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Read At Your Own Risk

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Ken Schram Commentary: Read At Your Own Risk


July 15, 2005


By Ken Schram ken_schram.jpg


SEATTLE - It's inevitable. Soon there will be warning labels on everything. That's because there are so-called watch-dog groups who've determined that we are, by and large, a nation of morons. Take the Center for Science in the Public Interest, for example. This bunch of do-gooders is pushing for labels on soft drinks. I imagine they'd read something along the line of "Warning: Drinking soda might make you fat." Rather than ridicule this latest effort to protect us from ourselves, I've decided to jump on the bandwagon. I figure it's time to use warning labels for the stuff that really needs 'em. First off, I want warning labels temporarily tattooed on the foreheads of any and all political candidates: "Caution: Elect at your own risk!" I think there should be warning labels on guns and bullets: "People may kill people, but most often use these to do it." I think radios should come with warnings about KVI. For that matter, my commentaries should come with an alert: "Warning: Bombastic; frequently rude and sometimes crude!" And I think everyone would agree: A warning on lima beans: "To be eaten only in the event of starvation." Ultimately, even warning labels will have to have warning labels on them, telling us: "Will make you feel like the moron that others think you are."

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I'm waiting for them to start putting warning labels on things like Cars:


WARNING: May cause death or injury to yourself and others. May destroy the ozone layer and force jobs to be sent overseas. May run you financially into the ground due to the cost of payments, upkeep, gas/oil, and insurance. Dangerous if driven while under the influence of alcohol, drugs (perscription or illegal), moodswings, nagging spouses or uncontrollable children.

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I completely understand the whole warning label thing. It is baffling what we as a society have had to start putting labels on. In my own experience, I make homemade candles that I sell at flea markets along with stuff that I offer on my website. I have to put a warning label on each candle with instructions for properly burning the candle as well as the dangers of using them around flammable items such as curtains and leaving them unattended. It is stuff that to me is common sense but I put them on there because it relieves me of liability if someone gets stupid and does not use the candle properly.

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What's scary is we all know that each warning label came about because there was at least one person who actually did it and sued the manufacturer because they weren't warned.

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Absolutely like the Apple pie from MacDonalds has caution filling is hot, I should bloody hope so, but you know some stupid person sued them cause it was and they were too retarded to figure hot apple pie is HOT.


Life ought to have the warning, caution stupid people exist.

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Remember the woman who sued McDonald's coffee being too hot. :lol:

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Remember the woman who sued McDonald's coffee being too hot.  :wow:



Yes, I remember the long discussion we had here at this site about that case; when you read the details there was actually more to that story than ever made it to the press. In that case McDonald's did keep its coffee hotter (hot enough to cause third degree burns) than any other restaurant did - (and they had been warned by Shriner's burn hospital that their coffee was too hot)


Ddillard is right - warnings are about protecting yourself from liability and you do have to wonder what some people do. My personal favorite is the one on back of the sun screens you put in your windshield - "caution, remove screen before operating vehicle" :lol:


But the truth is - there is a lot more to a lot of stories than ever make it to the news.


What's sad is that when one freak accident happens - other people try to copy cat it. Remember a few years ago the doll that had hair that grew and some little girl got her fingers stuck. Then there were people who bought one of those things and stuck their little girls fingers in it so they could jump on the bandwagon.

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What's sad is that when one freak accident happens - other people try to copy cat it.  Remember a few years ago the doll that had hair that grew and some little girl got her fingers stuck.  Then there were people who bought one of those things and stuck their little girls fingers in it so they could jump on the bandwagon.




That is criminal, thats abuse, my god thats sickening.

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Meh, after a while i just ignore all and any warning labels, I know how to use most things that i use, and anything new... well, I'll figger it out, and if i get hurt... well, thats my own damn fault, not the people who made the product... I think people that sue big companies for things that even a baby knows not to do, are idiotic... I mean, THINK ABOUT IT! You know that if something has the word "hot" in it, then its gonna be hot! You have to have brain damage not to know that its not gonna hurt you, if you don't take correct precautions! BAH!

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UA, it was really my opinion that people were doing this - officially it was an accident.


Another example: a few months back a company had to recall ice cream because they forgot to put nuts in the list of ingredients.

Click For Spoiler
It was peanut butter ice cream :lol:

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Ok to me as a nut allergy person, that is freakin' obvious. It has that in its name steer well clear, surely I am not so uber smart that i am an oddity in not needing a warning on that one. jeez louise.

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Why do we need people that are that dumb?


Why waste the resources on them?


If you lack the commonsense to not fall out a window from leaning on the screen, a warring label is not going to help you learn!


Do a favor for yourself and society; go live in the forest!

Edited by BKY1701

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What's scary is we all know that each warning label came about because there was at least one person who actually did it and sued the manufacturer because they weren't warned.


