Admiral Kirk

The Founders
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Posts posted by Admiral Kirk

  1. I think tonight's episode was very good

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    . But I have some questions. Were all traces of the Borg destoyed and did the nanites in Phlox's system dissolve? And no matter how attractive T'pol (Blalock) may be I'm tired of the writers over sexualizing her character. But I can't really complain

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    until I've seen the episode. :lol


  2. I think Star fleet is a military organization and a Exploratory Service. Their primary mission is exploration and discovery but they also have to enforce Federation law. They also have to protect federation citizens and property. And last but not least Star Fleet has a naval ranking structure and they have several heavily armed ships in it's fleet. When there's a war to be fought whether it was with the Romulans, Klingons, Cardassians the Dominion or the Borg Star Fleet was their. It's a Military/Exploratory organization. What do you thinl?

  3. I chose Star Trek. I think Star Trek's theme is more mature while Star Wars is a sci-fi fairie tale. I also think Star trek is more rooted in Science Fact than Star Wars. Those cool lightsabers IMO are impossible to make. Eps I was a dissapointment but I think EPS II was a definite improvement.

  4. The universe is too vast and our solar system too insignificant for us to be the only inteligent life. I don't think the universe is designed that badly. Besides it's arrogant to think that no one can possibly be as smart as we are because we are just sooo perfect.

  5. I thought after a while they were all decommisioned. They had been somewhat replaced by the Galaxy and Sovereign classes In reality I think that the powers that be (Berman) simply did not use them anymore. It's a shame I like the design.

  6. I have 108 star trek novels. I have several playmates TOS and Next Gen figs. Plus I have the original Enterprise and a romulan bird of prey. Recently I bought some of the new Art asylum enterprise figures and they are very nice. In the old days I used to have posters of the TNG and TOS crews on my wall but things and places change. I have videos a few Dvds, comics and magazines. ;)

  7. It all began for me In 1986 when I began middleschool. At the time I was starting my very awkward teen years and I had just moved into new home also. I was sad and lonely and children can very cruel. One day I went into the school's library where I found and checked out a 1st edition (1967) Star Trek book by James Blish. It was full of TOS episode adaptations. It had the Balance of Terror, Miri and several others. Rading that book took me into a future i which everyone was judged by their character and not by their appearance. That's a big thing to teens. It was another time and place. I suppose at the time that was where I wished to be also. After reading that book I was hooked. Soon I read STMP novelization and several other books. Then I bought my first ST novel Star TrekIV. At this time I started to watch the old reruns on TV. I had been a Star Wars fan earlier and I had thought Star trek was boring but that all changed. When the next generation debuted I was a complete Trekker. I suppose a bit of my interest was escapism but I love the theme of ST and the characters. That has lasted until this day. I have other hobbies but ST will always be there. ;)