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Posts posted by prometheus

  1. But what did Q mean when he said in "Q Who" "Guinan, so that's what she's calling herself now...she's and imp...dont trust her captain" and hin and her did all this silly pointy thing. He was acting scared there. I think the name thing might be because she went about in disguise earlier on, like in Times Arrow. I wish she had've had a more developed part in Generations though.

  2. Funny, but i watched this episode for the first time in three years last week. The look of the episode is a lot more muted than the original series. I know that this was changed as it was the new era of colour colour colour and red was needed etc to make the original series look brighter. But this I thought, took away from the look of the series. I liked the more muted tones that have pretty much been used ever since. Paper print outs, pike's television etc were all to be removed for kirk and co. I know that these were just oversights as every pilot will have. The story was good and the tone was well set for future Star trek though. Hunter was a good lookin bloke and would have piulled the captaincy off well. And being a very anti-shatner person, I would've welcomed him to the part. Darn his wife....

  3. I love bridge designs. They all basically have the same layout only visually so different. The Defiant is so well laid out. Enterprise D is like a living room. Enterprise E has great lighting. But the Prometheus was fantastic. So minimal and bright and cool. I know that it's not a major player like the others but it looked so good. Now note that above i've put in the Excelsior from Search for Spock as it looked so big and black and (at that time) exciting. Or are there others you like?

  4. What I didn't get about Voyager was this. In Unimatrix Zero, Janeway and Tuvok and Torres ALLOW themselves to be assimilated. Now, they retain their consciousness throughout this, their individuality as it were. HOW COULD THEY!!!!! I mean, getting your blood pumped full of nano-probes. Eye fittings, hair removal, limbs cut off. I mean Jese. They (luckily) got the minimal job done. Picard in Family was a wreck. "They cut of my arm..." i mean this man was crying. Yet after Unimatrix Zero, a brief period in sick bay and a couple of sticking plasters and they were fine again. No mental scars. Janeway lying back with a coffee. Rubbish. I hate this dismissal of the evil power, of the evasion, the Borg can cause. Did the doctor give them all prosthetic limbs? How good are these? I would personally be traumatised.

  5. Sisko's mother. Now am I right in saying that she was a human female who was possessed by a wormhole alien (a bit like Keiko was by the Pah Wraith) who slept with Sisko's father (poor man: imagine looking like that traiter Cartright!) and then gave birth to Benjamin; a woman who then left after the Wormhole alien left her? Well. Did she have a choice in the matter? Is that not a bit like mind control or rape? If I was one day walking down the street and then bam! It's two years later and I have a baby, I would run too! (Homer: "strut those crazy legs Marge!") Now help me understand this. And is possession by any alien a bit like rape? I mean how many times have Troi etc been possessed. It must be unnerving.

  6. Well. The Inner Light was sweet. Very nice. Yesterday's Enterprise was great as I am a big fan of different looking ships: I love the design of ships and bridges and this gave us a glimpse of a new enterprise and her design. A very visual episode. Ship in a Bottle was one of my first favourites. Best of Both Worlds I have watched too much but will grow to like it again. Oh, and RELICS! Loved it too. :bow:

  7. Sorry, i dont think my point came through as clear as i intended. Basically what I was trying to say is: because tng characters have been so well developed in the past, they are not as well developed in the films. We sort of just leap into their lives instead of having an introduction to them and then developing them throughout the films. In your average film, the character is introduced and we then get to know them throughout the film through good development. That's why non-trekkies feel that they are missing something. New characters in a ST movie would have to be put through this 'getting to know them' process. And this would appeal to all.

  8. New characters are introduced to us in any film we go to see at the cinema. We get to know them as we go along for the length of the film, as we are forced to so as to understand the plot . Relying on old characters is a bit lazy and often this does not appeal to the average non-trekkie cinema goer. I mean in Nemesis a lot would think "why is whoopi goldberg an extra in a crowd" or more generally "how are these people all related, why are they there". WE obviously know, but a lot of my mates when i drag them to see Star Trek, they generally dont enjoy it: i dont know these people! Star Trek has to appeal to everyone if we wnt it to continue at the box office. However, Star Wars did SO well even though no-one knew the characters before; and by the third film we knew them inside out. Now dont get me wrong, im not doing a Star Trek- Star Wars comparison. That's a crappy argument. But what I AM saying is, if new characters are introduced then we may get more of a 'going to see a film' experience that would appeal to everyone as opposed to a big Star Trek TNG episode where we are just catching up with the gang as it were. New characters, more interest. Make the movie series the next NEW SERIES.

