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Posts posted by GhostofMajorHayes

  1. A good ep. The question that abounds in this ep is "are people capable of change?" I believe that they are, but the moral here is not about change, but rather facing the consequences of committing bad actions. :tribble:

  2. I gave this one a 5!! It was a neat ep. Especially noteworthy is the Vulcan that stayed behind- I wonder what happened to him?


    His love for "I Love Lucy" took him to Hollywood where he was discovered. After acting in a few movies, he was cast as an alien in this new science fiction series that started in 1966. The name of the series eludes me but they described it as a sort of "Wagon Train To The Stars"..........................


    Since Vulcans live a long life, think he got into Australian porn movies in the 1990's. His big hit was called "Alian down under"




    We could do some research and see just how far his acting ability took him.


    I gave this one a 5!! It was a neat ep. Especially noteworthy is the Vulcan that stayed behind- I wonder what happened to him?


    His love for "I Love Lucy" took him to Hollywood where he was discovered. After acting in a few movies, he was cast as an alien in this new science fiction series that started in 1966. The name of the series eludes me but they described it as a sort of "Wagon Train To The Stars"..........................



    Thats a good theory,Kor 37. :laugh:

  3. Lee Kelso was one of my favorites characters from the pilot. He will surely be missed. Didn't he also play the disfigured Captain Pike in "the Menagerie"?


    Thats a good guess, but it was actor Sean Kenney who also portayed Lt. DePaul in a couple of TOS eps such as "A Taste of Armageddon" that played the part of a crippled and maimed Captain Cristopher Pike in the "Menagerie".

  4. A good ep. I found it endearing that Odo,despite his outward toughness was indeed very shy and awkward when it came to expressing his feelings for Kira. Guess there's a little Odo in all of us.

  5. I think Tom Cruise is a great actor. Really.


    I agree! I love Tom Cruse and think he's fantastic, but I'm just not sure about having him in the next Trek movie. The first thing the audience may think is "OMG look! It's Tom Cruise!" insted of seeing Captain Pike. :tribble:


    Back to the topic - IMHO Russell Crowe would be great as a villain, as would Alan Rickman or Vin Diesel.



    Thank you. I also agree about Russell Crowe,Alan Rickman, and Vin Diesel as potential villians. To snag one of these top actors would be a huge success for the franchise as it would bring many fans from many genres into the theaters to see any one of them tackle an entertaining role in the newest trek film.

  6. The Borg were fascinating, but i would like to learn more about them. Is there a particular episode/s that really delve into their origins? Any help would be much appreciated. Of all the species, i never paid them much attn(shame on me), but i still would like to understand them better. :tribble:

  7. I loved all the Cardassian characters! Garak included. IMO, his shining moment came in "In the pale moonlight", when he got rid of a Romulan Senator and a condemned criminal so that Sisko wouldn't have to(very thoughtful),thus helping to enlist the aid of the Romulan Star Empire in the battle against the Dominion. :tribble:

  8. People and especially Star Trek fans in Illinois are familiar with Jeri Ryan. She was Miss Illinois in 1989 and graduated from Northwestern Univ in Evanston. She made real headlines here in regards to the racy legal papers that were released during her former husband's US Senate campaign. Jack Ryan ended up dropping out of the race and was replaced by a weak candidate who was defeated by Barrack Obama for a US Senate seat.


    I am not from Illinois but recall all that.


    The reports of Jeri Ryan going to strip clubs and receive lap dances from other women when Jack Ryan was watching did damager her. The reports of Jeri Ryan having sex with other women in strip clubs and Jack Ryan was watching was not good.

    There were no such reports. The reports were that her husband Jack WANTED her to go to strip clubs and get lap dances. She, however, did not wish to do that and didn't do that.


    So, we can thank Jack Ryan for the fact that we have an extremely inexperienced candidate like Barrack Obama running for President....... :tribble:



    Thank you for clarifying that.

  9. Breaking News: New WWE Tag Team Champions

    Date Added: September 06, 2007

    Story By: Marc Middleton

    - The team of Paul London & Brian Kendrick defeated Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch last night to win the WWE World Tag Team titles in Capetown, South Africa.



    Thats a good thing, i never did care much for Cade/Murdock.