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Posts posted by prometheus

  1. Worf said in Trials and Tribblations that they were like an infestation and that a Klingon Armada obliterated the Tribble homeworld as they were once considered :wow: mortal enemies of the empire. Odo: "another glorious chapter in Klingon history"! Very funny.

  2. Tom was older than Harry which may feature into it. Though maybe because the ship was so small and there were enough 'chiefs' as it were and not enough 'indians', raising his rank wouldnt really put him any higher on the crew scale. He had his niche which he filled well. If it's not broken... Once they would get back though then being part of the larger Star Fleet again, he would have more room within which to use a promotion. I always asked though, WHY WAS DATA NOT PROMOTED? All except for Dovtor Bev got promotions or were offered them in TNG except for this outstanding crewmember who could quite easily captain a ship (Redemption).

  3. Voyager wasnt the sort of series thent translates well into film world. I agree that some of the characters could have a part to play in a future film but there possibly could be a "re-uniting of the old crew to face a new threat " like with the Motion Picture.

  4. Well if Spiner plays B4 and he has the the memories of data but is different, what rank will he be? Remember that Ezri got additional rank cos she had previous Star Fleet memories etc. Also, will B4 be best mates with Geordi? Will there be a lot of difference between B4 and Data?

  5. Nothing ever follow on accurately in Star Trek and depite what you say, B4 will become exactly like Data. His memories ARE his personality just as the way in which I behave and act (ie my personality) comes from all that I have seen and learned over the years of my life.


    I mean it's obvious: why else would they have had B4 sing that little song at the end if not to show that B4 had Data's memories developing within him and to say "dont be sad. he's not dead, he's in here..."

  6. Argh! Stop it! Just stop it! Move on! He's dead... sigh.Why cant you just accept it.


    Anyway. Worf was much better in DS9. He looked better, developed much further and became the Klingon he always wanted to be.

  7. Well. If you're a nerd then a Vulcan would be good for you. But if you have half a social life you could never have friends round cos this dude would be in all the time reading. I think that a klingon would be fun but you would never get to study and he'd probably be coming in at all hours. Bajorans would go on about the poor lives they had in the camps and would just depress me. I think that Trill would be the best. Mature yet with a sense of fun.

  8. You see, you three are what i'm talking about. Now. Dont get me wrong, im not making enemies with the Soong girls :) But I think that your views on Data, and what he is, are influenced heavily by your feelings towards him. You all love him very much as a character and that is evident throughout your threads. Almost, sometimes, to the point of obsession. Therefore, Data has become very humanised to you and for him to die was for him to die. But you must accept then, that if he is dead - then he's dead! He's never coming back. No Q. No 'Great Search'. That's it. I, however, see Data differently. He was, to me, a very sophisticated machine: a machine that had very similar but not real human characteristics. Now that's my view and i'm entitled to it as much as you are to yours. I think that his programming and the sum of all his experiences together made up his 'personality' and that this could be copied into an identical shell to create a copy. Now, only time will tell whether or not this will be the case in a future film (and hopefully we'll still be in here talking about it LOL) but that's just my view. One of many. You have your more humanised view and that's ok too. I say B4 will forget his early primitive memories just like Data forgot his memories of running around the colony naked. And Data's programming will over run his system.

  9. I would say not sentient: he lacks awareness as to who and what he is, and has no instincts. I dont mean that in the human way, i mean instincts in a logical ability to understand, react etc. I think that he's just a shell that will fill up with a copy of data.

  10. I would love to be the helmsman. Getting to drive a Star Ship would be such a thrill. I'd love to have a reclining chair though like the first series...they looked so laid back. If I couldn't do that then I would like to be tactical officer. "Destroy! Torpedoes away! Firing Phasers..." but might feel guilty if i killed people. What bout you? :)

  11. I can see through the cheap look of the Original Series to imagine the technology that exists underneath. And I appreciate what they were doing with the show. But a lot of episodes bore me. I love the visual aspects of Star Trek and the special effects that come with them. TOS just lacks a lot of these. Though i do love the Trouble with Tribbles, City on the Edge of Forever, and so on. Very well written. And, TOS has a nostalgic value to it as I used to watch it every Sunday morning after Church and I was allowed to take my sunday dinner into the tv room to watch it which was a nice treat!

  12. A liar. An assassin. Greedy. Manipulative. Kai Winn was a true politician. She navigated her way to the top, starting I feel, with good intentions but gradually letting power just go to her head. She was there during the occupation. A poor vedek amongst her people. But then over time rose to power. Her manipulation of Vedek Bareil was typical of her drive. I loved it when she found out that she had been doing it with the head of the Cardassian occupation ha ha ha!!! Kai Opaca reminded me of my nasty French teacher so i didnt like her. But Kai Winn did go on to dominate too much in the end. I prferred the whole Dominion element of the finish rather than the Spiritual thing. Has anyone seen a terrible tele film called "Flowers in the Attic" where she plays a wicked mother?

  13. If you ever read my threads then you'll know that I hated the bOrg as portrayed in Voyager. They were over used and became more destructable than before. Therefore i dont like those episodes. The earlier episodes had a different tone. Lots of conflict within the crew and stuff. I loved Seska and I liked the one where Voyager's crew are deserted on a planet by her and the Kazon. The 37s was my first favourite and had an emotional end, meant as a season 1 ender. But my ultimate favourite is FLASHBACK. I saw this on a massive tv at a college sci-fi fair years ago and thoroughly enjoyed its tie in with the Undiscovered Country. Tuvok making that cup of tea, etc Loved it! :)

  14. Or how about we all grow up and just accept that DATA IS DEAD!!! Im fed up with people who just cant accept change. To bring Data back would be a bottle out. Cheap and predictable. If they decide to keep the character then Data will be in B4's body because we all saw B4 sing Data's song at the end. OBVIOUSLY an indication that the transfer of memory engrams did more than just transfer Daa's more advanced sub-routines but also his memories and personality. B4 is just a dumb shell which will be filled with Data if required. And since they look alike then Brent Spiner will play him again. To use Q would also be cheap and nasty. I mean to be honest Q could be used for anything and bringing people back from the dead would be trite. No, I think that Q should stay out of the movies and that if Data is dead then he's dead. Though since Brent Spiner's career is hardly booming and he'll get paid loads to come back for another feature I can see Data returning (in memories and personality) in the shell of B4 (who is not alive but is a mere body).


  16. I just cannot get into Enterprise. I feel nothing for the characters; can appreciate but still not like the look of the series; fall asleep during some of the story lines. I dont know. I mean the stories are more realistic in that we have whole planets and so forth instead of small villages to visit. But I still cant grow to like Enterprise and I dont know what it is. Does anyone else have this problem? :wow: