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The words of Voric Ruler of the Rivendell

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Ok I can say it now!!


Ok thursday dont ask me why all the underclass men are wearing camo so I am like why?? So I ask them and they are all like ahh its camo day and we want to be in the military. Dont ask me why but after that I just fell into my self just seen those nice smart kids wanting to go into their death! ARGH I hate it I dont like politics any more I dont like military things, I can handel talking to them I am really good friends with some but I am just afriad for everybody I fell so bad I hate poltics I am sick of all these I aprove to bash the otehr person and hurl out lies!


God I am moving to some place in europe I dont care about freedom to vote I wants to be left alone.

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I'm no big fan of politics myself RK. But I do support our troops. Someone has to be out there protecting us civilians from the evil of the world. Can you imagine where we would be without them? Probably living in concentration camps with swastika's flying over our heads and nazi's goose stepping all over the place!


Where in Europe do you think you are going to find total peace? They all have armys of some sort. And there is politics everywhere in the planet, you cannot escape it unless you live like a hermit in a mountain. (Then in most places you have to pay taxes on your hermit hole :b-day: )


Yes people die in war. Yes, bad things happen, however we still need to support the troops, they are just following orders, and casualties do happen on both sides.


I don't like war, I don't like death. But even in ST there are weapons on ships for defense. In LOTR they had to raise an army to defeat Mordor. Where would middle earth be without the armies of Gondor or the riders of The Mark or the Elves trained in battle?

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Either spain or holland, they sound some what peaceful, but I am avoiding the trains in spain.



Today is just a day where I just would do anything, pray to satan, kill somebody to be thin and hot and popular and be able to sing. Man I am so really thinking about moving its to gloomy here its all alone, I want to move to a happy place, a cultural place I want to here people laugh at other things than me.


But anyways I got a A+ on my spanish speech! In your face fresheys!

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Congrats on the A+ on the Spainish test. :laugh:


RK, to find happiness you don't have to go Europe any other place. First you have to find it in yourself. You can go to the peaceful and most beautiful country in the world and you still won't be happy until you know how to find it first. Remember the grass is greener on the other side. That is until you get to the other side and find the grass is still the same color, because it looks better at distance.

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at least the grass is not frozen brr its cold today. I am having a fire out side with some friends and we are going to have hot chocolate and hot cider and smores and we are going to laugh alot and I am going to come inside and listen to some music and sleep.

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Chocolate :clap: hot cider :clap: smores :clap: That sounds like you had a good day. :clap:

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today=constent parnioa and argh hates its


So pointless we went to a job fair no good jobs no teachers bla bla bla, freeked out in school I hate geometry and chemistry.


Weekend is going to be bad

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3 weeks ahead of schedule, My fall freek out has already started, im so parinoid I need to freek out on some body, no guys are talking to me right now so I am freeken out because for the freek out I ask other guys for advice but no they all probally think im a homosexual, life sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I havent eaten a meal yet only had a snack I dont want to be fat anymore! I weigh 260, which is good seen that last time I weighed my self I weighed 265 but taht was 3 weeks ago, I need to lose more I need to be down to 200 pounds by prom and star search!!!!


Going for my license next tuesday, im so freeken scared, im going to fail im going to crash the car into the other car during the parelle parking thing and im going to get my self killed and im going to go into nogthiness and burn in hell and its just ARGGH I hate my self!

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I know, life sucks and then you die. I wish I could just wave a magic wand and make everything ok but I can't. All I can say is maintain hope it'll get better, my prayer is with you RK.

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better mood now, Slept in till 10 and got up and made breakfest than I went driving to get ready for the test I did good except I acidentally ran a red light :angry:, went to best buy got the enrique cd I wanted and a new portable cd player, spent 44 bucks so I dont have any money for lunch, but it was worth it.

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First and only time I ever ran a stop sign was during my driving test. :angry: And he passed me. :)

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First and only time I ever ran a stop sign was during my driving test. :) And he passed me.  :)



:angry: Lucky! I think. :lol:

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LOL I dont fell as bad now thanks you guys/gals. Im going for the test on tuesday morning so the roads wont be croweded, I hope I dont fall asleep behind the wheel though, and I better not fail because im mising my spanish class for the driving test :angry:

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First and only time I ever ran a stop sign was during my driving test. :lol: And he passed me.  :angry:



:) Lucky! I think. :)



Well he also said I did the best parallel parking job he'd ever seen, so maybe that helped me. I figured I was screwed after I ran the stop sign though. :blink:

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If you are ever feeling down RK and need to talk to someone who has been there, don't hesitate to contact me. I've battled depression for over 20 years. It's been hell at times but thankfully I have a good doctor, good meds and I know an amazing number of people who also suffer from depression that I can talk to as well as having great friends like RC who listen too. I'm actually in the midst of a loooong bout right now (been off work for over 1-1/2 years. My moods are stable but so many of the other symptoms haven't gone away but I am lucid enough to talk. lol

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Im so sick of SPED its not funny. Today im just looking at the clock to fill out the time for a pass to the CHEM lab and another SPED kid freeked out on me! And now the SPED people are giving me crap about my economics grade because im getting a C+, which is probally a F after the test today, Going for the test tommorow, mom is freeken out because if I pass they said they will buy me a car, which they did for my older sister so she could take me and my other cibilings into school, but they are probally lieing because after this quarter I probally wont be on the honor roll so we would haft to pay 10% more.

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Im still alive my mom sent the computer to the doctors friday till today!


Its slower than ever though. but anyways


today was horrible, I might get arrested for slaming a freshmen girl into a locker because she got me all wet for no reason at all I walked past and she sprayed me, but info tells me that she has done it to numerous other upper classmen so I might not I hope


But anyways 3 words of wisdom FRESHMEN ARE EVIL!!!!!!!!

