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Posts posted by Syperphobia

  1. Anyone out there rollerblade?  I'm 19 and have a pair, but I live in a real rural setting.  Hard to do it anywhere except for a close hilly subdivision.  I don't care for all the crazy stunts, I just wanna skate and have fun!  So, anyone got any tips? :D

    Don't know about rollerblading, but I know how to skateboard... :lol: One thing I bet you didn't know I could do.... Guess we never discussed it, I am not one who does all the tricks, but I am learning, Tony is helping me (woops, made this into a personal conversation, AIM or PM me later...) :laugh::dude::dude:

  2. Lots of posts I've read elsewhere have expressed mixed feelings about Archer's actions.  Most acknowledge that he had a right and a duty to discipline Trip in this instance but said that the scene left a bad taste in their mouths. I'm the same way, Unicorn hunter.


    It is partly an emotional reaction, I think, but the knowledge that Archer would have behaved the same way on many an occasion contributes to that uneasy feeling about him being so harsh with Trip.  I don't think he should have coddled Trip, but perhaps I didn't sense enough self admonishment on Archer's part.  Perhaps that's part of the problem.  I ended up wanting to throttle them both before the episode was done. Charles was very mistreated by those "please" and "thank you" Vissians.  Anyone with a heart would have wanted to help.  Pity that a firm Prime Directive with some parameters and methods for taking action properly wasn't yet in place.  :laugh:  Perhaps it's a bit harder to condemn Trip--even though he was wrong to charge in--because he noticed the oppressed being while the sparkling technology and tall, luscious babes occupied the attention of the others?

    Trip should of went through the proper channels in dealing with the situation. He never even consulted the captain to see what he had to say. He asked two other aliens, they would not understand the quality of humanity. One needs to be human to know a human's fight for liberation. Now that Trip overcrossed the boundries of a growing alien relationship one can confirm that now their relationship isnt as strong as it was before. They might not even be as nice to Archer when he travels back in their space. They lost a valuable developing friendship.

  3. I loved this episode!  One of the best so far!  Allthough, I hated the ending! :laugh:


    Click for Spoiler:

    This was an excellent episode, and I completely agree with what Trip did with the Cogenitor.  Infact, I would have done the same myself, perhaps gone even further.  I'm surprised he didn't tell her to keep this newly discovered world of experrience so that she could liberrate more of her gender.  I saw her as a sex-slave, and the attitude of the couple made me sick!  She has all the potentional as they did.  She was a slave, and Trip taught her that she didn't have to be a slave anymore.  I completely dissagreed with Archer's reaction to this situation.


    Trip, in my mind, is officially a better character than Archer! :dude:

    CJLP doesnt understand the rules of alien species... you are dealing with another world and if they want to have sex slaves as their co species then so be it. If we get involved then they will have an intergalatic war. I believe that having sex slaves is wrong, but gosh to go to another world and say it is wrong is just as wrong and discrimintory. The cogenetor never complained about being held in captivity, if she did then my feelings would be with Trip. He violated her privacy and entered her room. If I was the cogenetor I would of screamed and called security.

  4. Starfleet in the 23rd and 24th centuries were obviously a military too. In TOS, it was up to Starfleet to stop Klingon aggression. In TNG, the Enterprise took on several military missions. In DS9, Starfleet fought the Dominion War.


    The real question here is, in the 22nd century, is Starfleet a military. I'm going to say no. I belive Starfleet of the 22nd century is a exploration agency that uses military disipline to keep every thing going. Its just Earth hasn't seen a need to deploy a war fleet, since i'm sure they belive the Vulcans would come to there defense.

    Starfleet isn't directly military, it's soul purpose is to explore and discover new species across the universe. It just so happens that they encounter hostile spceies. My guess is that Vulcans are not going to help earth anymore due to the number of catorphies that they 'cause' / get into. The Vulcans are very cautious of the developments that Starfleet explore in space. Number one: Starfleet created heavly disputes between the Andorians and Vulcans. Although Starfleet didn't directly cause the conflicts, they were heavily involved due to Vulcans being on their side. Number two: When the thellosians (typo) encountered Enterprsie, they first attacked the Vulcan ship to seek aid. It was just a stroke of luck that the Sulibian encountered the Thellosians and fought back with them instead of the two enemies teaming up against Starfleet and the soon to be Federation. Federation handles with space exploration also has a branch by itself that handels in defensive and offensive strageties. Federation cannot be called a military because there is no reason why they want to seek conquest, they just want to defend what they already establish and help other species defend their territory as well.