Takara, have you by chance heard Bill Engvall's skit on this? He's got a music video for it, which features (I believe) Alan Jackson. The reason there IS a warning label is because someone's done whatever it is they are warning about. I think one example Engvall uses his Hemroid cream, and a warning label that says "Not for Oral use".....



Now, onto my own rant...

Why do McDonald's Coffee cups have warning labels? because someone dumped it on their lap, and Oh my! It was hot! IT'S COFFEE! It's SUPPOSED to be hot! "Warning, Ice may cause localised frostbite due to unprotected exposure over long periods of time..." Duh! It's ICE! Some days, ya just wonder if certain people were sick on the day they handed out brains...

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Now, onto my own rant...

Why do McDonald's Coffee cups have warning labels? because someone dumped it on their lap, and Oh my! It was hot! IT'S COFFEE! It's SUPPOSED to be hot! "Warning, Ice may cause localised frostbite due to unprotected exposure over long periods of time..." Duh! It's ICE! Some days, ya just wonder if certain people were sick on the day they handed out brains...




First, McDonalds didn't just put warning labels on their coffee as a result of this - they turned down the temperature of the coffee.



The coffee at the McDonalds in this case wasn't just hot coffee like you expect coffee to be hot - the issue was coffee that was hotter than the standard norm; coffee that was hot enough to cause second degree burns (do you want to drink something that hot?) AND McDonalds had received warnings prior to this even that their coffee was too hot. In liability issues the industry standard is relevant - McDonalds didn't observe the industry standard. Yes, I expect hot coffee would be hot and that it would hurt (first degree burn) if I spilled it but I wouldn't expect second degree burns from something I got at a restaurant.


I agree some things seem obvious - and there what appear to be incredibly stupid people - but really it is often a case of gold diggers just trying to make a case when they know there really isn't one. The McDonalds lady was an elderly woman on fixed income who only asked for $20,000 to cover the costs of her hospitalization because she was burned so severely she had to be hospitalized. People joke about her spilling it but if she had taken a big gulp of the coffee instead of spilling she might not have even lived.


but - what troubles me about this line of "blaming" is that in most cases there is more to the story and people seem to find it so easy to pass judgment on another human being without having all the facts. I try to like at life with the "there but for the Grace of God...." philosophy - meaning it is often merely good fortune that keeps us from being one of "those people"


Yes, I laugh at the seemingly ridiculous signs - but isn't it a small thing compared to those instances when they might actually be useful?


I actually had a bad "product reaction" once and called the company - I believe they subsequently put warnings on the product - it was mint flavored tooth paste. You wouldn't expect to not be able to eat for a couple of days because the mint in the toothpaste was so strong it burned your mouth. It hurt - twenty years later I still won't buy any toothpaste that says mint. I wouldn't have minded a sign that said - "strong mint flavoring - not for people with chemical sensitivities."

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Point taken, TUH, but what about those two goofballs who sued McDonalds for "Making them fat"?


Now, here's a warning sign: Put this one up at Fenway Park. "Warning: Any Yankee/Red Sox game at this park could result in the Red Sox robbing the Yankees of their dignity (and souls, too)" this in the wake of yesterday's 17-1 Lambasting of the Yankees by the Red Sox. And that makes TWICE this season. Perhaps there should be a warning sign there?

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Why do we need people that are that dumb?


Why waste the resources on them?


If you lack the commonsense to not fall out a window from leaning on the screen, a warring label is not going to help you learn!


Do a favor for yourself and society; go live in the forest!


:dude::wow: B)


Yes, please, go live in the forest! B)



My favorite one is the warning label on one certain brand of hairdryers athat reads: "WARNING: Do NOT operate while sleeping." :lol:


How can one even sue for doing that in the first place? :flex:

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Point taken, TUH, but what about those two goofballs who sued McDonalds for "Making them fat"?


Now, here's a warning sign: Put this one up at Fenway Park. "Warning: Any Yankee/Red Sox game at this park could result in the Red Sox robbing the Yankees of their dignity (and souls, too)" this in the wake of yesterday's 17-1 Lambasting of the Yankees by the Red Sox. And that makes TWICE this season. Perhaps there should be a warning sign there?



I'm not saying there aren't people that sue just to try to get money - I'm just saying in all cases it isn't always so easy to know. Credit McD's though for making fruit cups & juice Happy Meal options.


On the other hand - many businesses do exist and actually thrive on aiding people in harming themselves. Just how rich should people be able to become by relying on the stupidity of others - that is purely a hypothetical question. If someone makes money off your stupidity in financial matters it is called fraud - but in health matters it's okay because you should know better? Something to think about.



And btw, the Mythbusters demonstrated you better read those labels about using the hair dryer in the bath tub. :lol:

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Point taken, TUH, but what about those two goofballs who sued McDonalds for "Making them fat"?





As anyone who reads my log knows that I work part time at Mcdonad's in the mornings before going to my real job, and after those idiots sued for gaing weight, Micky D's now requires us to offer "healty" alteritives to burgers and fries. Way I see it, if you are to frigging stupid to either cook for yourself, or order something healty without being asked if you want it, then you should have no right to sue.


