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Posts posted by Syperphobia

  1. I watch it when I can..  I think its really cool..  it almost has this lighter side of sarcasm that I find very funny. :blink:


    all hail Bev!!  :laugh:

    Agree totaly, Andromeda gives this dark side of the universe where nothing is perferct, but the crew is so loose with the thought that it is that it gives it a comedical approach. When things get serious they are serious, and I enjoy every min. of Andromeda. I do not think it should be considered too much a hardcore science investigation, becuase most things are highly questionable, but it is a great easy relaxing show to watch.


    THAT WE HUMANS OF EARTH ARE THE ONLY ONES OUT THERE, also as most S.E.T.I. scientists beleive that there is life out there, but theres no way they can be more advanced than us thus theres no way they couldve ever, or ever visit us. only in OUR AROGANCE CAN WE BELEIVE THAT WE ARE THE SOLE, OR SUPREME, OR EQUAL BEINGS OF THE UNIVERSE. i also never got the whole idea that all these very religous people would just lose all faith, and their beleifs if aliens were ever proven to be real. where in the bible or anywhere else does it say GOD CREATED ONLY MAN ON EARTH, AND NO ONE ELSE IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE THAT HE CREATED. if we were it, why would he create the universe as it is. it all comes down to the arogant and egotistical idea we have of ourselves. i beleive we are not alone in the universe, and i beleive they have visited us, there are way too many claims and sightings by sane rational people, to dismiss ALL of them as "scientifically explainable". WELL thats my humble opinion. whats yours?



    Number One, I believe in God... to much proof not to deny him. Number Two, I believe in Aliens.... is it too farfetched of an idea that they is more than us in the universe... I think it is stupid to say no because we have no idea, as in the fact we have no idea that God does exist. Those who believe in God believe through faith not fact...


    "Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen." -- Hebrews 11:1


    There are also many mysteries in our world / universe that will never be revealed to us by the 'ignorance of man', we are too caught up in war and in the future of ourselfs that it seems that Armaggedom will happen. The only way that we can continue as a human race is to coexhist in a peaceful spceity not by the means of a human or a superhuman claiming to be from a celestial person. We need to prove ourselves to God that we are a society that can dwel by ourselves without leadership, but through organization. Once this is done then the doomsday prophecy of revelations will be excluded from our lifes. Our eyes will be then fully opened to our true destiny, as to whatever that is, maybe it is to discover and travel through the heavens and space. What is needed to explore space is WORLD DEDICATION, not WORLD DIVISION.


    Only till we develop a more perferct society and a deep space ship, is when we can find out the answer if something is 'OUT THERE.' But we first as a society need to find mutal peace in ourselves and with others.

  3. it just seems to be spreading like wild fire, more abundantly for gay people; (sorry I should of added this topic in -Off Topic Discusion, but dont really know my way around)... did Star Trek ever have an episode about a single-sexed race; i think a fan of TNG told me there was; what was their explination?

  4. I dont know what Section 31 is, but they should add it because it gives us mystery... but can't Section 31 just be Daniels (TCW Character) High Tech Room?



    I'm with you VBG.


    I noticed 2 votes for What is Section 31 so here is the briefest explanation I can think of:


    Section 31 is a secret division of Starfleet Intelligence that eliminates dangers to the Federation without answering to anyone.

    It seems that this is very mysterious 'Section.' As being an ONLY Voyager Fanatic, it seems that they had a mysterious episode but not with parallel traits. Omega Device compelled my thoughts to knowing what it is, this is compelling me to know what it is.

  5. I think the only chance of Enterprise being saved is if they have Borg, but they should do it cautiously and a mysterious foe. If they make it too abundant then people would just think they are stealing ideas from Voyager :laugh:

  6. I loveeee the episode of Shattered :laugh: one of my most favorites... Doesn't anyone notice that the Doctor was more abundent as a central theme character not just in season 7, but during all of Voyager seasons combined?


    Don't get me wrong, I love the EMH, but they should of evenly divided up the story plots to feature more stars, like Harry Kim should of really showed his maturity in Season 7, rather than him being in random episodes like The Chute, and Nightengale

  7. As has been said above... you're ban... no not that part..  :devil:  :blink:


    Welcome! I'll look forward to seeing you around the board  :laugh:

    NOOOOOOOO, tell me it isnt so that I have been ban, hehehe; just kidding. Thank you all for the warm greeting.

  8. The trek relation I had for that original post is that if we ever do have a Federation that might be what is in American's hearts, but we need to have paterioism in our hearts for the Federation / Starfleet to happen. If we are an American divided then how can the space race continue further?

