Red Shirt Volunteer

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Posts posted by Red Shirt Volunteer

  1. I have a cordless Logitech, though an older model, and I'll never go back to USB or anything with wires coming out of it. Having no cord reduces so much clutter on my desk it's silly and prevents me from knocking drinks over. The only probem is that they stink for gaming because once the batteries start to fade a little they get very jumpy and "stick" in games even though they seem to work fine in other applications. It's not a big deal though and the extra cost of keeping batteries with a good charge compared to keeping ones that are winding down won't run over $10-20 a year.


    I think, but haven't tried this, that you can also get a USB extension for the receiver and control your keyboard/mouse at a distance from the comp., which is kind of nice if you want to sit on the sofa and listen to music. I had this idea of hooking my CPU up to my TV to get a huge screen for gaming, but couldn't work out how to send the visual to my TV and gave up. I don't bother with games anymore so I've given up. Anyone ever pulled this off?

  2. Hard to say, I guess closet. My friends kind of know and so do my family and a girlfriend bought me a TNG style uniform, but not to wear outside. It also didn't have pants - just the top. Hmmm, maybe this post should end here. But, I'll continue anyway. My uniform top is well in the back of my closet along with DVDs I wish I hadn't bought and a phone that's not plugged in. I'm not embarrassed about Trek or anything, there are just other more interesting things to talk about when I meet people. I don't go out of my way to hide it, but it doesn't define who I am.

  3. Hey Redshirt



    Ok..I just want to metion i do go out and exersise..i also take art lessons..But thats beside the point.Just let them complain...

    Oh, I'm not really bothered. I just want to put in perspective what a commercial is worth: (try to imagine a smiley here that looks like a lump of something you'd rather not see).


    Anyway, good on you for having a life.

  4. ^^ Yes, something like that. Or, maybe somehow a Romulan from another era, say around the TNG time, managed to jump ahead in time and decided to try to stop the Federation before it got started. It kind of makes sense given the Suliban cloaking technology (could've been a present from the Romulans).


    Or Daniels might not be telling the truth.


    Or, it could be something else entirely.

  5. I think Future Guy represents Romulans from the near future who are using the Suliban as well as manipulating Humans and Xindi in order to gain an upper hand in the coming conflict with Earth.

    That's a good idea, except that the Suliban "future guy" is from the 26th century. :ph34r:

    How can we be sure about anything concerning him, or even if it's a male?

    Well, assuming Mr. Daniels is a good guy, he said that "future guy" is from 400 or 500 years ago, placing him in the 26th or 27th century.

    Yeah, but couldn't it be Romulans from that era, or some faction?

  6. I think Future Guy represents Romulans from the near future who are using the Suliban as well as manipulating Humans and Xindi in order to gain an upper hand in the coming conflict with Earth.

    That's a good idea, except that the Suliban "future guy" is from the 26th century. :laugh:

    How can we be sure about anything concerning him, or even if it's a male?

  7. The newer, horizontally oriented models have the shape of a small rectangular laptop computer and a larger keyboard than the vertical ones, but the keyboard is still ultra-small. Is it even feasible to type using one of these things or is it better just to use the stylus?


    I saw some today and started rethinking my earlier comment on Sony, which is still a company I don't trust, because they have decent camera built in to even some cheaper models. Then again, it's a Sony, which means it'll probably break within a year.


    Oh yeah, this is somewhat amusing. I went into a shop today to look at some PDAs. I live in Japan so all the instructions and on-screen stuff's in Japanese. I can generally understand it but still make mistakes or have to guess at times. I picked up a PDA to see how it worked and started pressing buttons as you do in these situations. While I was goofing around an alarm started screaming through the shop and I jumped up wondering "Just what button did I hit?" I soon realised it was just a fire alarm and settled down until I realised it was a fire alarm, which is usually a good sign that something bad is happening. At this I sauntered over to one of the staff and said "There's no problem, right?" and she said "Ummm, probably not." So I went back and played around a bit more until the noise of the alarm got just a bit too irritating and I decided to continue my research online.

