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Kira T Phaserman

Newest Phaserman

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Doctors are like mechanics - sometimes they get it wrong. My dad was rushed to the hospital a couple years ago. The paramedics weren't sure what happened but they ruled out a heart attack as a possibility. When they got to the hospital the doctors there also ruled out a heart attack. They still could not tell exactly what did happen so they sent him to a better hospital to figure it out and, sure enough, it was a heart attack after all.





well then doctors should get better schooling if they cant figure that (I'm trying to say a bad word but can't) out hemophila is one of the easist things to dignose and maybe if they had done so earlier my son wouldnt have been in the hospital for 7 months!!

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I'm sorry but in a prior post you mentioned doctors had already assured you that you weren't the genetic carrier and I got the impression they had diagnosed him you just didn't know what the disease was. There's nothing wrong with that considering how young you were.


However, you should follow up on that because hemophilia is genetic and females are carriers

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hemophila is one of the easist things to dignose and maybe if they had done so earlier my son wouldnt have been in the hospital for 7 months!!


I don't know who you've been talking to, but hemophilia is not easy to diagnose. One of my best guy friends was sick for almost 2 years, before they figured out that it was hemophilia. And my best friend was diagnose with Hemophilia, after she hadn't been feeling well for a few months, but turns out it was leukemia, and she wasn't going to bleed to death. That was a crappy diagnosis aways since girls normally don't have hemophilia. Hemophilia is a scary illness but my friends and family that have it, say they don't even realize have the time, unless they get a bad cut. You don't have that much to worry about, Kira.

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Okay, first and formost it should have been dignosed a long time ago becasue he was born with it and has been sick for a long time he was in the hospital from Oct of last year until about a week ago.


No I am not a carrier they would have told me that with all the testing and (I'm trying to say a bad word but can't) they did when I had the miss carriage. According to medical records that I obtained from the court his sperm doner had it.


Second, I have alot to worry about becasue my son gets nose bleeds ALOT. and he bleeds and bleeds and bleeds for awhile he has ended up in the hospital each time he gets one. He wasnt treated and the meds they did have him on killed his immune system hence why he ended up with phnomnia so bad. My son is a very sick little boy and he is only 7 years old. I have done everything in my power but I cant do a damn thing any longer. I have to sit back in the side lines and watch my son be so sick he cant even go out side becasue he could get something that could kill him. He wasnt expected to live past a year and now hes not expected to see 10... My son is stong but like I said hes very sick according to his adoptive mother there is still alot about james that is undignosed and they are currently working with a new hosptial a childrens hospital. From the chest xrays it looks like he may have cancer... I am just finding this out apparently she likes to hide things from me and I have to find out the only way I know how since I still have a little bit of say over my son left.

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It sounds like he has more than hemophilia if he's been that sick.


Also, hemophilia is carried on the x chromosome - which means mothers are carriers. I'm not saying this to be alarmist - just advising you look into it.


And I am curious - has he been adopted? I only ask because you say adopted but then you keep referring to him as your son and that you are actively involved in his life. Wouldn't that be confusing to him?


Is the person he's living with a foster parent or temporary guardian? She must be a really good person, I'm not sure I could get that attached to a child while expecting the birth mother to come take him away any moment. In fact, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't.


It sounds like the situation is difficult for all of you.

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I had my son at the age of 10 becasue I was sexualy assulted. Yes my son was adopted by his goddess mother and I have no intention of takeing him from her. She knows him better then I do. Yes I am active in his life and no its not confuseing for him. He knows I am his mother and he still calls me mommy. But Crystal was the one that took him in after I gave birth because of my liveing stiuation and the fact that my parents didnt know that James was my son long story short I grew up in an abusive home where the only time they payed attention to me was to beat me.. but anyway... Gary and I have talked about that and after we finnaly do have a baby the baby is going to be tested for it. We want to make sure as you said...

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Well, it is cancer... Liver and lung cancer... what the... how the... that should be me!! With all my drinking and smoeking.. but no.. my KID ends up with the cancer... I will have more news on his treatment as they come to me...

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Well, today sucked...