  9. I think we need one more tng film to give that cast some closure. Like with Star Trek 6 for those actors. However, i wouldnt want a repeat of generations with a few tng characters signing up to guest appear in a subsequent fim. Completely new characters? What about that, in a Star Wars style trilogy Star Trek epic? Might be interesting. With the odd character popping up through the story.

  10. Well i'd say Trip because me and him have so much in common....LOL only joking! (Though that's not to say i'm not a good looking lad though!) :bow:

    No. I like T'Pol. She is beautiful as well as being a complex character from which lots of stories and development can be made. She is a whole new Vulcan with a past much more colourful and rich with ideas. She is also revolutionary in that we are learning from her a lot more about how your average Vulcan really ticks!

  11. Im sorry but some characters on Trek have bugged me more than the others. Some minor and some more major. Neelix was too chirpy for me. His best episode was the suicide attempt one, but then he went back to his old hi-de-hi! self. Ezri was irratating. I think she didnt have enough time to grow on me. Child actors are always cheesy and annoying. Whether it be the genius child himself who failed the entrance exam to the academy (how? a genius!!!) or jelly tot head Naomi. Even Pavel with his dodgy hair and accent annoyed me. Who annoyed you and why?

  12. but Tasha's death really served no purpose, except that it was the only way to make it so Denise Crosby could bow out as Tasha. As well as a ratings boost,


    As for Data, that was also mentioned as a way out of a situation the writers wrote themselves into ("Wrote themselves into a corner", they said), thus his death was not necessary.

    I would disagree that these deaths served no purpose and were not necessary. Yes, Tasha's death was pointless in that nothing was really gained for the crew by it. But then, aren't deaths like that common in day to day life anyway? I mean, we dont always die for a cause. I could, heaven forbid, get hit by a bus tomorrow: that's life! This adds more realism to the show. I would be dissappointed if everyone died to save the universe or kill an evil nemesis or what have you. The overall effect given to the Star Trek Universe was a sense of realism and danger. You could die out there in space at any moment. Bit of a chill factor. As for Data dying, sure. They could have kept him on. But why bother? Since this is the movie series then can use as many dramatic plot devices as they want to keep up that level of interest, without any major repurcussions. I mean, they have B4 to take over, so why not kill him? What have they got to lose? No. We must accept death in all its forms and not argue against it. If it happens, it happens. For without such deaths, as I have already said, a great part of life will be missing from Star Trek. (The Great Philosopher LOL )

  13. I too am a star refugee. I used to post messages but only got insults and silly arguments back in return. No one wanted to talk, just criticise and act superior all the time. Posts there were quantity and not quality. And some people just went on and o :wow: n and on... i like it here. Much much better!

  14. Lots of Birds of Preys: always one result! Whether it be flying about blind in a nebula, battling an invisible foe, crashing on a planet or going head to head at ramming speed? Which battle did it for you? In Wrath we had great suspense. But in Generations we saw trhat great emergency landing. What about Undiscovered Country? "Thing's gotta have a tail pipe!" You decide.

  15. "Thank God!!! I have friends that agree with me on this issue!! I kept saying that Data and the Borg Queen never did anything but kiss"


    We never saw them do anything in the film. But that doesnt mean they didnt do anything. We cannot assume, on the evidence, one way or another. We could speculate that any sexual act they may have performed may have gone beyond the conventional physical means. They could have had a neural link up mind sex or something. But sexual betrayal is a strong plot device. Im sure there are other ways of having sex in the future that doesnt involve the old 'in out'!

  16. People dying makes for EXCELLANT drama though. Especially when it's a main character that we have formed a bond with. People would realistically statistically die in Star Fleet. It adds a hardened edge to the show: highlights the dangers of Star Fleet. Spock, Tasha, Dax and Data. All these deaths provoke great emotional reactions. Good drama. And as this is Star Trek, you can freely kill them as there'll always be an alternate time line, holodeck simulation or genetic reconstruction that will bring them back. Deaths are essential to any drama series as deaths happen every day in the real world. To exclude them would be to leave out an important part of the human condition which Star Trek explores in such depth. That my friends, is why characters must be killed from time to time. No one lives forever...

  17. I thought Garak was very interesting and his evolution throughout the series was well enough planned. The idea of a Cardassian being left on the station however, always made me wonder. How come he wasnt killed sooner, because in reality, that would have happened.