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Posts posted by Kyra_Ashleigh

  1. Hmm, I've had to do the Heimlick on a couple people. And I called 911 for someone who was having a heart attack.


    I don't take credit for those things at all... I was there and did what needed to be done.


    I feel more like a hero for helping my divorced friend have a good Christmas for her kids when she couldn't afford to get gifts for her kids. :roflmao:

  2. I used to work in this dumpy factory and I guess the machines weren't grounded. I'd occasionally get a little shock, but after someone had to go to the hospital, I walked right out and never looked back.


    A different job I had, I was using this big nasty grease filter machine and it turned out the cord was frayed. Bad surprise!


    You know how they say not to take the covers off certain types of electronics because you can get shocked? There was a tape stuck in my VCR... took the cover off and ZZZZAP! Darn thing was unplugged but I guess there was some residual electricity cause it got me pretty good.


    I'm very accident-prone. :roflmao:

  3. My mom had a really foul mouth and told me off often when I was high school age. It never seemed I could do anything right. I moved out after high school, but was lucky I stayed on decent terms with her. When I was 19 and had pneumonia, she insisted I come home and she cared for me until i was all better again. About three months later, I moved back home and things were fine.


    I know firsthand how hard it is for your mom to call you things like fatas* out of anger. I was always the "lazy little sh1t" during my teen years.


    Maybe you should try to talk to her directly about things when she's in a calm mood. It will probably help clarify why she's angry with you. Also, I recommend that you try to hold your temper if she does yell at you like that again. If you lose your cool and curse back, you'll only be making things worse.


    Trust me, you may not see eye to eye right now, but there'll come a time when you need her and you'll wish you hadn't burned your bridges.


    Not that I'm justifying calling a teenager nasty names, but just relating my own experience in a similar situation. My mom has been gone 6 years now and I'm glad I never cut off our relationship even though she could get ugly when she was mad.


    Best of luck to you!

  4. I'm probably not much help either. I have three booshelves of CD's, 7 bookshelves of books and a storage rack of records downstairs.


    My main problem is that I think the books are multiplying. They've overrun the bookshelves and made their way onto any flat surface available... not to mention the closets, the floor in my computer room, etc, etc. I wonder if books and Tribbles are related somehow.... :flex:


    I do a very general alphabetical arrangement with my CD's... A's together and so on. That way I at least have a general idea of which rack they're on. Then I keep burned copies in my car so they don't get stolen, or more likely, all migrate off the racks to join their friends in the car. I have every CD I own saved onto my PC, so I rarely need to pull out an original for any reason.


    The books, when not overrunning the shelves, are arranged by book type (pb, hb) and by author. I keep my favorite authors at eye level, then the rest are arranged haphazardly by genre.


    Best of luck with your organizing!

  5. I never really got into DS9. I never watch tv unless there's something I really want to see on, so I pulled out our DS9 videos and gave them another try recently. The tapes are dying so I finally bought season 1 on DVD.


    All of a sudden, I really like it! I must say I prefer certain eps and I think "Emissary" is brilliant so I keep re-watching it. :(

  6. I'm dying here! I just know I'll forget to watch when they start running new eps again. it happens to me every time! :(


    And I want to see Hatchery again too... even though I would have preferred a different resolution to the dilemma.


    I've come to expect the end of the season cliffhanger, but this..... AAAARGH! :)

  7. I think they have potential. I'd like to hear some of their other stuff. Which label have they signed with and how good is their distribution? I'd like to get a better quality copy of their recording so I can get a better feel for it, but I like what I hear so far.