  5. It's been a long time since I've seen a VOY ep...wish they were in reruns here; that's how I get caught up.  Is Chakotay related to an Admiral?  I heard a reference to Admiral Chakotay on the DS9 ep I'm watching.  Too unusual a name to be wholly coincidental.  Thanks!

    Although Chakotay hasnt had an Admiral decendent, Tom Paris has. In fact we see Admiral Paris in numerous episodes of VOY. One interesting one was when an Alien tried to take over the ship by using intimidations of each crew member. Tom Paris was "haunted" by the anger of his father.

  6. Man this is what I exactly wanted, the science behind the issue. We, in America, cannot just close down the topic of homosexuality becuase it is 'out there' already. Guys and Ladies have tried to come out the closet, but it is most diffuclt for them. Why? Becuase America lives in this tiny inclosed bubble that shields itself from the rest of the world. Therefore the majority have their rights to what they say and exclude all minorities from what they want to say. Sure there are some places in America that accept homosexuals, but face it; we in America think it is uncalled for, and for there to be a gay mayor in America; Forget About It. That would be the talk of the entire nation. In Europe they have accepted it as a way of life; genetic or non genetic, in some places of Mexico they have accepted it genetic or non genetic; in Canada they accepted it genetic or non genetic. People should just have the freedom in America to say what they need to say without everyone jumping down their thoats. If a gay guy walks down the streets of DC with his partner everyone stairs; heck I do. Sometimes they can be too proud of their lifestyle becuase they carry themselves in an "odd" persona. But yet again who am I to judge, if that is what makes them feel happy then so be it. If they kiss then let it be, why the stairs, why the preaching, why the slanderous phrases. For once, I would love to turn on my American TV set and not hear one gay joke; it hurts when they joke about a lifestyle becasue one one in their hearts should lash out on a persons way of life. Religiously and Morally; who are we to judge upon it as a matter. From reading what I read in the bible, Jesus wasn't even sent down on the world to condem it. We also know that in the Christian outlook that this type of thing is looked down upon, but it still shouldnt break the relationships that grew in todays society of men with men / women with women. If it so happens that the one who created us will judge us then let us go through our day accepting the way society is unfolding. We know the heart of America loves to fight back and have their 'two cents' and this what makes America so great; the freedom of speech. I hope that the people that have read this post realize that it isnt in our place to judge others for what they do. CJLP was right in saying that if they are gay they are gay, if they are straight they are straight. If it is genetic then we cannot help the situation, but what America and the govertment can do is solve the problem of the AIDS virus. I am unsure of the origns of the AIDs virus, but it seems that this thing is what is causing the fear against those who are living the homosexual lifetsyle. Man cannot develop a disease within them and it is foolish for someone to link up homosexuals with AIDS, yes it might be abundant within their group; but to say that a virus is caused by humans is foolish. What we need to do as Americans is come together and find a cure for this problem. This can be the light at the end of the tunnel for whomever does want to explore this lifestyle and not be afraid of getting the disease. And one more note is that just as one might be homosexual, a hetrosexual, or bisexual can also contract the disease as well and just as easy.


    Fare warning: just be cautious, of course no one is going to give up the pleaseures that is sex; but beware of AIDS, and all the other STDs that one can get. Once we find a technology or science that can help us we should all be cautious.

  7. i dont like it. i just find the acting kind of bland. and i think the original 3 star wars movies do a better 'not so perfect after all' universe sort of feel.

    :innocent: ugh, so not true... I cant believe someone actually thinks that star wars is better than Andromeda...

  8. My favorite lines, are the final lines in a star trek flim, that are the emotional speeches that Kirk gives, espically in 'The Undiscovered Country'. It made me cry so much. Although I knew nothing about TOS and that movie began my star trek infactuation, it added depth into the Voyager Series I watched previously.


