Red Shirt Volunteer

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Posts posted by Red Shirt Volunteer

  1. Sounds normal to me. It really also depends on who you're with and whether you try to explain it or not, doesn't it? If they're fans and you try to explain it, they'll get a chuckle out of it. If they have no clue, they'll still get a chuckle out of it, but probably for other reasons. I think I'd probably say the same thing in that situation.

  2. How many meters or yards would that be then?


    I live in a large city and you mentioned it might be good for getting to a subway station a couple of blocks away. Uhhhh, no. How are you gonna get that thing into the subway? Are you going to drag it through the subway between the above ground entrance through the gates then onto the train? No. You sure wouldn't be allowed to ride it around down there, nor could you since there would often be too many people. Do you live near a subway? I noticed elsewhere you said you lived in a small town so I'm guessing no, though you may have lived elsewhere at some time.


    And what kind of physical impairments would prevent walking/cycling and yet enable use of this thing? I think they would be very few indeed.


    As for the pockets, they only holds 10lbs or 12L of cargo, whichever is less. This is smaller than a fairly tiny backpack so it really doesn't carry much, does it?


    As for justifying it - why $5000 needs to be spent on a machine that serves little function does have to be justified I'm afraid.

  3. I think Unicorn Hunter raises a good point here. Star Fleet Medical seems only to appear in order to help the plot move along: they need to win an alien's help fast with a quick fix to a medical problem; they need prosthetics to go on a mission or some kind of new and unheard of inoculation to protect them from something fans would think can't be survived (some kind of energy wave or something); somebody needs help with a long-term problem so that we can see a flashback of how it all started; etc. It doesn't seem consistent. On the other hand, they do help the stories roll along.

  4. What's the difference if I live outside the U.S.? I've lived in 3 countries on 3 different continents so I think I have a decent range of perspectives. You seem more concerned with debating my right to make a post criticizing what looks like a fairly useless piece of machinery than actually addressing the point. Perhaps you could enlighten me with a few scenarios in which this goofy thing would be useful instead of worrying about my posting style as well as considering that I may have written it that way to at least present something for debate instead of some style lacking any necessity for a response. How's this...


    What do you think of the Segway?


    Here are some likely answers:


    It's OK. :clap:


    I'd buy one if I had the money. :dude:


    I don't like it. :lol:


    Thanks for the sermon anyway.

  5. Check out the style. Cool helmets and all.


    Nice lid.


    Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying, man. And yes, if it helps people with ailments that prevent them from walking fine, but how are they gonna stand up on that thing for long distances anyway? I don't think it really could be that practical for someone with a disability. Wouldn't a power-wheelchair be more comfortable? As a means of transportation, this thing is ridiculous...


    And what's with the freakin' helmets? Look at the other pictures of people. Why do you need a helmet when you're going that slowly? Do you need a helmet to walk?

  6. It's awfully easy to pass judgment on people isn't it? Truth is, we all live in a variety of circumstances on locales and what you see as lazy may be quite convenient for some people.


    I highly doubt it. How are you going to put away an 83lb weight and where are most people going to use it? It's too slow for the street and too irritating for the sidewalk since a rider would constantly be coming up behind pedestrians.


    Riding a bike gets you sweaty and you can't wear a dress...that's not too practical for a short distance to work.

  can't wear a dress? No I can't because I don't have any dresses, like most males. But a lot of the women I see on bikes on my way to work do wear dresses, so I'm afraid you're wrong. Besides which, anyone with half a brain brings a change of clothes for work. And it doesn't get you that sweaty if you pace yourself. I live in a very warm, humid place (it's been over 30 degrees every days for weeks and extremely humid) - many people perspire less riding a bicycle due to the movement of air over the body than when they are walking. So you see, it's very practical, faster and legal (which the Segway may well not be in some areas). Do you even have a bicycle? If so, have you ever used it seriously or just a recreational device once in a blue moon. I ride my bicycle to work every day, hot or cold, rain or shine (except for super heavy rain during typhoons, etc.) as long as I'm up on time (I sleep in about once a month or so). Maybe you should consider that there are many types of bicycles out there to suit different needs and different situations.


    Plus some persons with health concerns may not be able to ride a bike. I don't need one now but I have been in places where one could be quite useful.


    Like what health concerns? There are bikes with power assist units now that can help people who may lack the power to push a regular bike along. They take almost no energy to get and keep moving.


    The point was that the Segway is a rip-off for what it does and nothing more than a gadget right now, so it seems like a tool for lazy people with money to burn. The price is way to high and it's too impractical to be useful.

