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Hi, All!

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Hi, All! I'm very glad to be here. It is old news the open chat room at is closing tomorrow. I was very much surprised to learn of it on such short notice. Went in on a whim yesterday for the first time in about a week, lol. But hey, a new place, a new chance to make some new friends, and hopefully see some old ones. Already I've noticed a few familiar names. Yay!


A little bit about me. I came to Star Trek a bit late, picking up the original series in the early 1970's when it first went into syndication. It was widely touted. One could get bubble gum off the ice cream truck and there would be a Star Trek card inside! I didn't collect them at that time, silly me. I fell in love with the show a bit later as stated above. But I have loved this show ever since.


I'm so glad to be able to share my thoughts and opinions on this subject; to this day not everyone gets it, I'm sorry to say. And most give funny looks if you opine on the matter, lol. So it is good to find places like this to come and chat with those who share in the Dream.


Thanks for letting me aboard!



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You are not alone T'Bree. I too have joined the ranks here. We will make new friends here, as well as keep some old ones. I have seen a few old faces in here.




The Lounge shall fall by a fleet of ten tomcat fighters because does not respect its patrons!

:tomcat: :tomcat: :tomcat: :tomcat: :tomcat: :tomcat: :tomcat: :tomcat: :tomcat: :tomcat:

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Hey, T'bree! Good to see you here. I'm sure we'll be chatting again soon!!

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I see you jumped ship to..hehe

well this ship is loaded with goodies :)




P.S SEE YOU OUT THERE TBREE..... :bow:;);)

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