Red Shirt Volunteer

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Posts posted by Red Shirt Volunteer

  1. Hey, if you know the promos are deceiving, how can you be deceived by them so much? Just look at it and say, oh, so that's what's going to create some tension in the show next week or supply the B-plot. Nobody's going to stop watching a show they like just because of promos - obviously there's something else to your father giving up on Enterprise.

  2. I have a rather old one, the palm m100. It's really cool, it was actually a gift and now you can get them for probably like $40 on ebay or less. You would probably want a newer one though... mine's cool because I just use it for notes, poems (because I can password-lock it from my siblings), and a few games like tetris, solitaire, and my RPG Kyle's Quest. It's great for long plane rides...


    Hope this helps you any... btw I think it stores 2000k of memory.

    Hi t'mir


    I've never actually seen one in action, except as a bilingual dictionary, and a pen had to be used to type in words, which took a long time. I have a cell phone that can probably do a lot of the same stuff, but I'd like a little more freedom with the number of characters and stuff I can use; also, using the phone keypad to input data can be more than a little irritating. It sounds like your pretty happy with it, but do you ever get frustrated using the thing?


    I'll probably get one anyway just to see what they're like. I guess I better go and ask for a demo of their functions to really find out.




    Red Shirt Volunteer

  3. Oh, what the heck, since we're all bonding...


    In my profile, there's a pic of me with the Ganges River in the background. I don't really look like this anymore as it was a couple of years back and my hair's quite longish now. I'd shaved it for my trip through India (in the summer) and was suffering from a bit of a stomach problem, if you know what I mean, at the time, hence the happy look on my face.


    That's from the roof of the hotel, which had no window (except for a 20cm by 20cm hole in the wall), no toilet (had to dump water into the hole to flush) or the usually accompanying paper (which is normal in some hotels in India), no air-con... umm, you name it, it didn't have it. On the other hand, it did have a cool manager who broke out some of the local whisky one night, on the house, and a snake charmer across the street from a balcony. It was also a bonus to be staying a few hundred metres from the legendary river. I only managed to see one dead body floating in it during a rowboat-crossing, but was lucky enough to see another getting prepared for its final voyage afterwards.


    Click here if you're too lazy to move your mouse up and to the left...

  4. I think emoticons are evil.

    :devil: BWA HA HA HA HA HA

    See, now you're laughing like an evil genius...



    Little ol' me? Evil? Hypocrit.gif


    I forgot my very favorite!! :force: <----my Riker smilie

    A twisted smile, charming. I suppose there's no retrieving you from the dark side now.


    My favourite is:




    because it seems so condescending.


    My least favourite is:




    because it seems so condescending.

  5. Hi All,


    I'm thinking about getting a PDA. Does anyone have one or have experience with them? I have a few questions if you do:


    1. How much of a pain is it to input data?

    2. How long do the batteries last?

    3. Which company has the best reputation? I can tell you right now that due to a number of bad experiences with their stuff, there is absolutely no chance I will buy any Sony product. I consider Toshiba and Sharp to be much more reliable names, though I'm open to other suggestions.

    4. How long do batteries last?

    5. Is there anything I need to know about that I probably wouldn't expect based on experience with a PC?


    Just to help anyone who's in the know, I'll be using it as a scheduler mostly, just so that I don't forget stuff I need to do, and to record important information instead of scribbling it into a notebook.




    Red Shirt Volunteer

  6. I love phlox, he is so well potrayed that he is cool!


    John Billigsley is soo cool as an actor too! I love his work on Stargate SG-1 and Angel. his performances are cool!

    Let me just see if I understand you correctly. You think Phlox is cool, right?

  7. I think Billingsley is the best actor on the show and brings a lot of dimensions and complexity to a character that gets very little time on screen. The character has the best sense of humour and likes to make light of serious situations, which helps give a lot more to the show than the brooding characters we sometimes have to put up with.

  8. I've been asked to perform the role of best man at an old friend's wedding this summer. I've never done it before and it's been ages since I've been to a wedding. Has anyone ever performed the role or do you know what it entails? I realize I could look all of this up on the Net somewhere, but it'd be nice to hear about some real experiences. Thanks for any advice you can offer.

  9. Hey t'mir,


    Thanks. I crafted that stylish avatar myself. Unfortunately the red tip on the end of the cigarette doesn't really show up. Originally I used it to make a T-shirt after getting irritated at all the goofy, cutesy T-Shirts I see around me.


    And, yeah, Scully was cool. You're not the only one who was let down by "Lone Gunman." It had it's moments but was too silly to maintain the base of fans that X-Files had. Even X-Files had its funny moments, but that was always a bonus and not central to the story. "Lone Gunman" never had much else going for it. I'm almost happier just to let Mulder and Scully rest in peace than drag it out too long.


    And LOTB, don't worry... I don't have a picture of you - just in the back of my head, know what I mean?

  10. I've had the same avatar the whole time and wouldn't dream of changing it. What is the point? In fact, I don't know why I even bothered with this one except that it's easier for people to identify my messages and then skip them.


    As for LordOfTheBorg's avatar, at first I thought it might be a picture of you, but I'm sure it's not because I have this image of you as a teenager that I just can't shake so I'll just guess that it's from some cheezy sci-fi movie. It kind of looks like Michael Biehn, but I don't think it's him.

  11. I think eventually one will, but probably not before lunch.



    So I guess I better make something to eat and hang up my clothes to dry, just in case it never comes, huh?

  12. The phase pistols are fine.....who said they couldnt have phasers? The pistols actually look simplier than TOS.

    In "A matter of time" Worf said phasers didn't exist until the 23rd century. Also, in "The Cage" (about 100 years after ent) they use laser weapons so phasers obviously werent in common use yet.

    Seriously, so what if somebody said this, that or the other thing. How do we know they knew what they were talking about? They could've made a mistake, just like any one of us. Trek scripts are not holy.

  13. Yes, it is quite boring. But I've always assumed they were just denying their feelings to maintain an air of superiority over what they once were (out of control emotionally). They see that aspect of their own history in humans, perhaps moreso in Andorians, which influences their relations with those, and all, species. It'd sure be nice if they'd let loose now and then.

  14. Hi TUH,


    I was just being facetious about curiosity. I do think it's important, but that there are other more important factors in determining intelligence. Curiosity alone doesn't do it.


    And yes, Trip is smart, but he gets too excited at times, which is sure to rub a lot of people the wrong way sooner or later. He's certainly had his moments and is maturing as a leader, but at the moment I don't see it.


    A lot of T'Pol's reactions, to me anyway, are a result of her trying to counter the initial overenthusiasm of the humans (not so much in the 3rd season as the earlier ones) and offer another point of view. If she were too open to their ideas, it might dilute what she has to say too much.