  7. I'm just curious as to why anyone would ever plop down $5000 bucks on a machine that is way slower than a bicycle (max speed 12.5mph), weighs way more (83lbs) and can't be used in all places. Has the world gone mad? Although it's an impressive piece of engineering to make a self-balancing two-wheeled vehicle, how lazy do people have to be to purchase something that will get them where they want to go slower and at a way higher cost than almost any other method. You wouldn't use this thing over a long distance since it's so slow and you wouldn't even be able to hit its top speed in most areas since you'd always be behind other pedestrians who are walking at a normal speed (say 3mph, 4 if they're fast). I think it's really sad that there's a place in society for this kind of thing.

  8. Well, the way I see it, if you have a hib screen TV, a nice set of speakers, and a DVD player, it's just as good as going to the theater.


    It's not even close to the same thing and I'll tell you why. When the last Harry Potter film came out I happened to be in the cinema, watching something else of course. As I left the theatre I saw someone wearing a rather unusual looking trench coat. Upon closer inspection I realised that it was a replica of a Harry Potter coat. When the individual in question turned around I was stunned to see a 40 year-old plus man in full Harry Potter regalia, including a set of eyeglasses modelled on Harry's and a disturbingly similar haircut. The first word that sprung to mind was...


    Click for Spoiler:





    I won't mention what the second and third words were for fear of offending the sensibilities of my fellow posters. You just can't see this kind of stuff at home. If you do, I suggest you reconsider your living arrangements or at the very least finding new cohabitants.

  9. (fredbroca @ Aug 25 2003, 12:50 AM)

    I have to agree that she looked best in her starfleet uniform.  I guess is that the other outfits were the first atempts at a cat suit.


    Commander Stone:

    I agree w/ that completely, but you'll never hear the teeth-gnashing and breast beating over it that you will from Voyager bashers over Seven's various outfits. (And, just for the record, she looked hotter in a regulation Starfleet uniform, also.)




    First version of a catsuit? Uh-huh... Haven't seen one episode of TOS then?

  10. I did some research about the names Akagi and Yamato.


    Yamato: Ancient name of Japan and particularly the province of western Honshu where Japanese civilization began and where the early capitals were located also the clan from which all emperors of Japan are descended, claiming the sun-goddess as ancestor.


    Akagi: A mountain in Japan


    So lets more or less assume that they were named for these things and not the warships. I mean there was a U.S.S. Berlin


    Glad to see someone who actually checks things up before... well, you know...


    I speak Japanese at a decent level. Naming a ship USS Yamato would be like naming a ship USS Smith (a common and classic name) or USS America or something. Akagi is also not an uncommon name. Basically, people will just look for anything to make their political point nowadays, whether it has any basis in fact or not. I highly doubt the so-called "Japanese" person who posted the original was raised in Japan and I have to wonder if they even spoke Japanese because it seems rather ridiculous to get all upset over anything like this.

  11. A better question would be why consoles always explode. They never just melt down due to the heat from the high current, they almost never (I've never seen it anyway) burn and they rarely just shut down. Nope, that would be too realistic. There has to be an exploding console somewhere. I've often wondered why they pack C4 (or whatever) into so many consoles on ships in Trek. :bow:

  12. I always thought that was one of the reasons why the saucer could separate form the rest of the ship, but they did it so infrequently that it doesn't seem to be used to protect non-combat personnel. Also, I really don't think they have enough shuttles to evacuate everyone not necessary to combat (not just family but also scientists and so on - they had a school with a fairly large number of kids, so there must have been teachers too and probably at least one spouse for every 2 children). It's just one of those things that you have to suspend your disbelief for I guess.

  13. Early speculation is that it has less than 1:900 000 chance of hitting us and even this will likely become less probable as it approaches and we get more information about it's trajectory. Maybe I should get into the asteroid insurance gig.


    "Protect your loved ones in the case of a global disaster. Get your asteroid insurance today. Don't be the only one on the block unprotected. Special discounts available for people on the same continent. Prices vary by probability of impact."

  14. The safety that I wonder about isn't for the bridge officers, it's the families on the ship. Sure, they encounter dangers every episode but what about when they're planning on going on a mission that they KNOW is going to be dangerous. (like engaging the Borg or the Romulans). Shouldn't they drop some of the kids off at a starbase or something?


