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Posts posted by ensign_beedrill

  1. I totally agree. Season 3 was definitly the best season. Kes was boring, but I have to say, Seven was worse. She had so much screentime that we hardly ever got to see the other characters! They were all reduced to like one line per episode. But I did enjoy watching her get drunk... that was funny :lol:

    She did have a great many episodes, but that's just because she's an awesome person. I enjoyed watching her grow in each one. She is so funny and very smart. Her conciseness always humors me. I like the way she talked. She was not afraid to state the obvious or say something that nobody else wanted to say. She had no problem questioning the captain. I don't think she detracted from the others at all. If anything she served to enhance their characters and had a profound impact on their lives. Certainly Janeway's, the Doctor's, and Chakotay's. Her presence perhaps made everyone more appreciative of their own humanity. They learned as much from Seven as she learned from them. I think she was a wonderful addition to the Voyager crew.


    In which episode did she get drunk?

  2. Well, I haven't seen all of them, yet, but I loved "Riddles." Tuvok's got a nice smile. Too bad he doesn't use it more often. ^-^;; Also, I liked "Meld." And this one is here because I just saw it recently; "Fair Haven." Janeway has a nice smile, too. ^-^


    There are probably some I'm leaving out, but my memory fails me. But you'll see a trend... Two of those are episodes where Tuvok goes crazy. He's my favorite character. I love Vulcans. I think they're so interesting. It's kind of neat, but scary, to see what's underneath the Vulcan "mask." So I like the glimpses into his darker side.


    I threw "Fair Haven" in there because, as I said, it is fresh in my mind. I also liked seeing Janeway smile and be... happy.


    "Riddles" was absolutely fabulous. So I'll say it's my favorite, right now. Until I see all of them and make a more educated decision.

  3. Reginald Barclay. He's so like me, it's unbelievable. I am shy around people, and I have a hard time getting into a new routine and fitting in when I move to a new place. I'm such a geek. Or at least I'd like to think I am. I have a hard time socializing and relating to people. I often escape into my imagination, though I have no holodeck to turn these fantasies into semi-realities. They really have to get around to inventing those! If I had one, I'd never leave! But when I do make friends, they are always very good friends, and people I love to be around. Barclay and I could be twins. Except, he's a little older than I am. 0o

  4. Of course you are now going to disagree with this completely and ferverantly argue that your point is right and that it is a wonderful idea so I may just as well say, wow! Yes. Super Kes on every week. That would have been cool and she could have done stuff for them all the time. Saved them all the time. Yay. Great show!!! Voyager would have been much better then.

    I love your sarcasm and humor, Prometheus. ^-^;;


    I too, am a fan of Seven of Nine. She was just so funny. The scenes where we saw her becoming more human were very touching. I always find myself cheering for her when she does something dramatic. She was a very dynamic, dimensional character. And Jeri Ryan portrayed her just perfectly. I haven't had the opportunity to see many shows while Kes was around, so I'm not in much of a position to compare, but I certainly do like "the Seven years." She added so much to the show.

  5. Wow, that made my heart all fluttery. ^-^;; Really. When all those faces were flashing up on the screen with that cool-and-triumphant-sounding music... it was just stunning.

  6. How about an Enterprise musical? Everyone bursting into random song and dance every few minutes. Hah, that'd be so funny.


    I just got this picture in my head. We're in the mess hall. Suddenly, everyone gets up on the tables and starts dancing and singing. That would be great.


    Sorry, I have a strange imagination.

  7. They should have him singing "Faith of the Heart" one day on the bridge. I'm sure most times, the bridge is pretty quiet with not much to do for a captain sitting in his chair. Out of sheer boredom, he could just start humming, and then sing quietly and gradually get louder. Could you imagine T'Pol's reaction?


    Seriously? It's a good idea. I'd like to hear him sing. If it can be worked in, go for it!

