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Posts posted by Kyra_Ashleigh

  1. I learned a big one this weekend.


    Never drunkenly email a guy friend and offer to fix his computer probems!


    Tomarrow I plan to learn how big of a fool I made of myself doing the above.


    I also learned that one glass of wine gets me sufficiently drunk to make a fool of myself.


    :laugh: :blush 2:

  2. NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!!


    I love homemade soup! I didn't get to make my turkey soup with my leftovers this year... too much work, not enough cooking time.


    There's nothing better than the gratification of watching soup simmer for 3 hours and finally being able to eat it! :laugh:


    I'd offer a recipe, but I'm one of those cooks who eyeballs everything. :nono:

  3. We call a "rolling stop" a "California Stop" here. I think in my family, the term orignated from one of my California Aunts who never completely stopped and got ticketed a few dozen times for it.


    So, back to the original subject, I stop completely all the time. Nothing peeves me like a person who doesn't stop or, even worse, won't stop for people in a crosswalk, even if it's one of those with the freaking flashing lights that say, "hey, I'm crossing here, you don't want to kill me, do you?"


    Or the people who won't pull over for ambulances. What's so important that you would put the life of another person in danger? :naughty:

  4. I went and loved it! It was a few years ago before they put in the Borg thing, but we had such a good time!


    Hubby and I split a "warp core breach"... nothing fancy, but it was still a cool drink with the dry ice and such.


    We actually considered getting married in a Star Trek wedding there, but we couldn't for financial reasons... renting Starfleet uniforms and stuff is not cheap! B)

  5. My best artistic talent is photography, but I am also a writer.


    I like to doctor pictures of my coworkers during slow times on the job. It's fun, but I think the UPS driver will try and run me down with his truck when he sees the pictures I did of him lately! :nono::nono: :blush 2:

  6. Why do you say that? He was married to his first wife for over 20 years and he and Wendy Neuss were together for about 10.


    Well, twice divorced isn't what I would call a good track record. Of course, I don't know enough to really judge, hence the comments that I hope I'm wrong.


    I would never wish heartbreak on anyone. I truly hope they have a long and happy relationship.

  7. While I highly respect Patrick as an actor, I fear this is a case of "actor gets so into his character he falls in love with the person who plays opposite of him." :unsure:


    I wish the two of them the best of luck in their relationship, however, I think:


    1) Pat hasn't exactly had a good track record with women, so this will probaby come to an end when he meets a new young actress on the set of his next theater production.


    2) She is most likely involved with him to further her career.


    For his sake, I hope I am wrong on both counts. :blink:

  8. You want to make sure you research everything very carefully. That way you don't end up in a bad lease or other nasty situation.


    You also have to be very careful with your finances. The business I plan on buying into someday has a guideline that you need to set aside at least one year's operating costs before you even start the process so you don't run out of money before you start showing a true profit.


    A business class sounds like a really good idea to start with. Then watch a bunch of Star Trek and pay very close attention to the Ferengi. :unsure: :blink:


    Best of luck to you!


    <A HREF=""><IMG BORDER=0 ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=80 SRC="" ALT="What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Light Cycle." /></A>I am <B>a Light Cycle</B>.<BR /><BR />

    I drive fast, I turn fast, I do everything fast. I even breakfast. I tend to confuse people with my sudden changes of heart. Sometimes I even confuse myself, which tends to cause problems. <A HREF="">What Video Game Character Are You?</A>



    (well, they got the hyper-active part right)



    <A HREF=""><IMG BORDER=0 ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=80 SRC="" ALT="What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Gauntlet Adventurer." /></A>I am <B>a Gauntlet Adventurer</B>.<BR /><BR />

    I strive to improve my living conditions by hoarding gold, food, and sometimes keys and potions. I love adventure, fighting, and particularly winning - especially when there's a prize at stake. I occasionally get lost inside buildings and can't find the exit. I need food badly. <A HREF="">What Video Game Character Are You?</A>



    (the lost inside buildings needing food really applied that time we got lost in the MGM Grand in Vegas!)

  10. I voted. That's all I'm saying. I have to admit that the last few elections to me were more of a "pick the lesser of the two evils" than "pick the best candidate."


    I went to bed early last night... I didn't expect them to have a clear-cut winner this morning, so I didn't bother to pay too much attention the the coverage last night.


    The Washington State Governor's race looks pretty darn close though... I'm keeping an eye on that one! :flex:

  11. I used to work in a factory and I was talking to an attractive guy who was also working there... I leaned my elbow on the moving belt to look cool or something stupid and didn't realize I had done it. At the end of the line there was a dropoff where the overflow product would fall into a box. All of a sudden I was leaning on nothing! :blush 2:

  12. We're going to something called "Pumpkin Prowl" at our local zoo. They line the walkways with carved pumkins and have some of the animals on display. Should be much better than Trick-Or-Treating at the mall. :cloud9:


    Tonight I have to carve pumpkins for the two houses and make some pumpkin seeds for snacking. I'm going to make regular, teriyaki and mexican (you powder them with taco seasoning before you bake).


    No cat poop cookies this year though! :flowers:

  13. I was given one of those as a gift many, many years ago. My cousin and I were playing with it and got really scared. My cousin threw the little planchette or whatever you calll the thing you put your hands on into a different back yard (that thing sailed about two houses away)!


    So, about a year later, my cousin was visiting again, she opened the freezer for something and that planchette thing fell off the top of the fridge.


    I swear that thing somehow came back from where we threw it! Nobody but the two of us knew she threw it into anoter yard, but there it was! :D:naughty:


    We had my mom's boyfriend chop that thing into little bits with an axe while we watched... he also told us that burning them was a bad idea.




    Five years later, the man who chopped it up died of a heart attack. It's close enough for me to never want to be in the same house with a Ouija board again!

  14. I would guess that since humans have had a certain amount of exposure to the Vulcan culture prior to the Enterprise show, that it may be common knowledge, or taught to Starfleet personnel in the interest of cultural relations.


    After all, the Vulcans in First Contact greeted Cochrane with their salute. I believe I have seen it on Enterprise previously as well, but can't place which ep it was.