Some loser freshmen girls are causing one of my best friends to freek out because they said I asked them to ask her out.




Thank god its Miami monday

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today is a boring and horrible day. Woke up at 5:30 this morning was really tired, a loser cow got out. Got naged at for been a self centered worthless little loser. Made lunch, family are in better terms with me now. Looked up recipes for My days of the dead feast this saturday a nice spinach salad with tomatos bacon and a olive oil sauce with spanish bread followed by spanish cassrole and spanish rice and cocada pudding for dessert.


Might rent a movie tonight I am at home by my self, I'll skip CSI las vegas today and either watch some movies with people transforming or been tortured like The hulk or van helsing or what ever.


Sick of these pre recorded messages talking about who is better to vote, the only good thing is that I answered it and hung up on a prerecorded bush message and I told my mom I hanged up on the president and she freeked out LOL, and I also hanged up on the state govenor and some person who says Kerry is agianst guns and I told him I don't hunt idiot so call some other freek and hanged up.


Planing to use my computer to prank call people in the spirit of hallowen I called my friend today and had my computer tell her I knew where she lived and if she did not give me 1 million dollars in monopoly money I was going to eat her.


LOL that was so fun.


Getting D's in school but why should I care if I keep my spanish grade up I will only haft to take 2 years of it in a tech school than go to a 4 year college or what ever.


hot chocolate from kwik trip sounds so good right now, but I am going into town later like around 6 or 7. Read a comic in the news paper and a grandma was asking her grandson what a duck said and the kid said AFLAC!!! O my god I loved it so much I laughed so hard.


hasta luego!


~* I am Rivendells king and I support this message for a stronger better STF community starts in the hands of its members not its leaders, LOL j/K :flowers: *~


*message was payed for by the AFLAC's for RK club*

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New quarter for school, did not make it on the honor roll that really ticks me off.


I fell bad today everybody is sick or is dieing and having lots of problems and here I am all alone in my own little kingdom of bovine domesticus's. I fell like its all my fault because I am just a rude and evil person god is punishing me for stealing and bashing people and aargh god I want to go to the catholic church but if I get caught I will be excumincated and comdemed to hell by my old church and paretically any other church. God why do you do this?


Junior class is on the verge of a civil war over prom and class presidents and I don't know how much longer I can hold it off, I am writing a article to the journalisism people to have a article about how I think we need to stick together and junk like that, yhea like who is going to listen to me.


Yippie I am happy the election is over no more bashing.

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Really good day today. Woke up at 5 this morning worked till 6:35 got ready for early church and went, did not take holy communion I am having a big religous issue right now and taken Holy communion in vain is bad. Had a pork sandwich for breakfest got sick threw up. Than a good part me and some friends got together and played football "americano" Really fun got to tackle people and had the entire other team on me and I pulled them with me and the ball to a touchdown. Problem is I have to write a short paper tonight and I hope god does not do anything bad agian or else I will freek out and literally become a worlock and blow up everything.




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Today is November 26 2004


Week has had its ups and downs, grades are better, had lots of fun last sunday. Than monday I was attacked by the sports jocks wow gave me titty twisters and that hurt like heck. Thursday was really boring, today I went shopping by my self, lots of fun. Probally going to fill out my application for subway this weekend because I only have 1,700 in my account and it costs 3,000 for a round trip to valanica so I need alot more money.



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yippe today was so much fun, I ticked everybody off by refusing to take a red ribon for aids day and my opinion articles were published and than everybody made fun of me and I am failing chemistry, and I caused a leak in the family gas tank wasting about 400 dollars worth of gas. Yippie!!! I am so pissed off now!!!

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Like Odie said, happiness is were you find it within yourself You don't have to move to Europe in order to be happy. I know how you feel about the potlics and voting. it is pressured into our society to be thin and to look a certain way, but the only way that we are going to move ahead of that is to be ourselves. One we do that, the world will be a better place.

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When you're down, just remember that God is always there for you, and you don't have to go to a catholic church to find him, you can talk to him wherever you are. My heart goes out to you, RK, I hope things will get better soon :dude:

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Yesterday was fun, lots of fun! My friends dad is a dungon master and he made a dungon for us it was so fun. He is known for killing everybody and I have these extremly low level characters so I am like ha ha ha I am still alive while everybody is dieing. Well the bad thing that happened is that my wizard got dihrrea and he tried to cast mage hand and he made a thing of jello go into a wall. Than my friend turned into a tree while we are getting attacked by x-ray beams so my cleric and my wizard go and hug it and start singing ode to tree to it. Than I got caffine high and tried to drive home :unsure: fun for a while till cars came on the road.


This morning ticked me off though. My dad put my mid term grades on the table were my cloths are and all the D's and F's were circled and had farmer grades next to it. I hate him for that I am not like him I am no freeken stupid farmer that is well stupid stupid stupid! I hate when stupid farmers go make fun of other people than they think the freeken world owes them something because everybody hates them!


Ah now I fell better relasing rage on the internet.


For some reason I am well kinda upset with somebody here right, person probally does not know who I am anyways. *its not you people who post here and odie, hang, debbie, and RC* Its a person who has some power here and a action they did and why well for some reason really bothered me.



¡Feliz Navida! *merry x-mas*



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This morning ticked me off though. My dad put my mid term grades on the table were my cloths are and all the D's and F's were circled and had farmer grades next to it. I hate him for that I am not like him I am no freeken stupid farmer that is well stupid stupid stupid! I hate when stupid farmers go make fun of other people than they think the freeken world owes them something because everybody hates them!


Your father just want whats best for you. It not easy to hear it from your father, but he is trying to look out for you. Next year I hope you get better grades. Good luck! Remember if you need talk just PM or e-mail me.

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