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Posts posted by Kyra_Ashleigh

  1. I also avoid medications unless they're absolutely necessary!


    My mom ended up hooked on pain killers because at the time she wasorginally prescribed them, the doc thought it would help with anxiety attacks. Prescription medications have caused a lot of heartbreak in our family over the years.


    I remember being in my teens and having my wisdom teeth surgically removed. They prescribed my tylenol 3 for the pain and while was still out from the surgery, some family member went and got it filled.


    Come time for me to take my pills and I took the antibiotic but refused the pain meds. My mother pushed and pushed with those damn pills, but I insisted I didn't need anything stronger than an Ibuprofein, so the pills went away.


    My mom aparently took them herself. We could never have pain pills in my house!


    My grandfather recently went through a scary time after he got hooked on prescription sleeping pills. He's off them now, but we had a hard time seeing the man who used to ration my mom's pills go through the same thing.


    Has anyone else heard about the new skin infection that doesn't heal? I can't remember exactly what it is, but it's a form of Staph. Guess the Staph bacteria has become resistant from over-use of antibiotics! :b-day:


    I think back on all those years I was prescribed antibiotics for viruses (which has no effect)... no wonder that when I get a ear infection nowadays, I have to put out over $100 for strong meds to make it go away! :b-day:

  2. On another note, I think it would be interesting to see Borg children in use during an attack. Think of it, Borg are attacking, you're fighting back, and all of a sudden robo-baby crawls up and gets you. When, I wasn't exactly thinking about Borg children THAT young... 


    I'm getting a mental picture of a Borg toddler attacking with the equivalent of a cyborg poopy diaper! :b-day:


    But, I'd think if they managed to assimilate human children, that all the stuff that goes through their minds would cause a massive overload to the colective and they'd self-destruct.


    Think about it... most of what babies and toddlers think of is what they want. Hook them into the collective and wouldn't every Borg be screaming for a ba-ba? :b-day:

  3. Here's a picture of that Borg baby your friend meant. It's from the episode "Q Who?"  :b-day:


    Click For Spoiler




    That picture breaks my heart as a parent! :b-day:


    actually, that's one of the most horrifing/chilling aspects of the Borg...that hasn't really been covered much....yes they assimilate children and even babies...nothing goes to waste....then they start altering them...even as infants...with their technology....remember seven of nine...she had part of her brain removed and a's really horrible to think about it.. and 7 or 9 did say that the Borg reproduce..just not sexually...the collective simply combine any DNA they want to come up with different combinations...test tube Borg.. The whole concept of sad too. Studies have shown what happens when infants are left alone when they are young without love or attention from a "mother"...really chilling.


    Your comments really alter the way I look at the Borg. They're scary to look at, but then you take a closer look at what they do in assimilating even children and it brings it home that much harder.


    Thanks again for sharing all this helpful info. My friend will be happy to know he was right... and it looks like I've got a few hundred hours of viewing before I can even become a fraction as knowledgeable as some members of this board! :b-day:

  4. I also heard about the shortage today. So I will happily forego my shot so that people like my 82 year old grandfather can have theirs!


    I'm still hoping I can get my daughter one as well... she had the flu last year and it was so scary because her fever peaked around 105 degrees. :b-day:

  5. So I was chatting with a coworker tonight and he brought up the idea of Borg babies.


    I insisted that the Borg assimilate and therefore don't need to breed, he says that he saw baby Borgs in the ep where Q introduced Picard to the Borg. (I don't have my book on me and can't remember the name of the ep) :clap:


    Do the Borg have children? Assimilate children?


    I always envisioned the Borg as the kind of (species, people, creatures) that would kill children rather than assimilate them.


    Thanks for helping the girlie that doesn't want to pull her whole stack of TNG vids out of storage to figure this one out! :clap:

  6. I'll get one if I ever get over this head cold I have. Here, they won't give them to anyone if they are already sick with anything.


    My reason for getting one is because I live with a small child and my elderly grandfather. I work in retail and the last thing I want to do is get the flu and pass it on to them!


    Of course, as the doctors always say, frequent hand-washing is the best defense against sickie germs! :clap:

  7. I'm gonna have to miss the chat because of work. :laugh:


    I have some pretty weird stories though, like the time we felt a presence while we were out hiking, ran to the car and someting grabbed ahold of the car for a second and we couldn't escape! When we got free, I looked back and there was nothing for my car to get hung up on, and the tires has been spinning in the gravel, so something had us for a second.


    The females in my family are pretty sensitive to that kind of stuff, I'd post our other hundred stories, but I have to go get ready for work now. :clap:

  8. I think, if I had been in Wesley's shoes in that ep, I would have been crying uncontrollably before Picard had more than a few words with me. They would have had to call a medic team to sedate me.


    The anger wouldn't have done it, I would have been mortified at disappointing someone I respected so much.

  9. The parrot head is part of a mascot suit from a place I used to work. They were throwing it out, so I rescued it and had it for many years!


    The guy wearig it in that pic was some drunken friend of an ex-roommate.


    I'm hoping to come up with a cooler avatar one of these days!

  10. I loved it in the theater, though it was such a sad ending.




    we bought the DVD when it came out and I can't stay awake to watch it now! I'm usually asleep before we meet Shinzon! :wacko:


    Something about the way it looks on tv just bugs me, it looked so good on a huge screen in a dark theater, but on a tv, it's just not right. Plus I'll agree that the characters parts weren't right. None of them seemed like the characters we've gotten to know over the years.