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Posts posted by GhostofMajorHayes

  1. A good opening for the DS9 series. In fact, it sets the stage for the first two years of DS9- Sisko is impeccable,Kira is snarling,Bashir is irksome,Odo is inscrutable, and Jadzia is flawless. This really was good trek as it was the first star trek ep to air after the inauguration of then president Clinton. :nono:

  2. A great ep. Sure it was derivative of TOS's "Devil in the Dark", but it had its moments like when the dot-shaped lifeforms refer to humans as "ugly bags of mostly water". A fun ep for sure.

  3. My fave ep from TNG. I loved the story about Picard living the life he never had. It was accentuated by the somber tune he plays on a flute-like instrument that he still had from his experience. A well written and acted ep. In a way, it seemed like Picard was happier on Kataan. I don't blame him if he was. :nono: Picard was great as a family man and he seemed very comfortable living a simple existence with those he loved.

  4. A good ep, featuring Keye Luke from the original Kung Fu tv series and "batgirl" Yvonne Craig as the insane, yet sultry Orion, Marta. Good humor mixed with the shapeshifting that Garth performs in an effort to win a battle of wits and gain access to the Enterprise is worth repeat viewings.

  5. Average. It could've done without the strange voice effects that "afflicted" victims of the Zetar. I did however enjoy the romance story between Scotty and Lt. Romaine. :nono:

  6. I always liked this ep. I rate it as great. I thought Lee Meriweathers performance was perfect. She had the emotionless demeanor of a hologram down so well, it makes me wonder why she wasn't cast in other eps as a Vulcan. It was also neat how her holographic protection program gave her the ability to kill simply by touching a person.

  7. A good ep. Kate Muldaur shines in this ep, as she would years later as Dr. Pulaski during TNG's 2nd season. I liked the sensor dress-prescient tailoring that is imo far cooler than Geordi's visor. Fun ep and the Medusan ambassador's appearance was interesting.

  8. Average trekkin in this intergalactic variation of Shakepeares "Taming of the Shrew". Some cool moments though, like when space brat Elaan stabs the Troyan ambassador. Otherwise, this ep is not my cup of tea earl grey.

  9. A good ep. Kirk is caught in a super acceleated time zone where a Scalosian babe wants to mate with him. Neat idea, if mainly to showcase Kirk's ability to seduce alien women and fun to watch.

  10. I will give the ep the credit it deserves though, it demonstrated the immense loyalty that exists between Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.

  11. I gave it a 2. The entire a ep, a story about a so sensitive she's mute alien girl that must prove her worth to save her planet is boring. The Vians that conduct the experiment are second rate Talosians and this ep was obviously filmed on a black background soundstage in order to save money.

  12. I find a 6-pack of Budweiser is a very effective way to relax........... :)



    Now you see, we are both attaining the same goal, but we are employing different means to get there. :angry:


    .....reminds me, it has been awhile since i had a budweiser. Perhaps i will have a few this weekend. :)

  13. I never heard of The Obsidian Order having a ranking structure similar to the Military. I always assumed that there were more advanced and experienced operatives and of course a person in charge, but barring the notion of having fresh operatives,veteran operatives and someone in charge of everyone, it wouldn't seem practical. I do recall Garak mentioning that his dad Enabran Tain was the only former head of the Obsidian Order to survive his tenure and retire. I never recall any mention of a ranking structure. It would be cool to find out for sure whether an organized reanking system does indeed exist for the Obsidian Order. :)