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Posts posted by Takara_Soong

  1. Good point. Your an android..seems kindof silly to make this argument..if that..How do you seek help? Get your brother who you've tried to kill numerous times to lend aid?


    Or go to Starfleet who would send you to Maddox or Halftel who would probably dismantle you rather than fix you.

  2. I almost forgot the man I would like to disassemble and examine for a brain - Commander Bruce Maddox. I so despise that man!!! :)


    Since we are sort of venting here, there are times when Geordi really bugged me too. He at times came off as a "know it all". Picard would be looking at Data to ask a question and Geordi would jump in. Remember in Power Play when he and Ro are in the Jeffries Tube talking to Picard and Crusher and he interrupts Crusher to tell her something she had already figured out. Or in The Loss when Data is telling Picard and Riker about the plan he and Troi came up with to get away from the cosmic string and Geordi jumps in "Data's right". Well of course Data's right!!! At times Geordi really is the Cliff Clavin of TNG.

  3. I'm like Yillara in that I am a TNG fan. I'm not sure about a mixed cast - I guess it would depend on who they were. Would 7 have to go to the Academy before be able to serve on another ship? What about the Maquis? As it has been pointed out they were outlaws. If they are pardoned would B'Elanna have to go back to the Academy since she didn't graduate? Avery Brooks seems to be on the outs with the powers that be at Paramount as they have pretty much said that his character couldn't be brought back. Michael Dorn almost didn't do Nemesis because of contract negotiation problems so would he want to play Worf yet again.


    The biggest problem would be bringing in all of these characters and then not having anything for most of them to do. It was very difficult in the TNG movies to get all of the regulars involved in the plot and it would be very difficult to do more than 2 story lines in a 2 hour movie without it becoming very confusing.


    Personally if Patrick Stewart and/or Brent Spiner aren't involved I doubt I would go. I'm willing to see how B4 will develop after he has assimilated Data's programing.

  4. Sorry about that Celtic_Swimmer. Probably should have PM'ed that.


    Here's a good one from Liaisons:


    Data: I have found that in moments of diplomatic tension, it is often helpful to find elements of commonality.


    Worf: Ambassador Byleth is demanding, temperamental and rude.


    Data: You share all of those qualities in abundance. Perhaps you should build on your similarities.

  5. I saw both of those stories. As I mentioned I have found IMDB to be unreliable at times. If there was a movie "in production" I think we would have heard something through the official site.


    I did do a quick seach of the web to see if I could find anything with this title and there is a theme park called Space Park in Duitsland (I have no idea where that is) that has a 4D cinema attraction called Star Trek Borg Experience. The site was in German so I have no clue what it said.

  6. I know I probably missed quite a few great guest characters. I have only chosen characters who were in at least two episodes and some are good guys and some are not.


    I did not include Spock, Miles O'Brien and Spot as I thought they might skew the results. Spock was in two episodes but he only had one line in Unification Part 1. Chief O'Brien is really well liked and since he was practically a regular I thought it best not to include him. And Spot...well everyone loves our very special felis cattus. :)


    Let me know what you think and why.

  7. There have only been three punk bands ever worth talking about. The Ramones , The Sex Pistols and The Clash.  The Romones coined it ; The Sex Pistols evovled into the form most often recongized as Punk angry scarstic and bitting; and finally the Clash kept it going and expanded it when it was said to be dead until they no longer could keep it together themsleves. All the rest are walking in the shadows of those three bands.  The only modern band to come close to those three with punk formula is Offspring. But they too seem to be slipping into Bubblegum Punk too now.  A sad thing to see.

    I wasn't into the punk lifestyle but I loved the Clash (not including Combat Rock though). I can't believe Joe Strummer is gone. I liked listening to the Pistols if I was in a really foul mood.


