
The Founders
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Posts posted by cptwright

  1. first things first, A SOLDIER IN ANY BRANCH OF THE US MILITARY, has a DUTY to question ANY ORDERS that he/she might think are ILLEGAL, or IMPROPER. but they have a duty to follow any orders untill they have been given orders that are unlawful. so if doing what they freely sighned up for is making them borg i guess youve got a lot to learn. in any military i mean ANY, you need order, to run it efficently, and effectively. now on to the media, i think they should all shut the hell up, and if you beleive most of what they say, youve also got a lot to learn, all they want are ratings, havent you noticed if it bleeds it leads. their not interested in anything good, just getting the ratings so they can make more money. i have had a couple of personal dealings with the local media through the fire co. one day a few years ago we had a couple of fires on the same morning, one where we got the call after the fire was through the roof, and windows, where a man lost his life, the other was later that morning where we got the call in time to save the house with very little damage to it. you guess which one got the long story on the news, and which one got the 5 second oh yeah and this happened too. not all reporters are that way, but i would have to say a majority are. as far as WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION go, let me think, oh yeah, didnt we give them over a year to prepare for our coming, even a mad man such as he is can hide anything he wants in that much time. as far as not using them can you think of any better way to make people such as yourself think that hes not so bad and that the big bad usa is just looking for a fight. i dont have a love for our government but their no SADDAM, and nothing in this world is perfect. so think about that for a while, and how old are you anyway. and what country are you from.




  2. Now should we start a guessing game to guess the date of 20,000?  :o

    :bow: i dont know about the other boards. this was my first one. i always checked differnet sights out, but i found a link to this one a while back, and the rest as they say is history. i have enjoyed a lot of what i read, and being able to voice my opinions, and love for all things trek. you guys have done a great job in making this possible for people around the world to come together in a single place to talk about what they love. I RAISE MY GLASS IN A TOAST TO THE TWO THAT STARTED IT ALL. HERE HERE, AND LIVE LONG AND PROSPER. :laugh: :) :)








    my guess is probably about a month :o


    what do we get for being right.lol

  3. The ST Technical Manual says the reason you can keep walking is the forcefields on the ground create a treadmill effect - exactly countering your forward walking.  Therefore you feel as though you are moving, while in actually your just working out!

    ok, ok, but what about multiple people walking at different paces. one going faster than the other is bound to run into a wall before the other one catches up, wouldnt ya say. :o

  4. I think that is what I said. Q on ENT could be shown watching the proceedings, becoming bored out of his mind, leaving with the parting shot; Oh Pleeeese... Maybe in a couple hundred years

    yeah i guess we all said the same thing you did, maybe with a twist, but it was your idea.

  5. TOS all the way, all had something to offer, II, III,IV, and VI being the best, you cant say that for tng, first contact was the best, and nemesis was good.between tape, and dvd i have all of them but definatley TOS. i gotta get them on DVD now, just so much better than tape. :o :o

  6. so how many of you out there just loved, love, BATTLESTAR GALACTICA. it was another great sci-fi show. i was devistated when it only lasted one season. it was ahead of its time for the 70s. but lets DO, i repeat DO forget galacta 1980, as that was one big brain fart. so what do you all think of this classic show?


    :o :bow::bow::bow::bow::bow: :o :bow::bow::bow::bow: :o :bow::bow:


    or if not this one, what other old, or new sci-fi do you like.

    as far as new one for me, there is no choice


  7. Excalibur....  :o

    DUDE, EXCALIBUR is a classic. great movie. but i would have to say that it depended on the mood, and what i felt like watching. i love so many movies. among them would be LOTR movies MYSTERYMEN. THE LOST BOYS

    what a classic that is too. THE GREAT ESCAPE, STRIPES, THE GUMBALL RALLY, lets not forget BULLIT, THE MUMMIES, ive got over 150 DVDS and growing, i just love movies in general.

  8. Star Trek by far.  Many things in Star Trek are based on real scientific principles and are explained in the shows.  Star Wars is just more "cool-looking" tha real science.

    I concur. Star Trek explain the theories, for the most part, and Star Wars technology was just kind of there with no explanation.

    now i think most of you are missing a valuable difference here. STAR TREK is based on earth science in the future. based upon science fact now. STAR WARS is based on an entirely different civilization never seen by earth humans. thus a big difference, also lucas had a couple of hours in each movie to get his point across. star trek has had numerous episodes, movies, series, TECHNICAL manuals and many books to get the science fact base across. so lets give lucas a break on that subject. as far as episode I and II they were excellent installments in the starwars saga. cant wait for episode III you have to look at them as informative movies on how the things that happened in IV thru VI came about. its great. LONG LIVE STAR TREK AND STAR WARS. B5 is also a great show. STARGATE SG-1 is really great though. i like the concept of all the egyptian technology that we cant figure out today was really alien. i think they have visited us through out the years, and still are. aafter all to assume we are the only intelligent beings in the known universes is absurd, and very egotistical on our parts.