    Note my Star Trek series / movie watchers are all set at random times:


    The Undiscovered Country

    Star Trek Voyager Series (Reruns)

    Star Trek 1-4 (Trek The Halls: UPN Special)

    Star Trek 6-9 (ABC Specials: Countdown to Nemesis)

    Star Trek Nemesis (Theatrical Version)


    I personally think that Kirk was a better captain than Picard becuase he seemed to add more emotion in his roles (never seen the series of TNG or TOS, so i can only judge by the movies)

  9. It seems that the entire Star Trek Universe will all depend on the following show stopping epiosdes that will lead to the season fanile. I think that ENT has been doing some risky business being all sweet and nice at first, but then they encountered some hostile aliens and needed to show their strenghts. I believe that the new season they will have an offensive approach, I do not think they cannot do a radical change, but they can add a (TWO YEARS LATER thing and see the start of the Enterprise Heated Battle), but that is all a guess.) :innocent:

  10. OMG, I love Monty Python and the Holy Grave. I guess I am too young to know more of the stories, but I love their time travel episode where the kid traveled back to this place to get something, was weird; but funny as hell. I think the movie was Time Thieves, but i can be competely wrong.


    Time Bandits you were referring to...


    Time Bandits was the movie, it came on UPN a long time ago. Just like around 3 years :( I think :( , but it was so funny :innocent: i still remember it :(

  11. Discrimination is discrimination.  If laws are passed to protect gay-rights it does not give them more rights than heterosexuals.  It protects them from losing rights that we all take for granted.

    Excellent answer, and the problem I was speaking about was AIDS, sorry for the unexplination.

  12. Spock say’s “I believe Starfleet’s mission has always been one of peace.” 

    Click for Spoiler:

    However, the need for Earth to defend itself (“New Direction”) is going to become obvious in this seasons finale of ENT.

    Amazing, a trek expert... first exploration then (see the spoiler) makes perferct sense... :innocent: My new trek hero

  13. Janeway and Q? Thats just wrong.

    Why do people object to this, remember the episode where Janeway and Q were in the Q civil war reinactment. If she really didnt care for him she would let him die, well... that is a bit too harsh, but I think that she did have feelings for him

  14. Maybe the Vulcans put a spy on board?

    Why would they need to have a hidden spy? Wasn't that why they originally put T'Pol on board, to "watch over the humans, and report back" It was established in several episodes that she reports the activities of ENT to the Vulcan High Command.

    T'Pol I think could make a great spy, although she has proven her strengths... what if on that planet that the pollen affected Tripps brain did have something to deal with her espinoge? I think that her association with humans is growing extremely fast, and it even seems that she is growing some interest with Archer. Her behavior for a Vulcan is very questionable and unlogical. I thought that she would act more dramatic like Tvock instead of acting like a Tvock improvment. Or is that female Vulcans have more trustworthy genes in them to make them be easily subduded by other species?

  15. I really like the outfit she wears now.  And I have noticed that her wig is different this season.  Looks better.  Her first season looks were a little shaggy, just look at my avatar!  Hopefully they don't make her look bad in season three.

    I would like to see her hair long, not too long, but enough too make her look more model type... I think putting her in a starfleet uniform is too much, why would she go for the sudden change after two years.... The hair I understand,


    the uniform heck its all up to the directors anyway

  16. Captain Jean Luc Picard and I had a debate over this topic the other day and the best explination I can come up with is that Starfleet is an evloved form of the Military... As you know from Star Trek: First Contact, people were devistated from the Thrid World War and therefore wanted a change, they were sad and agressive towards themselves and to aliens. Starfleet has military traning, but their primary goal is exploration... "to go where no man has gone before" It just so happens that they encountered aliens that are offensive and slowly but surely Starfleet became offensive as well, but mainly defensive (as seen in DS9); what we learned from the overall status from Starfleet is that they are primarly a service to not just help humanity but to show and express their humanity throughout the entire universe. To set a main example on the elite behavior of mankind.

  17. Hey! I'm new to the whole trek web site stuff as you can see. I personally think Enterprise is the best series. "Trip" is so hot!! WOWZERS! But I like Voyager and stuff to no worry's. Ya but if u got anything or any advice u can give me on the site just reply. Thanx!


                                        L8er Sk8er :innocent:

    Dont worry your fingers, everything will become familar to you as it did to me :( I encourage you to see the Promotions Fourm (Under Section 31) and also (Under Section Test Postings) Holodeck Program: 15FF... Fourm --- Holodeck is just post that you want to do to untrek yourself :( Promotions Fourm lets you know when you are FINALLY not going to be an Ensign, Cadet, etc... (maybe Harry Kim should of used this site, would of made him feel better) :(