Red Shirt Volunteer

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Posts posted by Red Shirt Volunteer

  1. It's just the super bright ones that grate on me. The navy looks really good, but when it's yellow or red or something... well, have a look at this.


    How irritating is that? ^^


    There's no need to get rid of it, but there is a need to have a reason to use it, isn't there?

  2. Thanks, but the last thing I need is another e-mail address - I, like mjham, also have 3 already; actually, I have 5, but I don't really use 2 of them since they came for free with other services. I'm really not clear on how having an STF e-mail address would change anything or be of any benefit. PMs are sufficient. Having another one just means having to remember another password and more time wasted logging in. I don't want to sound ungrateful, but it is something I would never touch and I just don't see the point of spending time logging into and checking yet another account. I think this site is great the way it is and the other behind the scenes changes mentioned above sound like they'd have more impact (at least from Admin's point of view).

  3. Yeah, maybe they just melted down their futuristic spoons and cups for parts. Sure, titanium isn't hard to find - it's all over the place. In fact, I'm thinking of getting my bike coated in it, just in case I get hit by a submarine or something.

  4. Sounds like some funny business going on here.  Nobody knows how these guys got into office?  Sounds kind of fishy to me.  I want a recount.  We should be able to choose our leaders, right?  I know I didn't vote.  Anyone else in here vote?  I think we need to impeach these guys and start over fresh, maybe in Florida. I hear that's a pretty good place to get what you want in an election. :dude:

    Heh heh. Good one.


    It all goes back to the idea that the Trek Earth is totalitarian in my opinion.

  5. The stress of cancellation (if there is any) should save money on the make-up budget by adding more realistic wrinkles (that makes no sense, but somehow I think you'll all understand it). But it doesn't explain T'Pol's double eyebrow (mentioned earlier).


    I think I used too many sets of parentheses in this post.

  6. I crashed into a tree while skydiving and fractured my back - how's that?


    Don't worry, I recovered fully and my back actually ended up being stronger somehow. I used to get intense pains a couple of times a year for a few years, but once I crunched a few vertebrae and later healed, it never happened again. I don't ask why.

  7. I think it's cool. It stops spammers from, umm, spamming. This is going to sound crass, but I'll say it anyway - you have to wonder whether a post that falls within the flood control limits is even worth writing, don't you? If people check their spelling and put down well thought out responses, flood control doesn't even come into play. And why would anyone be so hot to get that many posts on the board anyway?

  8. I'll just throw out an idea about number 2 for a second. I agree that money is a means to an end, but I think the ends get larger as our wallets do and the desires of most people are not satiated by achieving them. Everything we own leads us to want more: If we're satisfied by it, we want more it it; if not, we want something else.


    It is also a measure of self-worth for a lot of people.

  9. I'm listening to a way-overproduced "punk" band right now. I don't want to name names because a friend of mine is related to the guitarist, but man, they suck hard. I love listening to crap like this sometimes - makes me feel so much more competent in what I do.

  10. Well if that one smart man survived, he could keep the progess going.

    Are you going to explain how?


    This is the problem with Trek. They put forward an impossible idea that people want to believe so nobody ever bothers to think twice about the likelihood of it.

  11. I would agree. When there is a clear winner in a war, a new world order will often emerge and advancements (in technology, etc.) during the war are preserved in some way - his isn't to say war is a good thing. With the breakdown of communication that must have resulted after the war described, or at least implied, by what we know of Trek history, it seems unlikely people would've been able to cooperate for a long time. With this in mind, the idea that a few people could put together a warp ship seems little better than absurd. The Wright Brothers pulled off a plane on their own, but it seems rather unlikely that NASA (or any other space agency) could pull off a trip to the moon without a few million people backing it up (through taxes, etc.), let alone an individual or two. As smart as Z. Cochrane is portrayed to be, it's ridiculous to think that one person could do it all on their own: conceive, design, build and pilot the ship.

  12. I would have my own ship and become a pirate. There I could wear an eye-patch and a wooden leg... and declare "Shiver me timbers!" every 3 seconds.

    Aye, cap'n. And I'd be walking around with a cybernetic parrot to help me communicate instead of the universal translator. I think the pirate life might just suit me better. I can see Starfleet having a lot of ridiculous rules about appearance that I just couldn't stick for more than a few months. They all seem so uptight, pulling on uniforms and keeping their hair nice and short - they all look like a bunch of sissy schoolboys (and girls) in the TNG era.

  13. I tear up during sentimental/emotional scenes/music/stories, but I seldom cry about life.  Funerals of family members are the obvious exceptions.  A few subjects will, if I let them, make me cry, but I try to steer conversations away from those subjects - they're not earth-shattering to anyone but me.  I try (the funeral thing aside again), never, never, NEVER to cry in front of ANY other human being. 


    Besides, far from the emotional release others seem to feel, tears very seldom make me feel better.  And I get a two-day pounding headache for my trouble.

    I agree. I don't think it's OK to cry, at least not over just anything. It has to be fairly cataclysmic for me to break down, and even then I'll try not to. It has to be a death, a traumatic end to a relationship, some kind of family problem, losing a job or something along those lines. There's no place for every day crying and it can really bring down the people around you and drain their emotional strength (as well as their patience).


    I find that coping with problems by coming up with a plan about how to overcome them or move on after a failure puts me on the road to feeling better a lot more quickly than moping about for a few days. I also like to get exercise during hard times (maybe go for a run or practice karate) - it's a great way to release energy and do something positive at the same time.


    People also tend not to be very level-headed when they're crying and are prone to making silly statements and bad choices that can be rather trying on the patience of anyone who has to listen to them moaning. Also, I've seen people use tears to manipulate on more than one occasion, so I really take it all with a grain of salt when someone breaks down these days.

  14. the fans wont care surprisingly many fans in vancouver probably liked it and thought it was justified, the game is pretty bad now adays..

    Yeah, I think you may be right about some of the fans. I'd say most fans are not impressed by that level of stupidity, but there are always a vocal few. The media was also playing it up and hyping the game beyond belief - now they've got what they wanted. There's absolutely no excuse for what Bertuzzi did, but...


    The thing about it is that it now looks like he didn't even have a broken neck and that report was made by a doctor who saw it on TV but didn't even examine Moore. The injuries are whiplash and fractured vertebrae and Moore is walking - this is a far cry from a broken neck. So now we have a player with a massive suspension based on an injury (broken neck) that didn't happen. The AVs are not (and were not) saying anything and seem to be milking it to make sure a key player on a key rival is not in the game. Tony Granato refuses to comment on it and clarify the injuries, which is pretty bizarre for a game that has a daily injury report for the media.


    There's also the possibility that his neck was fractured when all the other idiots decided to pile on top of Moore and Bertuzzi, though it seems more likely it happened when he hit the ice after the punch.


    I'm just wondering why Moore didn't turn around and fight Bertuzzi in the first place. Bertuzzi was following him around for a bit before the punch and undoubtedly asking for a scrap, but Moore wouldn't even face him. I just want to reiterate that I'm not making excuses for Bertuzzi, but Moore should've faced the music at that point.

  15. We still don't know what he'll get because it depends on Moore's recovery. The penalty to Bertuzzi to date seems fair, although I don't see why the Canucks were fined as a team. He'll also have to watch his back very carefully when (if) he does come back and will have to spend a lot of time winning back respect from the fans.