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Stephen of Borg

Hello Fellow Trek fans

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hey, just joined today and thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Gamera, as you can tell. If you don't know, Gamera is a giant turtle that protects Japan from invading monsters, he's kind of like Godzilla. :rolleyes: I've been a Star Trek fan for going on two years now. I first became a Star Trek fan when one day two years ago I walked into Wal-Mart. They were selling Star Trek The Motion Picture and Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan on VHS for $3.99 each. I have never seen anything Star Trek prior to this, but I thought I would give it a chance. I haven't been the same ever since.


I have become a HUGE fan. Since then I have bought all the movies(1 through 10), I have several Star Trek novels, I read Star Trek Communicator Magazine, I have Star Trek soundtracks, and I have a Picard, Data and Captain Archer action figure. As you can see, I'm on my way to starting a Star Trek collection.


I haven't had a chance to go to any convention, and I'm very depressed that I haven't. I plan to one day, I will go.


My favorite series always switches between Star Trek The Original Series and Star Trek The Next Generation. Right now it's Star Trek: The Next Generation, but I'm also into Deep Space Nine as well. My favorite Star Trek movie is Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. My least favorite is surprisingly The Wrath of Khan, not to say that I hate it, but it is the most overplayed movie out of the series, and I've seen it too many times. The best part is the tragic ending when Spock dies, I tear up every time, but almost everything prior to that doesn't really interest me anymore, I like it, but I don't love it.


My three favorite characters from each series are


Star Trek The Original Series

Captain James T. Kirk


Leonard McCoy


Star Trek The Next Generation

Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Commander William T. Riker



Star Trek Deep Space Nine



Miles O'Brien


Star Trek Voyager

The Doctor





Just a little personal info about myself is that I'm 21 years old and I'm also a 1st degree black belt in the Shotokan form of the Martial Arts. I have one brother who is 15, but sadly he doesn't love Trek as much as I do.

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Welcome to the Great Starship, Gammera the Invincible! :laugh: :cool1:


I also look forward to seeing you on the boards! :laugh: :)

Good to see another Godzilla fan besides me. :laugh: :)

I saw these DVDs on Gamera, pretty much of them were between the years of 1965 and 1969. I'll make sure to buy them once I see them. :)


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