Yard work, and all this other crap. Now I'm depressed for a couple reasons.


1. My son, he is the biggest stresser to me.

2. My soon-to-be husband. He is, I don't know, I love him but some days its hard to love him. *sigh* I don't know. This whole mental issues thing is driveing me crazy.

3. Life in general...

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It is a statistical fact that breathing second-hand smoke makes lung cancer 4 times as likely.


However, what this statistical fact doesn'r reveal is the odds of lung cancer are 0.0001% for those living with smokers and 0.000025% for those who don't. Lung cancer is VERY RARE unless you are the actual smoker. It is still the rarest form of cancer for society as a whole.

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Alright, so heres the thing.


I have NEVER smoked around my son NEVER. He's already sick enough and he has never been around people that smoke when they are smokeing I have made sure of that and so has crystal

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That is the biggest issue I have today...


People that smoke around their kids. One what kind of example does that set for your kids? Yes I am a smoker I started smokeing at age 9 becasue my mom always smoked around me so i picked it up. Every time crystal or I smokes and James is aorund we go outside so one he doesnt see it and two hes not around. If you smoke around your kids thats not giving them the option of getting lung cancer.... Becasue it does happen. If my kid is gonna smoke I want him to decide that when hes older not have me decide that when hes so young. Becasue granted hes not the one with the cigarette in hand but if I smoke around him he might as well light one up

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Alright an update for everyone.


James is now at St. Jude. They are running tests to see which treatment to consider. He has cancer in his liver and tumors in his lungs they are considering surgury to remove the tumors in his lungs he will then start kiemo. He's been made aware of how much pain and how much recovery time he is looking at and aparently he is staying strong. I offered to come and see him but like me he doesnt want anyone to see him hurt his exact words to me where. "Mommy I have seen you hurt and I dodn't like seeing it, I know you are going though alot right now and I don't want you to see me hurt, I will love you forever but please mommy take care of yourself before you take care of me"

He's to smart for his own good some times and it hurts alot... But hes a tough kid always has been. However I am considering going anyway. But I fear that would do more harm then good for us both.

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Yeah todays been hell


I am sick. Which could be a good thing or it could be that I am just sick.... More info to come on that front on Monday.

Ran around with Gary today looking at weapons and then camping stuff it was a big testosterone filled store. I liked the weapons but the fishing and hunting stuff was ehhh...

They have decided to go with surgury to remove the tumors. That will happen Friday of next week. Hes in for the long haul but hes staying strong.

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it was a big testosterone filled store.

I didn't know they sold that over the counter. can get the 8 oz. economy sized bottle or go for the jumbo 32 oz bottle...... :yahoo:

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Actually they come to me for donations to fill up the bottles......... :yahoo:

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Maybe it's me, but I think that, if it were my son with Cancer, the very last thing that I would be doing is shopping for Camping Gear. Whether or not he wanted to see me, I would be there for him. And nothing and no one would prevent me from doing that.

Sorry for sounding like a jerk, but I felt that I had to say that.

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We went shopping hes trying to keep me ocuppied.

I understand where your comeing from and believe me I would love to be there. But my son has made his wishes very clear and I intend on honoring them he doesnt need that added stress... and hes so much like me that if I were to go down there and see him suffering and in so much pain it would do more harm then good..



Gary says:

Nice Kor


I say:

Van Roy you could probably use some of those bottles

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No parent wants to see their child suffer. In 1995, my youngest and I were in an MVA (Motor Vehicle Accident) in which he was gravely injured. The paramedics told me that he might not survive. But seven days later, he had made such a remarkable recovery that he was released from the hospital. Never in my life was I so scared. I had to stay strong for not just him, but my family. I ended up providing counsel for other parents on that unit. They wanted to hire me and I got many letters from those very parents to whom I spoke with. One lost her child to Leukemia, another had to be transfered to another hospital for medical reasons. But, what comfort I was able to provide, they appreciated just being able to talk about it. Between my ex and I (we were still married at that time) we never left that hospital until my son was released. I didn't want him to be alone for one second. He told me to go home, I told his that where he was, there was where I would be. Right now, he's asleep in a bed next to me in my Ready Room. He's 15 and taller than I am. And I'm thankful that he's with me tonight.

