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Posts posted by ensign_beedrill

  1. Uhm... *blushes* OK, but you have to promise not to laugh...


    Beedrill is a Pokémon. Yeah, I'm a Pokémon fan. But just of the old stuff. I don't like the new things they're coming out with. Blah. And, Beedrill is this really spiffin' bee Pokémon with drill/needle things and it looks cool. And it's a pretty good fighter, too. And, well, bees have always been my favorite animal, so it's reasonable that Beedrill would be my favorite Pokémon, right? So Beedrill's been my general screen name for years, now. And the ensign part... well... I think it would be pretty cool to be an ensign in Starfleet. Thus, Ensign_Beedrill.


    I'm new to this thing... is there a way you can reply to specific replies, or do you just have to reply to the starting post?

  2. Star Trek has more science than Star Wars, no doubt. They've always had science advisors on the crew, and they really try to come up with sciency explanations for the things that happen. Star Trek is not always an adventure story. It doesn't always rely on the action to get it's point across or to get the viewer's attention. I think that's why it has more science. Star Wars is more of an action series. They focus on the explosions and space battles and fun and romance and things like that. While Star Trek does that too, and more often nowadays, it also focuses on the science and realism aspects.