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Posts posted by Takara_Soong

  1. From what I recall of Riker's record he really proved himself in a crisis which really helped his career. He was decorated for the rescue efforts that were later spoken about in Second Chances when Thomas Riker was found. I guess Geordi didn't have that type of opportunity until he came to the Enterprise.

  2. Agreed. Ron Moore did such a great job on TNG in fleshing out the Klingon culture. I wish we could have seen more of Romulus than we did. Unification is really the only episode where we saw a different side to the Romulan people - the ordinary people rather than the politicians and military. Also Face of the Enemy showed a bit of a different side to the military as well.

  3. It was at the beginning of the scene before B4 has been assembled. She was looking at B4's head. After that was said was when Geordi started saying that he thought B4 was a prototype.


    Another great line from later in the movie:


    Shinzon: I will forever be Shinzon of Remus and my voice will echo on long after your's is but a dim memory.


    Something like that.

  4. I was watching Deja Q today. It is one of my favourites. There were so many great lines in that episode that I have to add a few more:


    Q to Picard:


    Q: Because in all the universe you're the closest thing I have to a friend Jean-Luc.


    Q to Worf:


    Q: Oh perspicacity incarnate. Please don't feel compelled now to tell me the story of the boy who cried "Worf".


    Q and Data


    Q: What are you looking at.

    Data: I was considering the possiblity that you are telling the truth that you are human.

    Q: It's the ghastly truth Mr. Data. I can now stub my toe with the best of them.

    Data: An irony. It means that you have achieved in disgrace what I have always aspired to be.


    In Ten Forward


    Guinan: Seems human enough to me. (after stabbing Q with a fork)


    Q on the Bridge


    Q: I'm immortal again, omnipetent again.

    Riker: Swell.


    Riker: I don't need your fantasy women.

    Q: Oh you're so stolid. You weren't like that before the beard.

  5. Yes. I think the crew were very rude to Data.


    I think I need to watch Frame of Mind again, though. I only saw it once and I was working so I didn't pay too much attention, but the plot made NO sense to me what-so-ever.

    Definitely watch Frame of Mind again. You really need to give it your full attention when watching it or it can seem very confusing.


    As to Schisms, we only heard the end of one poem and then Ode to Spot. The audience at the poetry reading had already listened to many, many more poems. I'll forgive them this time.

  6. "BE GONE...sir."


    Worf to Data in The Icarus Factor


    "Mama needs a new pair of shoes."


    Data in The Royale


    "There are creatures in this universe who would consider you to be the ultimate achievement android. No feelings, no emotions, no pain and yet you covet those qualities of humanity. Believe me you're missing nothing. But if it means anything to you you're a better human than I."


    Q to Data in Deja Q


    Q: "Picard thinks I can't cut it on his starship. I can do anything his little trained minions can do."

    Data: "I do not perceive your skills to be in doubt, Q. The captain is merely concerned with your ability to successfully interact with 'his little trained minions'."


    Deja Q

  7. I agree that there are some amazing guitarists throughout the history of metal. Some of the more commercial metal has seemed to be more about screeching vocals and who can play the loudest than anything else.


    When I was a kid my brother used to listen to Black Sabbath and some other metal. I have never really been into metal myself. In some ways I'm not sure who would be defined as metal now.


    I have a CD that I burned that I like to listen to that is quite eclectic in its range of music. It starts with Brent Spiner and ends with Nickelback.


    I didn't mean to make light of your music choice and I apologize.

  8. I wouldn't call them an acquired taste except that you could say that about all music. Some of the songs could be called good drinking songs but I don't drink either. They are hugely popular across Canada. Here is a link to a page on their website where you can listen to some clips of songs from their latest release.


    Great Big Sea


    I haven't heard much Dr. Demento but I did download that clip Picard at McDonald's with Brent Spiner's Patrick Stewart imitation. That was hilarious!!!

  9. Now, I must confess I haven't read up on this, but my brother said he read somewhere that there is a sequel to ID4, and that Dr. Okun isn't really dead, so Brent would be back in the film!


    I heard something similar except that it was a prequel story that dealt with the work at the lab and was sort of centred on Dr. Okun. I don't think it will be made into a movie though.


    Did you know that he was actually not being considered for the part. One of the movie's powers that be was a Trekkie and just wanted to meet him so he was asked to audition. Of course he was so good he got the part.

  10. From Nemesis:


    Picard: You have the bridge Mr. Troi.


    Crusher: All things considered Data you have nicer eyes.

    Data: Our eyes are identical doctor.


    (The most bimboish thing Dr. Crusher has ever said)


    Picard: Don't worry Number One we get you to Betazed in time where we will all honour the Betazoid tradition. Now if you need me I'll be in the gym.

  11. They are a Canadian band (from Newfoundland). Originally I would have described them as Celtic rock. That still encompasses their style but they are so much more. They are one of those bands that when you see them in concert you have little kids and grandmas and every age in between having a great time. If you go to Kazaa to download some songs to give them a try, I would suggest Sea of No Cares (the single) and Clearest Indication from their latest album. Some of my other favourites are Consequence Free and Ordinary Day.

  12. I haven't read the book you are talking about but I don't think Data would have to be involved with another android. There are species in the Star Trek world that have very long life spans. Remember when Guinan joked about her father being more than 700 years old in Rascals.