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Posts posted by Gummy

  1. Before seeing Casino Royale, my favorite Bond was Timothy Dalton for sure. Licence to Kill is my favorite movie of his, and it is just a shame that he didn't do more. The Licence to Kill theme is still my favorite Bond song as well, and you see the video here .

    I've always loved Gladys Knight. Although I've never seen this Bond Movie, I am sure that my youngest has.

    He's seen every one of them, except Casino Royale.

  2. What would you do? What is your fantasy of where you would want to go, people you'd like to meet? What?

    Well, first I would code in a composite model of RikerChick.


    Then I would code in a composite model of Krissy Phaserman.


    Then I would... well, you know. :dude:


  3. It's a little late to give it to the Babylon 5 Guys. Since J.J. Abrams and his crew already are writing it.

    I disagree. I think Trek XI will be terrific. Wanna know why?

    Because it's STAR TREK, that's why. :dude:


    I admire your optimism but your optimism is unfortunately unfounded. Out of the last four Star Trek films only one was good (First Contact) and the other three were all nothing more then varying shades of bad to worse. Out of all ten Star Trek films you really only have two that are great*, two that are merely good** and the rest are damn near awful. Nemesis? Gag! Insurrection? Insurmountable is more like it! Generations? Kirk's death was lame and the dialog was painful.



    *Star Trek: TMP (Director's cut) and STII:TWOK (Director's cut).

    **Star Trek IV:TVH and ST VI:TUC

    As Spock liked to say, "I like to think that there are always possibilities."

    This could be the best one of them all.

    We won't know until we actually see it for ourselves.

  4. What a compliment. :hug::dude:


    I wish I was....but alas no....



    I know that Starbuck being a Cylon isn't as yet proven, but c'mon...she blew up and then came back. The only way that she could be back is if she died/downloaded/and returned. Therefore-a Cylon.

    I said that I thought she'd be back as a Cylon earlier in this thread. But when the others were revealed, that shocked me. And to think that a Hendrix Song activated them ;)

  5. Speculation:


    From the beginning we were told that there are 12 models of Cylon. Until yesterday we had seen 7 of those models. Starbuck plus the 4 that were revealed makes 12.


    I'm wondering if perhaps in the distant past the cylons took a vote as to what should be done with the human race. I'm guessing that they voted by model 7-5 to wipe us out. I'm also guessing that the Cylon fleet that is currently on top of the Galactica consists of the other 5 "models" and are, for lack of a better term, the "good" Cylons.


    Galactica could well find itself in the middle of a Cylon civil war with the winners determining the fate of humanity (kinda like the Shias vs. the Sunnis).


    Anyway we'll see. :dude:

    That's really quite interesting.

    Are you sure that you're not a writer for the show? ;)

  6. You're a Diabetic too? My soon-to-be-ex gave me a CD ROM of five Diabetic Cookbooks on one disc. It has just about every recipe known to humankind. And the exchange rates and Carb Info. I use it all of the time and many of the dishes in there turned out fantastic.

    One thing that I have learned, "Splenda is more expensive than Heroin." :dude:

  7. The fact that the mouse escaped three times should prove that he needs to put his dentures way high up on a shelf. It could have escaped from Alcatraz.



    Aren't dentures supposed to be soaking in a glass of Efferdent if they're not "in use"?


    This guy just leaves em out like they're car keys.

    They were probably sitting next to his car keys on the counter. :dude:

  8. Yeah, the whole 2008 thing sucks...but atleast we're getting a 4th season. It wasn't too long ago when that was in question.


    I remember reading that Ron Moore wants 5 seasons at the Minimum. What else could they do to fill up 2 more seasons? :dude:

    Keep dodging the Cylons and find Earth.

    Season Five should have them find Earth and then battle the Cylons for one final time.

    Eight Months (or whenever it comes back) is an awfully long time to have to wait for this.

    But, knowing that it will be back before Star Trek XI comes out is some....comfort. ;)