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Posts posted by GhostofMajorHayes

  1. I recall him mentioning that he did enroll at starfleet academy. Is it possible that he was demoted to an NCO rank because of some infraction he committed while in starfleet? Perhaps his service record kept him in albeit at an enlisted rank? Its a possibility.

  2. One of the best season finales ever! Just when you thought everything was gonna be normal again, we see an injured Archer on earth being taken care of by Nazis. Thats not all, the guy that seems to be in charge is an alien from a species we have never seen before! Made me look forward to season 4.

  3. A great ep. I am a big fan of TOS's Spectre of the Gun. This ep was awesome and i really liked the whole human and Skegaran divide that existed in the one horse town. It made for good storytelling.

  4. A great ep. The MACOs really shined in this one. Malcolms security contingent obviously not up to the job of rescuing Hoshi take a break and the real warriors aboard the NX-01 rescue Hoshi. Expert team work and selflessness in the face of danger as demonstrated by Hayes' orders that everyone else beam off before he does accentuates Hayes' character and devotion to duty. After being caught in the transporter effect and fatally shot by a Xindi, Hayes and Reed make up while Hayes lay dying in the infirmary.It is clear at this point that both men have a respect for each other,but even near death Hayes is contemplating the success of the mission as he recommends his replacement(Cpl. McKenzie).


    Interesting note on this ep is that McKenzie is not next in line to take command. In fact, Sgt. Kemper who was injured durong the mission to Azati Prime is next, but at this point Hayes was unsure of whether or not Kemper would recover.Later, It is stated by Malcolm in his address to the MACOs that Kemper would in fact make a full recovery.


    Also, actor Stephen Culp (Major Hayes) portrayed another character on Desperate Housewives that was also killed the week that Countdown aired. Geez, will Hollywood ever stop killing this guy off?

  5. A great ep. Hayes beat the crap out of Reed. Reed, despite jumping Hayes from behind(what a wimp) still suffered more serious injuries as a result of his fight with Hayes. Reed should've accepted that he is no match for the much more battle hardened MACO Major after Hayes bested him in the gym. Hayes was humble and even said"nice sparring with you", however an insecure Malcolm couldn't accept the obvious and had to jump our beloved Major in a pathetic attempt to prove himself. I only hope that Malcolm didn't have too much of a problem targeting the torpedoes with that detached retina he suffered at the hands of Major Hayes. :) :)

  6. A great ep. I really thought that this one gets a bad rap. Neat premise and everyone got a part in this ep(except Uhura who did not appear). The only bad part of this ep is a comment regarding starfleets refusal of having women as captains. Otherwise, a fun ep.

  7. A good ep. I thought it was intriguing to see a planet free of disease and death that wanted to kidnap a person so that they could infect the populace with a virulent disease in an effort at population control. Neat and clever premise.

  8. This is the very first ep of star trek i recall seeing as a child. I was hooked ever since. Way cool Tholians make this one worth repeat viewings and the final scene where McCoy and Spock feigned ignorance regarding Kirk's last orders, was priceless. A great ep, one of my top five faves.