  8. Yes it is a given sort of, but it just makes things sound a little more polite and eases tension, that's all.

    Thanks for the advice. I'll try to keep it mind in the future. Things do get misinterpreted on message boards easily. I wasn't trying to offend anyone - it's just how I really feel about Voyager. I cringe when I watch it, though I do understand it has a certain appeal to other fans and the others likely feel the same way about some of the things I like in Trek.


    Anyway, no Voyager movie, please!!!  The actors aren't very talented and the stories were terrible. 


    Wow, that sucked.  It's not even funny.  I guess that's the problem with Voyager, too.

    really.gif Three little letters RSV, "IMO". It's amazing how they can make even that kind of sarcasm a little less offensive.


    I personally loved Voyager and the talented actors on the show.

    Oh, right, IMO, I forgot. But isn't it a given that it's IMO on a public message board? I actually thought about writing it in the previous message but given the content I thought it was pretty clear I was just expressing a personal distaste for Voyager. Sorry.

  10. Picard, obviously. The writers need to have the person with a distinct individuality win in order to reaffirm western civilization's false belief in the power of the individual to overcome any setback regardless of the odds when the obvious fact is that people are stronger when they work together, but anyway.

  11. Why do I get the feeling of deja vu while reading this?


    Anyway, no Voyager movie, please!!! The actors aren't very talented and the stories were terrible. The only way I'll watch it is if they play the Gilligan's Island theme music at the start, adapting it for the genre...




    "The Ballad of Janeway's Island"


    Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,

    A tale of a fateful trip

    That started from this tropic orb

    Aboard this speedy ship.


    The mate was a tatooed sailing man,

    The skipper brave and sure.

    90 crewmen set sail that day

    For a three hour tour, a three hour tour.


    The space winds started getting rough,

    The tiny ship was tossed,

    If not for the courage of the fearless crew

    Voyager would be lost, Voyager would be lost.


    The ship set ground on the shore of this uncharted foreign Quad

    With Janeway

    Chakotay too,

    The pilot and his wife,

    The engineer

    The holographic doctor and tarty Borg, (sorry, this line doesn't quite work)

    Here in the Delta Quad.


    Wow, that sucked. It's not even funny. I guess that's the problem with Voyager, too.

  12. Ah, soda. I just got off the stuff recently after drinking way too much Coke and Pepsi for years. I stopped buying soda, chocolate and sugar (for my tea) this month and I feel way better. No headaches so far since the change except for a hangover after sharing a bottle of cheap wine followed up by a couple of Maragaritas.

  13. Sitting at work with a two liter of diet coke.  I do usually have the muchies when I am online at home though, and what I end up eating just depends on the mood I am in and what I can find around the house.

    Do you ever find Diet Coke gives you a headache?

  14. He did post a warning, so with that in mind, I'd like to take this time to note how the families of the astronauts killed aboard the Shuttles Challenger and Columbia would respond to that. they'd probably give you a verbal chastising like you wouldn't believe. but, then again, what has NASA done for us, really? Only given us Satelite TV, Cable TV, a really cool roadside assistance system, GPS, a variety of new medicines pioneered in space. Not much, I know.

    ^^ That pretty much says it all, Jim.


    Somebody told one of those "jokes" at work the other week and pretty well everyone just kind of squirmed and cringed.

  15. I pretty well never watch TV with reality TV and variety shows being two of the main reasons why, with the exception of Ent. and the news, the latter of which I don't really consider TV since I could get the same effect by checking the Net or reading the newspaper. There are so many more interesting and/or practical things I can do with own time.


    I'm working on a theory that as the amount of TV someone watches increases, their IQ decreases proportionately.

  16. I have "First Contact" on DVD, but I regret buying it and almost every DVD I have. They're a total waste of money since I almost never end up watching them enough to recoup the costs of a purchase compared to renting. I need to watch a DVD about 10 times to get value out of it. The only ones I've pulled it off on were the five or six I watched entirely in Japanese in order to study and learn the language. Everything else was basically pointless. In fact, now that I think about it, learning how to say "Launch photon torpedoes!" in Japanese was pretty useless, too.