  9. Holodecks would be great. imagine going to the most beautiful places on earth, or in your mind. or even just floating in space, without ever leaving the safety of you home, or other such place. virtual reality is a great thing, but its far far far far off of something on the scale of a holodeck. i dont know that something of that scale would ever be possible. i dont remember the episode name but how about that one where they moved a whole race of people from one planet to another by making them go through the holodeck thinking they were on the same planet. come on now how can you keep walking and walking and walking in a square room without ever hitting the wall. whats the ST tech manual say about that? but nonethe less the whole idea of it is AWSOME the things i could do on it. but one really needs to live a real life too. :o

  10. Time travel to the future would also have to be possible if travel to the past was, because time would have to be understood as a constant; which means that all of time past, present and future exists all at once. :o



    WOW WOW WOW. too many brains in this subject. now to what ive seen in a movie before, and thought of as well. i beleive that if time travel became possible that one could only travel into the past and back where he came from. the thought. the past happened already so you know where, how, and when you can go back. but the future is everchanging. didnt happen yet. so how can you go into the future if it didnt happen yet. even if you wanted to beleive you could, lets say you went 1 year into the future. you seen how it was, what has happened, and so on. then came back to the exact time you left, and one year passed on without you traveling into it. the probability that it would be entirely different than the future you had seen a year ago is very high. because if the furture is always the future, and your always in the present, you cant control everything around you that affects the future. so i really dont see how future travel is possible in theory, but going back to see what has happened, i can. does this make sense to anyone of you EINSTIENS out there. if so or not let me know.

  11. now a being such as a Q isnt really bound by time by our standards. so really if he said humans are finally getting interesting. couldnt that be a culmination of watching and interacting on the lowdown from archers time through picards time. after all whats a couple hundred years to Q. but in hindsight Q was never a thought or a mention in TOS so it really wouldnt work too well in ENT, unless it was like a covert thing where he was just watching or interacting under disguise.

  12. i picked mind control creatures. it would be pretty cool to see what other creatures would have us do if we were under their control. nothing more scary than someone you know doing what you know they wouldnt do. thus shock of the century. and what are the gorns

  13. yes i thought it was a pretty good episode as well. right up with the better episodes.


    an hour after SG-1!  YEA!!! :o


    Anywho, on a scale of 1-10, how was tonight?

    by the way when is Stargate SG-1 on, on saturday nights. is it sci fi or a local channel for you. and to answer your question, i would give it a solid 7. not great, but good.

  14. I always thought she had the world's most annoying voice.  And for a battle seasoned man like O'Brien having a wife that could always seem to tell him what to do just did not seem right.

    You must be single!!! bwahahaha :devil:

    WELL IM NOT SINGLE. me and the wife have a mutual understanding of things around the house, and everything else. her character coulda been a whole lot different.i know how wives can be a pain in the butt. but she was way overboard, and considering the stress of his job, she needed to be a lot more understanding of him, and his need for his GUY relationship with bashir. instead of always giving him a hard time. i loved it when she went to bajor.


    i love asian women too but who is LINDA PARKS. i like tia carrera shes a little hotty too, or lucy leui

  15. gotta go with GARAK :o he was intriguing cloaked in unsuredness of who he was. didnt know if he was good or bad. or waiting for his moment to be bad. his relation with bashir was great they kept you watching.Dukat was ok but Garak was the best. cant remember who damar was.









  16. ok first off why are we even having a converstion like this to begin with. sexual orientaton on a family show shouldnt be a big deal. as far as homosexuality and sex outside of marriage, think about it. going to the religious side heteralsexual relations are what is condoned, outside of marriage isnt, but to some its just a peice of paper. if they feel the love, and relationship they can overlook the peice of paper. on the flipside homosexuality is "an abomination". therefore people in general are going to have a much harder time with that, than sex outside of marriage. in my oppinion, as much as i LOVE T'POL any kind of sexual undertones in a show that is supposed to be family oriented should be very discreet, and be respectful to the majority, or it will lose its viewers. i myself am a heteralsexual, and have been with my wife for 15 years. but i still LOVE to look, afterall im not dead. i like to think i am an open minded person about sexual orientaion, and other things, but at the same time you gotta admit as "enlightened" as most people think they are, there is still going to be some reservations or back thoughts on subjects they find different than their own views. right or wrong thats just the way it is. so in retrospect i think that they should leave the whole sexual oreientaion thing the way it is. after all how do we know what the writers have in mind. some of you think that he may be gay, others think no way. so why should they come right out and say one way or the other, in turn upseting one or the other of you. well thats my thoughts on the subject what do you think.