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Posts posted by Takara_Soong

  1. Yes he does have beautiful eyes! And no I have not seen the movie yet, I am probably going to borrow my sister's copy. She said he made a good villain and that she didn't know he could play a villain so well! This from a girl who really liked Lore!!! Well, my sister isn't always awake, you know!

    I am not much of a Dana Carvey fan either, but someone said that the best way to watch the movie was with remote control ready to mute and fast forward. That way, I could get to Brent's scenes really quickly!

    That's because Lore isn't a villain just misunderstood, right!! :lol:


    Yea, it was me who said to have your remote handy. There was something else I was going to say about this movie and I can't remember now.

  2. I guess this Data has to post more. I seem to be stuck at Lieut. Maybe someday I will burst out with a whole bunch of posts. I just would rather read what everyboday else has to say. I got to get inspired.

    Recommend playing the fun games in Quark's Bar but DSBS is right. Having fun is the most important thing.

  3. Haven't seen the makeup feature, but in an article they DID say Brent could do an imitation of Brand really well. And remembering Masks, he DOES kinda sound like Brando.

    He does an imitation of Brando in the Godfather in the make-up feature. After you have a chance to see it watch Masks and compare.

  4. What is it with George Lucas that he can take good actors (Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor) and get such bad performances from them. Now that's a talent.


    I used to really enjoy episodes IV - VI. I saw Phantom Menace but it was a let down and I still have seen Attack of the Clones.


    I much prefer the realism of Star Trek compared to the toy marketing cuteness of Star Wars.

  5. Hehe. Come on, there's not THAT much snow in Canada! Today was beautiful. I nearly burst into song, but then I decided I didn't want to ruin it for anyone else.

    It was beautiful here today too. I only have a small strip of snow in my backyard. It's always the last to melt because it only gets a few hours of sun in the morning because of the neighbour's house.


    Good story though!!!

  6. I saw a commercial for The Core and I nearly fell out of my chair when I heard them say "a journey to the centre of the Earth where no one has gone before.


    Another thing when I went to see Nemesis they had a trailer for The Core and the kid in it says he wants Star Trek tapes and Hot Pockets to hack for them but in the commercials on tv he says he wants Spongebob tapes and Hot Pockets.


    Are they trying to get Trek fans to this movie or provoke us?

  7. There is not really a single episode that I particularly "hated" in any of the seasons, wellll, maybe found a couple boring or parts of an episode to be pointless. Even "The Inner Light", which (and I know I could get grilled for this) I found a little slow and boring, has its great merits, so I can't say I HATE it!


    As for Tasha, hmmm. . .It is hard to say whether or not she was better off dead (bad, I know :lol: ). If she had gotten to stay, maybe her character would have grown, just as all of the Senior Bridge staff did over the years. Yes, I know that she tended to overreact (and I AIN'T even GOING into the Naked Now! That is for another thread for griping!), but NEARLY all of the crew seemed to have their ups and downs in Season 1 (OK, so maybe I am biased there!).

    I have always said it would be easier to say which episodes I don't like compared to figuring out my favourites because they are all so good. I think each season had a bit of a clunker but even the clunkers are better than a lot of programming because of the consistently high quality of the overall series. Having said that Sub Rosa was definitely not one of my favourite episodes. I have read that Brent Spiner wasn't too happy with Masks due to preposterous acting (his own) in that episode.

  8. "I didn't figure into a lead role. It'll be a small part, two lines" -Beverly


    "Yes the part is the Butler"-Beverly


    from "A Fistful of Datas" and Beverly was talking to Picard about his part in "Something For Breakfast", I may have gotten it a little wrong, but Picard's reaction was just funny, IMO. :lol:

    Having Patrick Stewart delivering this line:


    "Well I'm not much of an actor"


    Just shows you how different they are in that regard.


    Note of interest: I read an interview with Patrick Stewart and he was speaking about how Jean Luc Picard has affected him. He said that he has been in some situations and wondered to himself "How would Picard react to this". Something we all have in common, eh!! (Yes, I'm Canadian, eh!)

  9. When I think of all the guys I've heard gripe on various Trek boards about not being able to find a girlfriend who likes Trek just giving it a chance would give a woman an advantage. And if the image of Trek guys as geeks is a problem who cares - the geeks will inherit the Earth - right Mr. Gates. Besides when you think of all the guys who say they were geeks in high school and/or college and then they turned out to be studmuffins being nice to them back when would be a distinct advantage later on. :lol:

  10. I thought in the last couple of Q appearances that he was actually being very good to Picard. In Tapestry he made Picard realize how different his life would have been and in All Good Things he actually helped Picard find the answer. At the end of Deja Q Picard makes the comment wondering if some of the lessons on humanity had stayed with Q - maybe it did.

  11. At least it probably helped the budget with what they must have spent on material for those costumes or maybe the actors just brought them with them.


    Is the guy in that picture the same one as the guy who played the singer who was killed in Phantom of the Paradise (remember that movie with Paul Williams)

  12. Looking back I wonder if TNG would have been as good with her as it was with her. It's hard to judge since she was only there the first year (as Tasha). I do think she over acted at times, and I also think Worf was better suited for the role as head of security.


    Someone correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Denise Crosby originally go out for role of ships counselor?

    You are correct. Marina Sirtis was originally cast as Tasha and Denise Crosby as Deanna but Gene Roddenberry switched their roles. I had heard that they had been considering eliminating the Troi character at the end of season 1 but they didn't because of Denise Crosby leaving. Lucky break for Marina Sirtis.

  13. Hmmm! Once upon a time there was a woman who made it with an android named Lore. She had to leave him due to a moment of insanity (hers). Lore couldn't bear that she was gone and called the giant snowflake that he thought was friendly. When she came back Data was there and the big snowflake was still in the sky. She did not worry about the snowflake because she was from Canada and they have lots of snowflakes there so she did it with Data. Then the snowflake attacked and she had to leave Data again because of temporary insanity. By the time the doctors helped her it was too late.


    How's that? :lol:


    P.S. I will apologize in advance to anyone this offends.

  14. A friend will let you have your fun with Trek. A really good friend will give it a try. A real keeper will then say they enjoyed what they saw and go see Nemesis with you. :lol:


    I have a friend from work who would put up with my being a Trek fan even though she had never seen it. Because she said she would go see Nemesis with me on opening night, I gave her copies of First Contact and Insurrection so she could familiarize herself with the characters. She really enjoyed them and she really liked Nemesis too. She's a keeper.