  8. I'm glad Seven kept her Borg name. I agree that you can't just go back and relive the past. She was Seven for most of what she remembers. She doesn't even remember most of being Annika. When she was first adopted by Captain Janeway, she didn't want to be Human. Retaining her Borg name was a last way to defy Janeway and "stay Borg." By the time she started to embrace her Human side, the crew was already used to calling her Seven. Plus, it's the name she'd been called for most of her life. It would be hard to change after twenty-some years.


    As for the eye piece, I think it was left there because it was an integral part of her body systems. Something that couldn't be removed, or, I'm sure the Doctor would have removed it. Besides, she looks way too cool with it on to get rid of it. ^-^;;


    Here's a Seven question. Do you think she should have worn a Starfleet uniform? In "Human Error," she expressed an interest in wearing one. She looked pretty nice in one. I didn't much like those tight suits she was always wearing. I think a uniform would have been a nice change.

  9. I think Voyager was perfect just as it was. It had very believable characters who grew on you, fun and often times dangerous adventures that left you gripping your armrests, and an awesome captain who was a genius mixture of Kirk and Picard. What more could you want? Sure, Voyager may have lacked some things that other series had, and perhaps those things in the other series are what drew people to them. They didn't like Voyager because those elements were missing. But Voyager, in turn, had some things that other series lacked, which is what draws other people to it. Each series is different, and those differences produce differences in opinion among the fans. It's a good thing they're all different, too. Could you imagine if they were all the same? Don't judge the show on general opinion. Judge the show on the value it holds for you.

  10. I chose Lore. He was such a complex character. Sure, he was the evil twin... but he was the kind of evil guy you can't help but love. Everyone has their faults, right?


    The way I see it, Lore was living in the shadow of his brother. He was the one deactivated and left disassembled. I think he felt a little resentment about that. He wanted to get attention, and what better way to be a bad guy? Nobody ever notices you when you do something good, but turn to wrong doing and everyone notices. He was just misguided. But inside, I think he wanted to be good, he just couldn't help but being bad. In "Brothers," it seemed for a while that he wanted to be good. He was sad that Soong was going to die. And he seemed genuinely concerned. So he had to have a little goodness in his heart.


    I am reminded of Caleb from John Steinbeck's East of Eden. If anyone's read it, you know what I'm talking about. Poor Caleb was never noticed because of his twin brother, Aaron. Aaron was the cute one with blond hair and an innocent face. All of his father's love went to Aaron, and Caleb didn't feel any of it. No matter how hard he tried to please his father, he was never noticed. So Caleb did some bad things. But he never wanted to do those things. Inside he wanted to be good, he just had a hard time following through.


    So, that's why I chose Lore. My second choice would be Lal. She was just so curious about the world around her, always wanting to know and discover. I love that attitude.


    By the way, the episode Offspring was on TNN last night. I thought last night was the best night on TNN. They had Offspring and Part 1 and 2 of All Good Things.


    It was a good night. I sat through and watched it all. That's good television right there!

  11. I'm sure they have public restrooms as well as a bathroom in everyone's quarters. I've seen them from time to time. I've never seen a toilet, but I'm sure they've got them.


    And why do you think Picard goes to his ready room so much? He's probably got a secret bathroom in there or something. That's why he never has to go. ^-^;; (Don't take that seriously.)


    What I've always wondered if what if someone's in the shower and suddenly there's a red alert? What do they do?

  12. And to the people who complain that we all need to get over it because he is a character in a movie.... why we react this way is that Data has touched our lives in ways we can't always describe. Though he is fictional to some of you, he is real in many ways to us....many of us out there can relate to him, are interested in him, care about or love him....And no matter how people yell at us to get over it, we see him as a friend in many ways, and we are not going to just go "He's gone end of story, now onto the next subject". (and note here, I am not just directing this towards a specific group of people here....I actually had this argument this afternoon with MY OWN MOTHER! And since a similar thing was said here, I felt I would share what I told her)

    I totally agree. Wonderfully said.

