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Posts posted by ensign_beedrill

  1. :laugh: Yes that  colorful response was really funny, and totally unexpected. I mean we have never heard him say anything remotely like that. Definately a surprise there!

    Very unexpected. I was blown away, really. Because there are two people I knew I could count on who would not swear in Star Trek: Spock and Data. Well, Spock ruined his reputation in The Voyage Home (even though it was funny as anything). So Data remained... and now... he's not in that group anymore. But he's still cool. *thumbs up* Now I'm trying to figure out who swears more, Trip or McCoy. Heh.


    And Data, I could stare at that Slinky all day. Really. I'm not kidding. I could. It's so hypnotic.

  2. Hahaha! You just paraphrased two thirds of all Enterprise episodes. ^-^;; Kinda' sad when you think about it. Loved the repeating "Archer looks pensive" and "T'Pol pouts." For a Vulcan, she pouts way too much. I love Enterprise, even if they are all the same. So, what's on next week?

  3. Bashir didnt fear to be clear that his rear was near the deer and closer still to the beer. Here here my dear. No need to be so queer.

    That... was interesting.


    That was a cool episode. I liked it that the Enterprise was at Deep Space 9. (Are space stations supposed to be in Italics? I know names of ships are... but what about space stations?) I was just bugged out that the two were together. That was pretty neat.


    And I learned that Data's hair can grow. How cool is that?

  4. A lot of time has passed since Wes left with the Traveller.  You may have noticed that Wes was wearing a dress uniform.  In the novelization of Nemesis it says that Wes is now a lieutenant and will be serving on the Titan with Riker.  I believe the explanation of Wes' presence was also explained in the part of the receptoin scene that was deleted.

    Oh, really? I need to read that. Wow, I have this huge list of things to read. *sigh*


    But there was supposed to be a scene that explained Wesley's presence. However, it was deleted. Too bad. I like Wesley. And I'm sure it wouldn't have added too much time to the movie to have put that in. It wasn't even in the deleted scenes! Oh, well. Maybe he got tired of doing the "traveller" thing and realized that his true, true calling was being in Starfleet, so he decided to go back. I don't know...


    Does anyone know if Wil Wheaton is in the credits? I forgot to check when I rented the DVD.

  5. Yeah, that’s very true!


    I see “faces” all the time when I look at more abstract things. Yeah, that is strange when I think about it. I guess we could dig up a logical explanation of seeing and having your brain programmed to see common things. For example when you are just learning a foreign language your natural response when reading all of these vowels is to pronounce them in your first language and not pronounce them correctly. Your brain goes to the ordinary. Ok, yes that does not directly connect. But it does have some parallels . . .



    Master Q


    I can combine those. I see faces in foreign languages! I learned a bit of Arabic... and there's a letter, pronounced ta'a, that looks just like a happy face. It's my favorite letter. Some langauges have put umlauts over the 'u.' That looks like a happy face, too. ^-^;;

  6. Well, I didn't like "Tuvix." Egh... Tuvok and Neelix merged? That is the worst idea ever. And when Tuvix said that he didn't want to die... that was... ergh. I don't know what the big trouble was. I would have separated them in a minute. Because he's not one person, he's two. That guy was only thinking of himself, and not of his impact on others, which is something Tuvok and Neelix would never do. Plus... Tuvok is one of my favorite characters... and Neelix my least favorite... so to see them merged was just... terrible.

  7. I liked "Endgame" too. I thought the ending was handled very well. Sure, there are a lot of unanswered questions, things we'll probably never know. But I believe it was a good choice to leave things unanswered. Voyager heading to Earth with a fleet of ships was just a beautiful ending, and it leaves you wondering. So many Star Trek episodes are like that. They present an issue, and it gets solved, but it doesn't really get solved. I mean, they find a way to deal with it, but there is still so much you could do with that idea and the episode leaves you thinking. Those always tend to be my favorites. So I think they kept with a long line of Star Trek tradition on that one. And who knows? Maybe they will come out with a Voyager movie. If so, they'll have a lot of material to work with.

  8. I don't think it should be changed, just because it characterizes so much of the theme of the show.


    First of all, the song, in itself, is a big departure from previous Trek incarnations. This one has words and this one's not showing breathtaking images of the ship (or station in DS9's case) coasting through space. But that's what Enterprise is about. The setting takes place before any other Trek. No rules have been established, Archer has nothing to go on, and it's going to be different. This difference is established right from the start with the theme song. But, at the end, it does have the Enterprise warping out into space... much like the other theme songs. This is just a reminder that even though Enterprise is different, it's still Star Trek, and there are some traditions that you just don't break.


