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Posts posted by ddillard

  1. Actually, it sounds rather interesting. Do tell...


    Okay, here goes. When I was about nine I had outpatient Cataract surgery. The put me to sleep for the surgery (they were using a scalple not a lazer). When I woke they made me eat and then I went home. As they had given me extra meds to make sure I did not wake up to soon I was still out of it when I got home. To this day I argue with my father that I watched the A-Team (The episode with the "pirate guy" that had a gun in his boot, that took place in a jungle). But my dad swears that since the show was only in syndication and was on at 4pm I did not, since we did not get home until around 10pm, but I still vividly remember watching it. The dispute started because after I swear I watched the show I told my dad I wanted to grow up to be like Hannibal. (I was pretty out of it for awhile) He asked what brought that up and I told him all about the episode that I had just watched in my room. He laughed and reminded me of the time issue. (and that my tv was in the living room not my room as the one in the living room was broken at the time.)



    Welcome, you have found a great place to call home. You are going to love it here. The A-Team rocks, they are part of my one and only hallucination.....Long story, bad reaction to sleepy medicine when having surgery........But anyway, everyone here is great.



    This was a great episode, but I think it would have made a better two parter


    Click for Spoiler:

    I do have to wonder though about the Borg technology that was left behind. Did the Borg use all of it to modify the ship, or was some left on earth? If it was left on earth, would our scientists not analyze it further? The part of Phlox hearing the message was great. It kind of brings the Borg full circle. The Borg getting the message in the 24th century, explains how the Borg would find out about humanity.

  4. I think that considering that they are on the ship for years at a time they are given more leway to be comfortable in their own quarters. It is not like the current millitary where the soldiers usually get to go home for at least a couple days every few months.

  5. Saw a thread where everyone was discussing age and it kind of made me wonder about the number of people in the age groups. I broke them up according to how my local area groups people for tv ratings. Just thought it would be nice to see the numbers on the different groups, especially with all of us so psyched about THE Convention next summer.



    Myself I am 24 and will be 25 in October.

  6. I am 24 and will be 25 in October. After reading this post I am kind of curious of the age group break down on the site, especially with THE Convention coming up in a little over a year. I think I am going to post a poll to see how the numbers come up for different age groups.

  7. I think that it is definitely believable. I mean look at engineering you have to go through a small hatchway door, (on hinges) to get in there. And the hatch in the Armery to gain access to the Pulse cannon has to be physically removed. Where as in most of the other series both would have a nice easy sliding door.

  8. Remember this is not the first "Borg Baby" that we have seen. There were several in maturation chambers in the TNG episode where the Borg were first introduced. I think that they use little assimilation until the child has matured in the chamber then the complete the process.

  9. I too would have liked to see a Janeway relationship, but that would be against regs on fraternization. If the captain becomes romantically involved with a member of her crew it gives her biased judgement. I think her and Chakotay would have made a great pair though. An Seven should have hooked up with Kim. :(

  10. Myself, I did not like the Kes episodes all that much. I always found Kes to be to dry and tempermental. Her character had mood swings like no other. I found most of the episodes revolving around her to be dull and bordering on boring. I did like Seven though. She was a little better character. And when they took Kes from the show it was inavoidable her race only lives to be nine and she was nine, they had to do it to save the continuity.

  11. Everyone here has really good ideas on this. Myself I agree that the "Queen" is just a manifestation that is taken on when it is appropriate to communicate with other forms of life. And that she is nothing more than a body that is a puppet to the hive.