A l t e r E g o

Federation Vice President
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Posts posted by A l t e r E g o

  1. How dare I obtain any sense of enjoyment from this abomination! :laugh: Gene's Vision must be spinning in its grave!

    @VaBeachGuy Kevin is probably very caught up in his Eagles right now, but I am hoping he gets around to watching and weighing in on it here someday. Him being TOS fan, I suspect he'll appreciate what they are trying to do with Discovery.

    But even if he hates it that won't effect my opinions of the show. I watch what I like regardless of others opinions. 


  2. Mudd programmed Norman to destroy the ship if he couldn't take total control, if they attempted to change course.

    In, I, Mudd, listen for his intention to allow the Enterprise to spiral down to Rigel killing everyone aboard.

    Sure, it could be said he knew Kirk would not allow the ship and crew to be destroyed, would do as told to prevent that but then again, technically, no one in MTMTSMGM stayed dead. At worst Stamets was made a little weary from it all.

  3. A little of both, I'd say. The voters got Sisko right, him owning a restaurant and Janeway in 2nd, probably spent time with Neelix in his kitchen but the rest, I cannot recall them ever being around food preparation. And why no Riker representation? We know he could at least scramble eggs, even if they tasted terrible. lol

  4. Anyone else fascinated by the spore drive technology on Discovery?

    Did you know Stamets, the character in Discovery who discover-invents the tech is based on a real Mycologist named Paul Stamets? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Stamets 

    and check this out... https://www.ted.com/talks/paul_stamets_on_6_ways_mushrooms_can_save_the_world



    Clearly something huge will eventually go down on Discovery which sweeps this tech under the rug one way or another, (Section 31? / DTI? / the Mycelium network gets destroyed?) but I am loving every minute of this out of this world sci-fi concept.

  5. About this episode title, does anyone remember Lethe from TOS episode Dagger Of The Mind...


    There is speculation around the web Admiral Cornwall might become Lethe.


    I like the idea. I can image Admiral Cornwall becoming Lethe after the Klingons Mind Sift her, cause her to act against the Federation in some way leading to her eventual internment at the Tantalus Colony.


    Also about this episode, does anyone else see a possible connection between Micheal and Sarek's mindmeld being a huge part of Sarek's Bendii Syndrome?

  6. I get what you're saying, he did seem more ruthless than we remember him but remember no one was actually permanently dead as a result of his actions. His endgame was to steal the ship and hand it and the crew over to the Klingons all in one piece, a very Harry-esque plan.

     Is all the times he murdered all those people really murder if no is really dead at the end?  Of course but not to Harry, it isn't. The repeating temporary deaths of everyone was just a tool he needed to achieve his goals. My biggest regret for the episode is not getting to hear him say something like, 'Me? A murderer? What murders? There's been no murders. Look around, everyone is alive!"


    1 hour ago, Ace said:

    and I'm a fan of Michelle even though I couldn't always understand her lines.

    People on many shows today sound to me like they are mumbling so I always keep the CC on not to miss anything.

    1 hour ago, Ace said:

    More natural dialogue from the writers for Burnham's character would've made a hell of a difference for me. 

    What does 'natural dialogue' mean? Do you mean chit-chat, or shooting the breeze kind of dialogue or, like above, you just couldn't understand her?

  8. ^Kinda harsh given its only been two episodes.

    TNG, DS9, VOY ENT all had more character development within their pilots?

    The star here is Burnham and for her to already be imprisoned for life is pretty big development, IMO. :lol: Seriously though, finding out all we did about her backstory really did nothing for you?

     I think it's at least on par with what we learned about the Mains in the previous series.

  9. 23 hours ago, Admiral Kirk said:

    I...didn't hate the pilot but there was just too many differences with established canon. So the Klingons of TOS and later series are still canon right?  Does Bellana Torres mother looks like these new Klingon's now? The tech... I think it's too advanced for the 2250's era. The bridge looks just as or more advanced than  Enterprise E's 120 years later. I didn't think that the sets should look exactly like a 50 yo set but perhaps they could have come half way? The uniforms? So I guess the uniforms worn in The Cage are not canon anymore?

    So you do hate it?