    I had a really weird experience when listening to the Clash. I was listening to a tape of the London Calling album while waiting to transfer at a bus stop. As the bus was pulling up the song Rudie Can't Fail came on and as I was climbing the steps to get on the bus the words "on the route of the 19 bus" were sung. I was getting on a route 19 bus which was not a bus I normally took. Hmmmm

  8. Hi Lessa. So glad you're here. I know you'll really enjoy these boards and I'm sure you'll be promoted in no time. I assume that since you are back on the computer that you are feeling better.


    The st.com Soong family are all here now but of course we aren't an exclusive club or anything like that. All you have to be is a fan of any member of the Soong family (of course our link was that we all had Soong in our screen names).

  9. I think he did some evil things but I think Dr. Soong was right when he said that Lore was not given the same chances as Data. Data had been in Starfleet for approximately 20 years before he was assigned to the Enterprise but he said that Geordi was his first friend. Let's assume that Lore's treatment on Omicron Theta was similar - no friends, etc. and add into that mix the emotions that Lore possessed and that is a recipe for resentment, bitterness and anger. If Lore had been given the chances I think he would have been just fine.

  10. There is a Live Chat feature I can add to these boards, but I'm waiting until we have enough members to support it, it would be free to use but would cost me about $150 to add. So when we get 350 - 500 users there might be enough members online at any given time to actually use it.


    That sounds great! From what I've seen of your boards it shouldn't take very long to get that many members. You're all doing a terrific job here.


    DSBS, Lessa is here now. The Sisters Soong have arrived!!!

  11. If you get it and don't like it you can return it for something else. Here is part of their return policy from the site.


    Returns Policy


    No refunds are available for clothing, videotapes, CDs, DVDs, or computer software. Only exchanges are available for these items.




    One more TNG movie and then Enterprise, if it picks up the ratings and runs 7 seasons, would be ready to move to the big screen.


    I've said before, if it doesn't have Patrick Stewart and/or Brent Spiner I won't be there.


    I had a dream that they were making a Voyager tv movie that seemed really real. I have questions about all the non-Starfleet personnel on that ship and what happened to them upon their return.

  13. I still can't believe what happened. It doesn't surprise me that he went to the Scimitar. In a way it is like Picard staying aboard the Enterprise to save Data in First Contact.


    I was watching Time's Arrow today so maybe they could go back to the cavern in San Francisco and get Data's head. :blink:

  14. I'm looking forward to seeing this episode. It sounds great. From what I gather no one on Earth (other than the scientist who find them) and on the Enterprise will actually SEE the Borg and they certainly won't know that is what they are. I think it will work.

  15. I love the life forms song too. Here are some other favourites of mine.


    From Generations:


    Riker: Computer remove the plank!

    Picard: Number One that's "retract the plank" not "remove the plank."

    Riker: Of course sir. (to Worf in the water) Sorry!


    From First Contact:


    Data: Tell me, are you using a polymer-based neuro-relay to transmit the organic nerve impules to the central processor of my postironic net? If that is the case, how have you solved the problem of increased signal degradation inherent to organic-synthetic transmissions...

    Borg Queen: Do you always talk this much?

    Data: Not always...but often.


    Picard: I will not sacrifice the Enterprise. We've made too many compromises already, too many retreats. They invade our space and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds and we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn here. This far, no farther. And I will make them pay for what they've done.

  16. jdig posted this in the Shatner slammed thread (I added the emphasis):


    Despite his comments, Shatner was this week reunited with many former original cast members at the TV Land Awards, in which Star Trek won the Pop Culture award. He commented, "Here I am winning a Pop Culture Award and I am disconnected with pop culture. Whenever I get on these shows and they ask about pop culture I never know what to say."


    The award was for Star Trek not for him personally. Sounds like an ego problem. :blink:


    I seem to recall reading that Shatner and Leonard Nimoy didn't get along very well on set. Is that true or did I dream it. I have had weird dreams like that - I think I dreamed they were filming a Voyager tv movie and it seemed so real that I would have sworn I had actually read it somewhere.