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No parent wants to see their child suffer. In 1995, my youngest and I were in an MVA (Motor Vehicle Accident) in which he was gravely injured. The paramedics told me that he might not survive. But seven days later, he had made such a remarkable recovery that he was released from the hospital. Never in my life was I so scared. I had to stay strong for not just him, but my family. I ended up providing counsel for other parents on that unit. They wanted to hire me and I got many letters from those very parents to whom I spoke with. One lost her child to Leukemia, another had to be transfered to another hospital for medical reasons. But, what comfort I was able to provide, they appreciated just being able to talk about it. Between my ex and I (we were still married at that time) we never left that hospital until my son was released. I didn't want him to be alone for one second. He told me to go home, I told his that where he was, there was where I would be. Right now, he's asleep in a bed next to me in my Ready Room. He's 15 and taller than I am. And I'm thankful that he's with me tonight.



Gummy, that post just almost brought tears to my eyes. When I was a sophomore in high school, my best friend, whom is a sister to me, was diagnosed with Leukemia, and she didn't want to see me, but I spend every afternoon and evening with her while she was sick. She went into a coma at one point, and even still I sat with her and talked with her, even though she would yell at me for being their. Being sick is embarrassing, but everyone needs someone to be there for them whether they admit it or not. My advice to you Kira, is to disregard what your son says and be there for him, he might be pissed at you now, but once it's all over with, he'll be so grateful that you were there for him. My friend reminds me all the time, about how I was there for her when in her time of need, and going through that with her gave us a bond that will never be broken no matter what. Be there for your son, he needs you now more than he ever has or ever will. I know this is tough for you, but just imagine how hard it is for him.

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I really appreciate what you all are saying. But, like I said my son doesn't need that added stress. I have no money to get there anyway... I wish to god I did but I don't that and I can't travel right now. Truefully I am suposed to be on bed rest. Listen If i could be there I would. But I cant and you don't know how much that tears me apparet every wakeing moment of every day. Please keep in mind that I have been there with my son through his stay in the hospital for 3 months after he was born. Hes scared right now but hes staying strong. He can make it I know he can hes his mothers son.


Today at 3:48am marks the exact time that I was assulted at the age of 10. The one that led to James being born. I am very twitchy as Gary calls me and I am haveing nightmares so bad I don't want to close my eyes. It's been this way for years. I hate the fact that even though I tried to barry that memory. Something always happneds to bring it back up. My scar on my chest hurts so bad its hard to breath. I am told this is commen with the mental illnesses I suffer and that I should talk about how I am feeling. Well here it is...


I am terrorfyed, I am lost, I am depressed, and I cant stop thinking about it or shakeing. Gary is worried and I feel bad about that. Tonight is a bad night. I can't sleep and I fear that I am keeping him up.. *sigh* that is all.

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Well I have a job interview and if i get this job I will be making 1500 a week! WOOHOO!!!!


James is doing alright hes scared but hes being strong the surgery is scheduled for 8am friday morning...

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Will you be working at the same strip club that Krissy worked at?........ :yahoo:

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Well I am in one of my "moods" for some reason *sigh* Was looking stuff up on line and I found my grand fathers obituary... I learned he served 42 years in the Maine Air National Guard before retireing... WOW lol.


The munchkin is alright hes very scared about Friday I will let everyone know how the surgery goes.


Been job hunting I have put my application is every where and Gary and I are... poor... We are still very very poor and it sucks!!!


For some reason it seems like the wonderful Gar-Bear is mad at me all the time and he gets all quiet then I think I've done something wrong and when confrented he says hes not but he has been getting very snippy. Ah the pains of manitaing a relashionship. Can't all have marriages like Krissy and Gary used to have... *sigh*


It always seems like I am trying to prove my self to him like he is compareing me to her some days. But then again its not uncommen it just hurts. Some days it seems it all about the.. well those of you who are adults should know what I mean by that...


But then again this is just ranting so please don't take this like I am mad or in anyway trying to put down my finacee because I love him right to death...

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