    That's a good point. It's just one of those things that has been ignored for the sake of giving them more plot options with stories. It's absurd that families are allowed on ships like the Ent-E (or whatever incarnation you like). Call it a vessel of exploration/discovery if you like, but the fact is that it's one of the toughest ships in the Federation and often called upon for some of the most dangerous missions, so you really have to wonder at the logic of having families on board.


    It would not likely be possibly to drop everyone off, but you'd think they should at least have transports that could evacuate those people just in case. Maybe they do and it's just one of those things that has never come up.

  15. There is no evidence that the coolent is cold. A coolent doesn't have to be freezing to cool something. It only has to be cooler than the substance that has been heated.


    That's a good point; however, there is some evidence that it was cold, namely the fact that the vapour stayed very near the ground while the air above it remained unaffected. It looked rather like liquid nitrogen, which emits a vapour similar in appearance. Of course, the coolant also likely could also sink down due to chemical properties making it heavier than air.


    There was no evidence that anyone caught in the coolent froze (certainly Data didn't).


    There was no evidence of much of anything afterwards, which means that there was no evidence that they didn't freeze before some corrosive process occurred destroying all living matter (of the Borg).


    And by the way, the Borg invading your ship is a rather serious problem, don't you agree?


    Apparently not, since they can just splash a dab o' coolant on them whenever it's handy, why worry about it? They should keep a coolant chamber in every room, you know, just in case...


    Riker: Deanna, the Borg are coming! Put something on!

    Troi: Oh don't get so excited; now that we've got the new Borg-Buster X15 Coolant Leaker installed, we can just go into the toilet/air-lock while we flush them out. Oh, I made a funny.

    Riker: Right, honey. Installing a BBX15CL was a great idea. All we have to do is detonate the explosive to shatter the glass using the remote next to the, heh heh, captain's chair.

    Troi: Feeling a bit ambitious today, Commander?

    Riker: Old chrome-dome said he was getting his put in next week. Anyway, it came with a pair-set of BBX15CSs, too, for just a few credits more!

    Troi: CSs?

    Riker: Ah, the handy portable version that you can spray in the face of a Borg in case they get some attitude.

    Troi: You've been holding out on me.

    Riker: I wanted to wait until Valentine's Day to surprise you, but I guess we'll have to break them in early.

    Troi: Sounds good to me. Oh, I sense something. They're almost here!

    Riker: Into the can!

  16. I'm still waiting to see some sexual scenes on Enterprise! I saw more sexual themed episodes on Deep Space Nine! People running around in underwear does not make it sexual in my opinion. I think its funny when people talk about all the sex they see on Enterprise and I start to wonder if I'm seeing the same Enterprise they are! Its the one with Archer right? When I see something I find sexual I'll let you know!

    Dio the commercials that run during Enterprise count? I've seen some pretty sexy Victoria Secret Ads during Enterprise!


    I agree for the most part. Although there have been some pointless scenes in the decon chamber, Enterprise hasn't really had much sexual content, and certainly not to the point where it could be described as excessive. Yeah, there have been a couple of misguided episodes like "Precious Cargo" and "Bounty," but there are bound to be a few.


    With regard to Moulin Rouge's ideas, I agree that Archer needs to toughen up, but I think he's started to already and is showing less patience with untrustworthy aliens. The one who really needs to toughen up and clue in is Hoshi. I really hope they do something with her this season or I'm afraid it's going to be too late. I'd hoped "Vanishing Point," the episode where she was trapped in the transporter but through that experience foiled the aliens trying to blow up Enterprise (or so she thought), would have given her more confidence and they would've shown her as a stronger character later, but she almost disappeared from the show after that and didn't play any important parts in any episodes after that (unless I've forgotten one).


    The friendship thing doesn't have to get that strained and it's the engineer's duty to obey his captain, not to argue with him. They could make things tense, but I don't think all-out arguments are the way to go. I thought the way "Cogenitor" was handled built some good tension into their relationship and set some boundaries on where the line was drawn between the captain and engineer vs. friend and friend relationship.


    Fate... What I'd like to see in the Expanse is having them link it back to the Romulans fairly quickly and not turning it into a war with the Xindi. It won't make much sense from a continuity point of view if the Xindi prove to have a major role in the history of the development of the Federation since we've never heard of them. Turn this whole Xindi thing into a plot concocted up by evil future guy, who many believe to be a Romulan anyway, and shift the focus onto their future archenemy. This trip into the Expanse doesn't have to be some big epic just because Archer's expecting it to be so; it just has to move the story forward. Sure, they could give us some interesting side stories in the Expanse that develop the characters, but I think it should be used to tie things back into the history that is expected to unfold.