    Secondly, the words and the montage that goes along with the song are very appropriate. "It's been a long road..." It certainly has. "They're not gonna' hold me down no more, no they're not gonna' change my mind." Nobody can hold Archer back, now. He's going to go out there and no one, not Starfleet, not the Vulcans, not the Klingons... nobody is going to make him turn back. The pictures are great, each showing a pioneering step in exploration. Showing some shimps named Enterprise and pretty much creating a time line... showing how much and how long it took to get to where they are now, exactly what the song is emphasizing.


    And lastly... you can sing along with it! There are times where I just want to sing a Star Trek theme, but I can't because they don't have words. I end up just humming. Now I can randomly burst out into song! "Faith, of the heart!" Every time I watch the show, I sing along with the lyrics. (My sister provides wonderful background vocals.) And we have a general good time.


    This song always puts me into the mood of what Enterprise is about, and to change it would be a shame.

  9. I like the Delta Flyer :D


    But the question that lingers in my mind...How many shuttles can they fit in that ship?!  If the bad guys didn't get them Chakotay crashed them on a planet...;) But, I think the Voyager Compainion is going to have an official shuttle count of every shuttle that was "used, abused, or destroyed" :D

    The Coffee Nebula has a pretty good count. They've got a disclaimer that seasons six and seven haven't been entirely included, but it's a good count, nonetheless.


    I like the Delta Flyer. It just looks so smooth and sleek and... fun. And it seemed better equipped for outings. But it got blown up just about as much as regular shuttles! I wonder how many times they've had to rebuild that thing!

  10. I chose Travis because he seems like a nice guy. I haven't seen much of him, (I didn't catch most of first season and missed "Horizon") but what I've seen, he seems like a nice guy. Plus, he's cute. Now who wouldn't want a nice, cute kid? I would be so proud of him... pilot on the Enterprise, wow! He'd have to have skills, and I'd be really proud.

  11. I liked Janeway's hair to, I think Seven's is called a French twist...but don't trust me on that :)

    Thanks! I've been wondering what it's called for... well... a while. I did a search for images for "french twist," and sure enough, it turned up some images very similar to Seven's 'do.

  12. Oh, I agree. It probably does get dull and monotonous, doing the same job everyday. We usually see the places where all the action is. But what if you don't work on the bridge or engineering or sickbay (I've noticed most scenes take place here) or you don't usually go on away missions. Even if you do work in those places, I'm sure it does bet boring watching a console all day... I'd be scared out of my life whenever the ship quaked. I wouldn't know what's going on, and the unkown is a lot scarier than the known. At least Picard and gang know what's going on when the ride gets bumpy... but some people... they just hear red alert. I'd just freak out.


    The people I feel sorry for are the transporter people. They stand in the transporter room. And that's what they do. Maybe they do something else, but... what else is there for them to do? So they stand in the transporter room all day. There aren't even chairs in there! They have to stand! *sigh*

  13. I loved Janeway's hair in the later seasons. (The short style.) If I ever got my hair cut short, I'd want it to look like Janeway's. That or Tasha Yar's. But... I don't want my hair short right now. I also liked Seven's usual style. It just looked cool. I don't know what that 'do is called. Anybody?

  14. Here's the way I see it. Janeway and Chakotay had been building a relationship for seven years. Seven comes on board, and there's still nothing between her and Chakotay. And then, all of a sudden near the end of the series, it turns out that Seven likes Chakotay. Later still, we find them together....


    That... that's just... mmm wrong. Janeway and Chakotay had been through so much... and he clearly respected her, if not liked her. One of my favorite Janeway/Chakotay scenes is in "Year of Hell" when he gives her a watch and she refuses to take it and tells him to recycle it. Later on, she finds it in his quarters and keeps it. Awww.


    Anyway, Seven and Chakotay's relationship seemed kind of sudden. Very sudden. No explanations given, all of a sudden they're a couple. Whereas Janeway and Chakotay had been together so much longer and and been through so much. They were certainly very close. I think it should have been Janeway.

  15. Wow, there are too many. That whole sequence of "crunch time" in the first episode.


    "It's not crunch time yet, Mr. Kim. I'll let you know when." -- Janeway


    "If anyone can provoke Mr. Tuvok, Neelix, it's you." -- Doc


    "In any covert battle, logic is a potent weapon. You might try it sometime." -- Tuvok


    "There is a certain logic to your logic." -- Tuvok


    Anything from Tuvok, really.


    And those are just some. Great quotes come from Voyager.