial to them all.

  10. hey now, they used to have herums, and multiple wives all over the place, you even see it in the bible as i recall, as long as your married its ok. but now in our time in our "HIGHLY MORAL COUNTRY" ha, its illegal. whos to say that a man and a woman who love eachother enough to share eachothers love with others is illegal. what a joke, if someone wants more than one spouse, and especially if its consentual, what the hells wrong with that. personally i have hard enough time with one wife, could never keep another woman around too. lol eeeeeekkkkksssss. to each their own i say.

  11. i can see the vulcans point too. after all our "young humanitarian ways" arent anything compared to these species that have been around thousands of years before us. who are we to think our ways are better, and to try to push our views on the rest of the universe. what arogance we humans have.

  12. Question: Does anyone else using the the ROMULAN SKIN, have trouble with the "spoilers" feature, that is, when you click on "Click for Spoilers", nothing happens?


    TEST HERE...

    Click for Spoiler:







    upon making this test, I see the code tag for creating the spoiler feature is not even present on this skin (I typed it in :wow: )

    i use the romulan one, i like it. i think the warbirds are cool, and the emblam is really cool too. a klingon one would probabaly be great too.


    yes i dont have spoiler buttons. and that didnt work on your test either. but the romulan one is still cool. :D