
Starfleet Command
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Posts posted by ddillard

  1. No way, I loved that show, I still have the action figures and the paperback books. I like the first two seasons, but they ruined it during the last season, and Sci-fi has stopped showing them, jerks. Where are you downloading them from, and do you know of any good websites for it? We need to bring that show back!!

    I am downloading the episodes from Kazaa. They take a while as they are not widely available, but they are worth it.

  2. And did I really use the term "slap ya" in this poll?  OMG I need a new job.  I am starting to sound like the people that I talk to on the phone at work all day. ya  :laugh:

    I thought that was a great option. :o Notice that no was has chosen it yet.

    I noticed that. I thought it was a funny option, but I just cannot believe that I used ya instead of you.


    It is nice to see that we have a wide range of age groups here though, even though the 18 - 25 seems to be the largest group so far.

  3. I was just watching the episode again and I thought of something.


    Click for Spoiler:

    Why would a human science team on earth have a science vessel that was equipped for warp space travel? It would make more since for then to have been using shuttles, or orbital craft.

  4. Some say I have a bit of a Trek obsession too, in fact one person (Amy - aka Luvin1stdegree) even thinks I need therapy because of it


    I have had people tell me the same thing. Maybe we should make an appointment with Counselor Troi. :o

  5. It doesn't need a super-secret Intelligence group (Section 31 is a branch of Federation Intelligence) because it is only associated with one alien species, the Vulcans.


    I have to agree with VBG on this one, I just watched the DS9 Episode where Section 31 was introduced and it is stated that it was part of the original STARFLEET charter, not the Federation Charter, so I think it already exists. It would make sense for Starfleet to have included a provision for this sort of "agency" maybe Section 31 started out as a mostly internal affairs group and grew to the organization that we all know.

  6. I love Battlestar Galactica. Sad as it sounds if it weren't for Galactica I would never go to the gym. I don't have cable, but the gym where I work does. I go in at least three times a week 2 1/2 hours before my shift starts to work out, when really I am going to watch Galactica for two hours while on the treadmill or lifting. Who says Sci Fi is bad for your health. :o

  7. I am a huge Sci Fi buff. I love it once a year a local theatre runs a 24 hr Sci Fi marathon. My friends think I am nuts, because I make sure I have the weekend off work and I buy tickets. This year a friend went with me and he insisted that I drive, even though I told him that if he did not drive he would have to stay until I was ready to leave. Well, needless to say, after we had been there for the full 24hrs, he decided he would drive next time. I do this every year. My father does not watch much tv, but he pays part of my brothers (who he lives with) cable bill under the condition that they keep the Sci Fi channel so I can watch it when I come to visit. It is the only time that anyone in the house watches it as most of them hate Sci Fi. But when I am there I will be watching when they go to bed, and in the night my dad will get up laughing when he realizes that I have only moved to get closer to the TV.


    Okay, maybe I am nuts. :o

  8. I love Yesterday's Enterprise it is one of my all time favorite TNG epi's. I think it is great that they showed how an event that may seem small at the time would have allowed things to be so different if it had not happened. It goes to show that every decision has a ripple effect, and effects every event that happens after that point.


    Great Synopsis Prometheus. I love your down to earth way of putting things.

    the Klingons get pissed off
    :o Let's see 'em put that one in TV Guide.

  9. My mom hits the half century mark, I hit the quarter century mark...


    And you will have the fun of telling your mom that she is twice your age.



    And did I really use the term "slap ya" in this poll? OMG I need a new job. I am starting to sound like the people that I talk to on the phone at work all day. ya :o