  13. I think a better idea then making a animated TNG series might be to actually make a cartoon based around a completly new set of characters. I really do think that a new animated Star Trek would be awesome (as long as it wasn't TNG) but I have absolutly no idea how they would/could market it. As awesome as it might be I have a strong feeling that it would flop.

    I think a new set of characters on a different ship is a nice idea.


    An animated Trek series would be great. They could put it on some Saturday morning cartoon program or something. I'm not saying that it has to be geared towards kids, but it'd be nice if it was during a block of kid's programming. Have you seen any of these cartoons kids watch these days? It's amazing. No wonder society is going downhill. It's all because of what kids watch on TV. I think a Star Trek series for them would really bring attention to science while at the same time providing action, adventure, and comedy. It might get them more interested in school and the intellectual. Maybe they'd get interested in other Trek series and spawn a whole new generation of fans. I don't think they'd have a problem marketing it. Kids will watch anything.

  14. I love Wesley. I think he was a wonderful addition to the Enterprise crew. He's one of my favorite TNG characters alongside Data, Geordi, and Barclay.


    He's such a bright kid. He's always working hard, whether it's school work or helping out around the ship. He puts his heart into everything he does. His science experiments are pretty cool. He's a very nice and helpful person. Plus, he's cute. ^-^;;


    Yet, even though he knows so much and can do everything the adults do, he's alienated from them because he's not as grown up. It's not like he can hang out with them in Ten Forward or things like that. I did see him playing poker with the gang once, but that was it. I also get the feeling that he's alienated from the kids his own age, because he is so bright and he works with the adults. Kids may be intimidated by him or just not want to hang out with him because he's a geek. (I have nothing against geeks. In fact, I consider myself to be one.) I hardly ever saw him with friends or just having fun with kids his own age. It happened sometimes, but was very rare.


    Also, his father died when he was very young. He managed to get through all of these hardships, though, and I think that makes him a very brave young man. I admire him for that.


    One more thing. He gets to fly the Enterprise when he's only, what, sixteen? That is awesome.

  15. Spock's death. It was so long and drawn out. He knew he would die when he went into that chamber. He knew it would be painful and everything, but he did it, anyway. And in doing this, demonstrated his human side. Sure, it was the "logical" thing to do, but it was also a very human thing. To sacrifice his life for his friends.


    Then Kirk, practically running to the engine room. Sliding down the ladder and running. He would have gone right into that chamber if McCoy, Scotty, and some other guy hadn't stopped him, he was so anguished.


    "He'll die in there!"

    "He's dead already."


    That just sealed it. Spock wasn't getting out of this alive. Finally Kirk calms down and walks over to the chamber, calling his friend's name. Spock stands and... tugs his shirt down! He's near death and he still straightens his shirt. He bumps into the wall. And that just set me crying. (Yeah, I'm the weepy type.) The two, holding hands up against the glass, wanting to touch but not being able to.


    Spock says some touching lines. Very touching, and very memorable and then... dies. And Kirk just slides down the glass, sitting there and staring off as the camera pulls back. It's just so moving and touching and... wonderfully done. The glass was a great touch.


    While Data is my favorite character and I cried when he died, too, I don't think it was as impacting. It was very sudden. No last words, no straigtening his shirt, just... BOOM! And he's gone. And we didn't have as much time to react. Didn't have as much time to see what was happening.


    Spock's death earned my vote.

  16. Here's an official episode schedule for the VOY re-runs on UPN.  I'll edit the schedule monthly. ;)


    May 28 - The Fight

    May 29 - Bliss

    May 30 - The Disease

    June 2 - Dark Frontier, Part I

    June 3 - Dark Frontier, Part II



    Go here for the episode guide at StarTrek.com B)

    Too bad they don't show that many where I live. *sigh* I get one a week on the WB. UPN doesn't show them at all! How odd...