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Posts posted by GhostofMajorHayes

  1. :blush 2:I really don't know much about Trill physiology, but they have the most beautiful women in the ALpha Quadrant. I really can't recall seeing an ugly Trill.I do however, recall seeing how far their markings extend down their bodies though.


    If you want to see how far trill markings extend down just come visit me in the womens locker room.


    And just where would i find this locker room of yours?

  2. What you leave behind does rank up there. It is just that "What you leave behind" is the final so it has to be good. Season endings or the final show does get a great deal of debate. Therefore, it does get the best press.


    But, to pick a show that has a strong view that is within the season it has to be the show we are talking about.



    Whichever ep a fan picks, odds are that the ep is very good. I really think the strength of an ep like "What you leave behind" or "Siege" is that these types of episodes strike at the heart of current events and they take us on a journey that we never forget.


    In my judgment, the current events going on in the world and more to the point the middle east do keep the episodes important like "what you leave behind" and the "Siege". Still, DS9 was of the era of 1993 - 1999 with current events, not of the current events post 9/11.


    In my judgment, post 9/11 current events have hurt the reruns of DS9. And, if DS9 was going to have season 1 in 2007 then in 1993, the show would be scrapped before going into production.


    Off topic, with Enterprise the show was doomed to die with season 2 with the problem with the Xindi. Having earth attacked and attacking Florida, did hit hard on the feelings of the American public. Then spending the whole season sending NX-01 to see if the Xindi would not attack earth and tell the Xindi hey guys you are being told the wrong story trust us with the truth just made the show come to a bad ending.


    The joy of watching star trek is to get away from the current events and still keep it on topic of social change. With DS9 and Enterprise, one not designed to role model current events and the other a key lead in the goal, has made them scapegoats.


    I can understand where your coming from. For me though, I really feel that DS9 eps like "Siege" and "What You leave behind" still resonate today. Sure, they were made before the 9/11 events and you are right that if the show was to begin production today it would indeed face an uphill battle. I think it is fortunate for us fans that we have the benefit of these great eps because the lessons and morals contained within the stories are truly timeless and we will always find some episode that can be tied into our current world.Star Trek has always tackled current and social events in the guise of sci-fi story-telling so as to motivate us to not only think about social change,but to also be a part of social change.

  3. :blush 2:I really don't know much about Trill physiology, but they have the most beautiful women in the ALpha Quadrant. I really can't recall seeing an ugly Trill.I do however, recall seeing how far their markings extend down their bodies though.

  4. That is a good point. I think with Voyager, we as fans were treated to a strong, female lead that really was a great character. Unfortunately, in other series, we weren't treated to that.

  5. What you leave behind does rank up there. It is just that "What you leave behind" is the final so it has to be good. Season endings or the final show does get a great deal of debate. Therefore, it does get the best press.


    But, to pick a show that has a strong view that is within the season it has to be the show we are talking about.



    Whichever ep a fan picks, odds are that the ep is very good. I really think the strength of an ep like "What you leave behind" or "Siege" is that these types of episodes strike at the heart of current events and they take us on a journey that we never forget.

  6. actually tango fleet is down and the link is actually displayed there under the RPg ranks I think...

    - Military: Flag Officer -

    - Comparison shown against Starfleet -


    Insignia Title Comparison Rank

    Fi'ta Gul

    Vi-ria Gul

    Vi'kar Gul

    Ri'en Gul

    Ri'ta Gul




    - Military: Line Officer -

    - Comparison shown against Starfleet -


    Insignia Title Comparison Rank










    - Military: Enlisted Officer -

    - Comparison shown against Starfleet -


    Insignia Title Comparison Rank









    Cool. I ldidn't know that about Cardassian military ranks. Thanks for the info.