    Pass this link on to your friend, maybe they can get some play time:

    The Edge

  8. I sleepwalked when I was younger and I ended up doing a lot of embarassing things, so I've heard.


    Once I apparently got up in the middle of the night, went into the room we used for storing extra furniture, and somehow wriggled between who know how much stuff. I woke up on a couch, under a table, wedged in behind some chairs and a desk. That was weird! :theforce:

  9. I must be getting old because it takes a lot to freak me out anymore.


    Movies that gave me nightmares as a kid:

    The Shining

    The Amityville Horror

    Hellraiser (the first one freaked me out so bad I never watched the sequels)

    Friday The 13th


    I think the most recent thing that actually scared me was The Ring. I watched it with my cousin and her roommate alone one night while we were vacationing. There was nobody else within a mile of where we were and we managed to get ourselves so scared, we slept on the floor in the living room! :flex:


    Signs didn't do much for me. All the guys at my work were talking about how scary it was, so when I got let off early, I went right over to the theater and watched it. I made fun of those boys for weeks because they were so scared.

  10. I admit I looked the last time I was in the market for a car, but there were very few within reasonable distance to go pick it up and I didn't want to mess with shipping.


    It's amazing what you see selling on Ebay though. The state of Washington has sold a ferry and a good deal of heavy equipment in the past month or three! I always look to see what weird stuff they have up for sale!

  11. I had to vote that I can't make it this year. I'll just keep bugging the hubby and see if he gives in!


    We actually almost did the Star Trek wedding thing you can do there, but hubby decided it was too expensive. A big disappointment, but at least I don't have to explain the wedding pictures to any non-Trekkies!


    I love the Experience and will be going back someday, though we'll probably end up waiting a few more years.

  12. I say Picard because though Locutus had all of Jean-Luc's knowledge up to the point he was assimilated, Picard has grown and learned through life experiences since that point.


    Besides, he's the good guy! :lol:

  13. There's nothing to recover, Data was incinerated. He's just floating subatomic particles.


    You have a point. :lol:


    Interesting thing, ST4 was the highest grossing of all the Trek movies and the only time a phaser was fired was when Kirk locked the doctors up so they could rescue Checkov.


    Nemesis would have been a much stronger movie had they focused more on Picard's dilemma of dealing with his clone and less on the Star Wars action sequences.


    It would be nice to see something where a character wrestles with a big dilemma for the entire film and you can just see their anguish.

  14. I'm new here, but I wanted to say I'm sorry to hear about your accident! I hope you aren't too sore from the impact!


    I have this horrible fear that I have a big target on the back of my car. I've been rear-ended 7 times and every time I had been stopped for a period of time before the idiot came flying out of nowhere! I can't so much as go on a carnival ride nowadays without my neck being stiff for a week. :roflmao:


    I can't believe that the guy that hit you has a chance to not have to cover your medical and repair expenses at least! Grrr. When I was rear-ended the last time, it took 6 weeks before the insurance company would even talk to us about paying up! We had to threaten to sue and everything. And this is in a situation where the person who hit me got cited for "failure to stop" or "driving too fast to be able to react to conditions" or some weird thing like that. Essentially the ticket said that had she been paying attention, the accident wouldn't have happened.


    Did you have any witnesses when the driver admitted it was his fault? If you do and you can track them down, it may work to your advantage. If you were in the US, I'd be able to give you better advice.


    Good luck and hope you're not too sore still!

  15. I've been a casual Trek watcher for years and until recently wouldn't have even bothered to call myself a fan. I started getting more seriously into Trek since my husband is a big fan and it sucked me in!


    I missed out on the whole first season of Enterprise, luckily we have tapes of every series up till Voyager, but I'm debating on whether or not I should cough up the cash and buy the Enterprise VCD's that are going around on Ebay. I know VCD's are horrible quality, I have the whole Quantum Leap series on VCD and it's dismal quality at best, but when you're a fan, you do what you've gotta do.


    So I guess the big question is: do I really need to see the first season to appreciate Enterprise or will it make me want to bash my head into a wall for all the flaws? I'm toying with ordering the VCDs anyway since I like Scott Bakula as an actor.


    Any glaring reasons why I should save my money?

  16. I'd like to see more of a character-driven movie rather than another action movie like Nemesis. I'm thinking of something along the lines of Data's body being recovered and Geordi having to deal deal with the moral dilemmas involved in reassembling his best friend.


    But I'd like it if they got away from the big action fight sequences and get back to the true heart of Trek.


    But really, what do I know? :roflmao: