Admiral Kirk

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Posts posted by Admiral Kirk

  1. My opinion on Bounty.

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    I think Bounty was a fine episode but I like Firstflight more. I

    did like T'pol's outfit :devil: but I'm becoming tired of the oversexualizing of her character. Having her run all over the ship in her underwear doesn't help. The highlight of the show was the first appearance of the Tellarites one of the founding member species of the Federation. I rather liked that character. I'm pleased to see that they are returning the Klingons to their pre STNG roots. The only problem is that in Judgement there was mentioned a general breakdown of Klingon morality. As I remember there was talk of this during DS9's run also. How often does Klingon morality breakdown?

  2. My opinion on Firstflight.

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    I liked this episode more so than the second. I loved seeing how Archer met Tripp and Tripp's explanation of his nicname. The retro looking craft the experimental engine was mounted on was cool. Robinson as a character had a lot of potential and I was sad that he died. He should have commanded NX-01


  3. Have you ever noticed that in Balance of Terror the ship's Phasers were a targeted and fired manually in a armoury? And that later in the show the phasers were controlled by Sulu using a targeting computer on the bridge? Was their an overhaul or a writers decision? What do you think?

  4. Yes I remember that the original ST movie's security guards had armor. Whether they could stop phaser beams set on disintegrate I don't know I doubt it. In hand to hand combat with enemies that do have armor like the Klingons, Borg, Cardassians ect the 24th century security guards are at a disadvantage. Maybe the got rid of the armor for speed.

  5. Star Trek V Is so bad a friend of mine thinks it's a comedy. STMP has one big advantage over STV is that it's a high quality production with a lot of attention to detail. STV has none of that and had some of the worst FX I have ever seen. It's sad when the STNG tv show had better FX than a multi million dollar film.

  6. I like the TOS approach but I voted no. I think due to his importance in the overall mission the Captain should go on away teams only if their is an absolute need for it.

    I think he or she should plan and command the expeditions from another location.

  7. Like it or not a CO of any vessel can't afford to concentrate soley on the wishes of a single person or persons. Archer had to calculate the risks to his crew his ship and possible future confrontations with a pissed off and more advanced race. Being the captain of the first deep space vessel he has to walk a fine line. I don't think he's been very consistent but some of those past situations envolved the survival of his people. The formula is crew and earth's interest first almost everythimg else is second at this point. He may not like it but that's the way it is. And if their is a lot at risk such as the security of my ship I would give over a refugee. We don't know how those people would have reated if Archer interfered further in their culture.

  8. Here comes Mr. Pessimism. I don't know anymore. One of the things that attracted me to Star Trek is that it represents a world in which Earth had solved most of the problems of today and now are heading in a new direction. But I'm also a history buff and with recent events I can't see any real difference in present human behavior than in the past several hundred years. Each generation tends to forget the mistakes made by their ancestors and make the same mistakes again. The nations of the Earth are basically still fighting for the same reasons as people did 1000 years ago. In the last 20 years I've seen the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and so many others don't care. Besides to venture into space and meet other species we should be willing to accept the differnces of in own and I don't see that happening. If Gene Roddenberry's vision does come to pass it won't be in my life time. It's a nice vision I wish the world would give it a chance.

  9. I voted that Archer was right not to grant her asylum and I am a man. Yes her situation was a form of slavery and I really abhor it. But remember when Archer told trip that this is not Florida? To expand on that they were not on Earth at all.

    It was not Star Fleet's place to judge or disrupt an entirely different species' culture just because we find an element in it we think is wrong. It would be arrogant to for a young, primtive species to tell a race that is hundreds of years more advanced than they are how to run their affairs. As if Earth culture is so perfect and the whole galaxy should imitate us. The bottom line is that Tripp screwed up because he could not tolerate another culture's beliefs and caused a lot of problems. Tolerating and accepting are two different things. You can accept a situation and despise it at the same time.

  10. Omega Glory with a little rewriting IMO could have been a great ep. But I think the worst episodes were Spock's Brain and Turnabout Intruder. Shatner looked ridiculous trying to portray femininity. It was a bad way to end the series. Spock's Brain was written by people on LSD. This was made in the 60's you know. :laugh: