
Starfleet Command
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Posts posted by ddillard

  1. I love strategy games.  Like Star Trek New Worlds.  I have never had the reflexes to handles first person shooting games, and they always bored me quickly.  I have always wanted to play a role playing game, but sadly I do not know how, and I do not know of anyone who does to teach me.

    I would reccomend any of the Final Fantasy games on the ps1 or ps2. They bascially have a built in tutorial for all their games. Real fun to play, great cinematics and a powerful story too.

    I used to play them when my brother had a Super nintendo. final fantasy II that is, I loved it. But I do not have a ps or psii, only my pc

  2. I am torn between the two worlds. I grew up on a 95 acre farm, it was five miles to my nearest neighbor. And now I live in the heart of the state capital, in an apartment complex. I love the peace and quiet, and slower pace of the country, but I have become accustomed to the conveniences of the city. I voted for the country, but it is a hard decision.



    OH, here we go. Give me a 100 acre farm, with a Mickey D's, and a bar on the back 10. Now that would be ideal.

  3. 1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)

    2. Secular Humanism (99%)

    3. Liberal Quakers (98%)

    4. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (93%)

    5. Theravada Buddhism (83%)

    6. Neo-Pagan (76%)

    7. Nontheist (74%)

    8. Orthodox Quaker (71%)

    9. New Age (69%)

    10. Taoism (69%)

    11. Mahayana Buddhism (65%)

    12. Bahá'í Faith (63%)

    13. Reform Judaism (61%)

    14. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (55%)

    15. Sikhism (53%)

    16. New Thought (50%)

    17. Jainism (48%)

    18. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (46%)

    19. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (45%)

    20. Scientology (41%)

    21. Seventh Day Adventist (39%)

    22. Jehovah's Witness (35%)

    23. Islam (34%)

    24. Orthodox Judaism (34%)

    25. Hinduism (32%)

    26. Eastern Orthodox (29%)

    27. Roman Catholic (29%)

  4. is this the second episode next wednesday? sounds pretty good. cant wait to see it. hey i see you metioned birds of prey in your post, you wouldnt happen to know what happened to it do you? it was a good show, now "poof" its gone, i liked it and want to see it back. oh well long live enterprise. if they take that off the air prematurely im gonna just die.  :laugh:

    Birds of Prey was designed to be a "filler series" between seasons. It acually lasted longer than was meant to, but alas all good things must come to an end.


    I think that this is going to be a great episode.


    Click for Spoiler:

    I am anticipating the T'Pol scenes as every Trek so far that had a Vulcan on the ship has had at least one pun far episode.

  5. I'd like a sequel to ENT (maybe farther in the future though, but before TOS), or one in the 26th or 29th century.

    I was thinking maybe having it 20 - 50 years after Enterprise. Maybe their could be Starfleets first Deep space station. And if they went for twenty years Maybe Trip could be the Commander, it would put him about the right age then.

  6. I loved the Matrix, and I really want to see the sequels but alas I will probably not be able to see it in the theatre, time and money do not usually line up for movies with my work schedule. I usually wait until a day or two after the movie is released and Start downloading a screener from Kazaa, Then a week or two later it is finished and I can watch it on my computer. (I hate dial up connections). :laugh:

  7. After this list you will see that it is not easy to be a sci fi fan in my city


    Sunday -

    1 am Relic Hunter

    2am Mutant X

    3am Stargate SG I

    7pm - 9pm Simpson, Futurama, King of the Hill

    11pm Enterprise


    Monday -12am X Files

    1am Stargate SG 1


    Tuesday - 5 am Voyager


    Wednesday - 5am Voyager

    - 8pm Enterprise

    9pm Twilight Zone

    10pm Smallville


    Thursday - Friday 5am Voyager


    Saturday - 5am Voyager

    8pm The Agency


    Now you see why I love my VCR. When not watching these I will catch the CSI shows (when I can remember when their on) or I watch Trek episodes that I have managed to download to my computer.

  8. Pepsi is to sweet before they add any sugary flavorings to it. That is why I am a die hard coke fan. I just can not stand the tast. I do like vanilla and cherry coke though. But I think they need to quit trying to change.

  9. I HATED Winn I really wish that they had kept Opaca or a similar character. I thought her character had more depth, and I hate the idea of a corrupt religious leader. I mean imagine someone like her as the Pope.

  10. I went with Sarek. I loved the emotion in the episode. But my all time favorite is not on the list, I don't think. I can not remember the name of the episode, but it was the one where Picard is tortured by the cardassian. It was Stewart at his best, that could not have been an easy part to play.

  11. Troi was on the bridge due to her empathic ability being useful to the captain. And besides, I doubt that on a twenty fourth century vessel, that holds all the eminities that one could ask for that the counselar was inundated with patients, but it was necessary to have one on board so that when crew members were dealing with tragic losses she would be available to help them cope with it since they would not in many cases have family members around to help them.