  9. The heart of America has developed and evolved through the ages of time. Within the early ages of colonization we prevailed through diseases and skillful enemies. The heart of America carried through. The epic battles of the Wild West made the heart of America have honor and bravery. The next steps of America Evolution were most difficult. With slavery we had the civil war, a bloody battle of liberation. Knowing and learning from our lethal mistakes the heart of America gained honor and justice. With these qualities of skill, honor, bravery, skill, and justice America became united. These qualities were vital of the ever most historical battles. Through the age of technology the heart of America gained wisdom and the true understanding of democracy. The menace who was Hitler plagued the Jewish lands and committed successful genocide. Through WWI we faced the greatest economical deficit and prevailed many fears. Women even united and joined the war effort to help those fighting in the war. WWII proved to be our greatest threat as Japan showed that we can be defenseless. America’s heart seemed weak, but in reality grew stronger. The dawn of the 20th century was our focus of information. We thirsted and still thirst to know ‘What’s Out There?’ and creativity trekked our minds. Our education was pushed to the limits as we developed advanced technology, and excellence was shown through the space race. With this new innovation, America’s heart gained vision. Now is our Age of Information and throughout the years the qualities of America’s heart developed deeper and stronger. What we need to do is remember as a nation; our roots, our past, and our ancestors to solve the problems of our future. We need to heal America’s wounds. The more we get divided the more we become unstable. If we forget about the honor and the development of history we will surly become an America that can be defeated. Let us not be that divided America, let us stand strong and say that motto that makes our heart be strong, as well as this nation, “I’m proud to be an American.”

  10. Hey everyone I am new here and neglected to post on this board first. I went directly to Star Trek Voyager. Just wanted to say hi to everyone and I will be an active, dedicated member :laugh:

  11. I selected no as Enterprise being my favorite show because I think it is lacking the glory of Star Trek. The cast needs to work on their acting skills and not act as if space is so new to them, it is like they dont even know the ground basis of the ship. I hope futher into the series they will gain a chop full of courage as Trip and Reed has done.


    My favorite show currently is Alias, it has an indepth plot and I love that they are even getting a bit mythological with the Rambaldi Prophecy. Also another favorite of mines is Andromeda, it seems to have the adventure and science (something Star Wars is drastically lacking). Andromeda takes space in a devisitating spin as to where Federation is the light at the end of the tunnel.

  12. STAR TREK has soo much more explination in it with their technology. While I am watching Star Wars, I am very clueless and dumbfounded by their idociticy and glamor forces. Their aliens look too ridiculus adding on futher to their fantasy and it just war based... one hero attempting to save his universe. This is way to far fetched, as we all know not one person can save the relms of space and time. Star Trek explains in depth and most people might think that with Voyager it was beginning to be fantasitic, but think about it: Voyager has the knowledge of the most gross alien facts in an unknown region of space.... it does have the plot of the one ship saving itself from hostile aliens, but everything was explained with their technology. Me being a science adventurer, not "geek" (sorry if this is an insult), uses Star Trek to outline scientific events in the world today, and so far the great Gene Roddenberry has ideas that our scentists use. If people long ago thought that Gene Roddenberry was a fantasy writer they would be really suprised to see our advanced world now and in the future events to come...

  13. Hey, before you guys run away from this topic, sit and contemplate. What would drive many men/ women to this type of behavior in the scientific approach. I think we all heard the spiritual approach, but to all of you scientists out there you guys say it is genetic. If this fact is true then it has to be in development of human evolution... a natural process. Would one day AIDS become dorment in humans and be used as a way for males to procreate, therefore furthing creating a perferct biological humaniod weapon?


    It might be illogical at first to think about this, but humans are adpative to the enviroment they live in. If AIDS become adaptive, how will it effect the human race say 20 years, 25, 1000?

  14. If Data does get resurrected then it would be like a Search for Spock movie. Personally, I believe that Data is dead and gone. I really do not have any personal feelings for him since I am a Voyager Fan, but did see movies featuring Data such as First Contact. This actor for whatever reason probably does not want to come back to the Star Trek Universe, he might just want to retire. I think that he probably has becuase the master himself of TNG (Picard) went over to the other side (X Men). As a new fan of Star Trek (VOY and ENT), I dont think I would miss Data. For all of you hardcore fans, dont you think that some characters do need to die that has been apart of the legacy of Star Trek. Take a look at the almight Kirk. Data should just be always remembered and if it so happens that he returns to the big screen, then he will be welcomed by all.

  15. Ok, Voyager in no way can get home before they ever went off and did their adventure because that is kinda pointless. If Admiral Janeway did that then the entire journey would be for nothing. Remember their speach: "To the journey". Janeway grew with the journey as so did everyone else on the crew. If she prevented the ship from ever going to the Delta Quadrant in the first place they could of had many bad results...


    1. They would of never captured the lost Maquie group.

    2. Tom Paris would of still been a convict and never grow up.

    3. Harry would of never gained so much responsibility as an Ensgin.

    4. EMH liberation would of never happened.

    5. Seven of Nine would of never been rehabilitated

    6. Need I list more :angry:

  16. To think about it, these things might just be just one of those emotional attachments that really do not have any concuring logic associated with it. I personally think that the Borg Baby might of just been killed off, why have the need of a useless young creature? Once assimilated as a baby wouldnt it remain that way and not develop. the Borg Children were highly smart but I dont think that Borg grow, do they?


    I thought that assimilation stunts the growthing process, not continues it