People are really frigging stupid. :lol:

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I didn't know people would really get into this topic. I personally think that if you don't know what will hurt you and what can cause damage is by 16 then there is a problem... well in most cases that is.

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Point taken, TUH, but what about those two goofballs who sued McDonalds for "Making them fat"?





As anyone who reads my log knows that I work part time at Mcdonad's in the mornings before going to my real job, and after those idiots sued for gaing weight, Micky D's now requires us to offer "healty" alteritives to burgers and fries. Way I see it, if you are to frigging stupid to either cook for yourself, or order something healty without being asked if you want it, then you should have no right to sue.


People are really frigging stupid. :lol:



I have been to many different countries around the world. I haven't eaten at the McDonalds almost all countries that I have visited. I can you that McDonalds in the states could do a whole lot better when it comes to their menu. In many different countries to do provide a much healthier options to their menu than what you will never find in the states. I find it difficult to understand why McDonald's in the states can't provide the same menu that is found in the rest of world. When I am back in the states I will not eat at McDonalds until menu improves a lot more.

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Point taken, TUH, but what about those two goofballs who sued McDonalds for "Making them fat"?





As anyone who reads my log knows that I work part time at Mcdonad's in the mornings before going to my real job, and after those idiots sued for gaing weight, Micky D's now requires us to offer "healty" alteritives to burgers and fries. Way I see it, if you are to frigging stupid to either cook for yourself, or order something healty without being asked if you want it, then you should have no right to sue.


People are really frigging stupid. :lol:



Spike, it's a sales technique - fast food restaurant have always used the "suggestion" technique because it helps sway people into buying something they otherwise might not buy. This change may not be from the lawsuit but from the movie "Supersize me" - where instead of offering something healthy - the offer was something "would you like to supersize that?"


The bottom line was that the company was trying to make a profit by getting people to buy something they didn't need - so they changed their sales technique. It could be that there is more of a profit from a salad than from fries? Actually, though I think the real profit is in the sodas.


Are people stupid - well P.T. Barnum did say there was a sucker born every minute.

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Its really sad that some warnings need to be printed at all...I mean,you'd think anybody with half-a-brain would just know better.

I have an extension ladder that has a warning about not using it on frozen manure.Because,I suppose some old boy did that and got hurt when the ladder slipped. :wow:

I've also seen a warning on a box of condoms that says that they are not to be ingested.... :lol:

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Point taken, TUH, but what about those two goofballs who sued McDonalds for "Making them fat"?





As anyone who reads my log knows that I work part time at Mcdonad's in the mornings before going to my real job, and after those idiots sued for gaing weight, Micky D's now requires us to offer "healty" alteritives to burgers and fries. Way I see it, if you are to frigging stupid to either cook for yourself, or order something healty without being asked if you want it, then you should have no right to sue.


People are really frigging stupid. :lol:



I have been to many different countries around the world. I haven't eaten at the McDonalds almost all countries that I have visited. I can you that McDonalds in the states could do a whole lot better when it comes to their menu. In many different countries to do provide a much healthier options to their menu than what you will never find in the states. I find it difficult to understand why McDonald's in the states can't provide the same menu that is found in the rest of world. When I am back in the states I will not eat at McDonalds until menu improves a lot more.




IMO, it all comes down to money. If McDonald's thougt they could make more of a profit from healty food, they'd offer more.


Personally if I didn't work there, I'd never eat it.

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Well I just have to say me and McDonals haven't been on good trems in some time...

I want super size back!!!

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Point taken, TUH, but what about those two goofballs who sued McDonalds for "Making them fat"?





As anyone who reads my log knows that I work part time at Mcdonad's in the mornings before going to my real job, and after those idiots sued for gaing weight, Micky D's now requires us to offer "healty" alteritives to burgers and fries. Way I see it, if you are to frigging stupid to either cook for yourself, or order something healty without being asked if you want it, then you should have no right to sue.


People are really frigging stupid. :lol:



Spike, it's a sales technique - fast food restaurant have always used the "suggestion" technique because it helps sway people into buying something they otherwise might not buy. This change may not be from the lawsuit but from the movie "Supersize me" - where instead of offering something healthy - the offer was something "would you like to supersize that?"


The bottom line was that the company was trying to make a profit by getting people to buy something they didn't need - so they changed their sales technique. It could be that there is more of a profit from a salad than from fries? Actually, though I think the real profit is in the sodas.


Are people stupid - well P.T. Barnum did say there was a sucker born every minute.



UH, I know it's a sales technique, but the reason we were given was to help "customers who are at risk" so i blame the lawsuit.


As for "Supersize Me"...I hated it.

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Its really sad that some warnings need to be printed at all...I mean,you'd think anybody with half-a-brain would just know better.

I have an extension ladder that has a warning about not using it on frozen manure.



You're joking, right?

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