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Tracphone is the best brand. I work at Wal-Mart, so I would know. It can be crazy if you don't get the right kind of card.

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I have a very bad case of senioritis! I don't want to do anything and I've procrastinating at this very minute. Luckily I think I'm getting better. I suddenly have the urge to go write my Jamestown paper which I should go do before the urge passes.

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I'm glad that I volunteered to be in charge of organizing shirts for APUSH because if I hadn't no one else would have and then I wouldn't get an APUSH shirt, but I am definitely ready for it to be over with. I need to call the printer this weekend and set the final stages in motion so that this can be done and over with.


Side note: Be Cool is a bad movie. I rented it today because I've wanted to see it for a while, but it was a disappointment.

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I (I'm trying to say a bad word but can't) hate everything! I have completely lost my motivation to do anything. I mean what's the (I'm trying to say a bad word but can't) point? Life is so hard and it's only going to get harder. And for what? Nothing! Tell me, what is worth all this (I'm trying to say a bad word but can't) pain! It seems like no matter what I do or how hard I work it's never good enough to satisfy the world or even the people who are supposed to love me. I don't even know who I am anymore. How do other people do it? I know so many people who work harder then i do and they are happier than i am. How do they (I'm trying to say a bad word but can't) do it?!?!?! What am I doing wrong?!?!?! I feel like I should take a year off and try to "find myself" or some sort of crap like that but that takes money which i don't have. The only reason I do anything anymore is because I know life will get even worse if I don't. I (I'm trying to say a bad word but can't) hate this!

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Wow.......considering that you've given us absolutely no idea what you are talking about, its hard to answer any of your questions. Why don't you tell us exactly what the problem is and perhaps some of us that have lived through the teen angst years may be able to give you some advice.. :laugh:

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Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm not planing to drive off a cliff or something. I re-read my last post and while it's still true, it makes me sound suicidal. Who know how long it will be till my next post and I didn't want anyone thinking I was dead or something.


Kor37, I'll embelish a little later but right now I'm calm and would like to stay that way. Thanks for the support.

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Trust me girl, I know how you feel. Since I am the oldest, I am expected to be on top all the time. Sometimes, my parents can be so strict, that I can't even hang out with my friends and I am college! I don't know what do anymore and I hope that maybe we can chat on AIM or Yahoo sometimes maybe that will make you feel better here are my Sn's


Aim: LadyLursa


Yahoo!: blackqueenakasha

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Yesterday there was this women's expo thing at the Lansing center that I went to and it was one of the biggest wastes of time ever. It was incredibly crowded so my claustrophobia started to kick in, the stalls there weren't that great, and even if there was a stall that had something interesting you couldn't stop to look at it because there were already 50 women crowded around it. To make up for the horrible experience me, my mom, and my sister went purse shopping and I got a really cute purse for 60% off to replace my old grody one with about four coffee stains on it.


You know what I really love. When it snows like crazy during the night and when I go out to shovel the driveway I find that my father has taken both of our shovels up north to his parents house with him, even though there are already shovels there. It's great fun. I have to go shovel the driveway with my neighbors shovel now.

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I meant to go through the post that contains my huge blowout and try to figure things out on Friday, but I wasn't in the right mindset. It seems like the only time I am is when I have 5,000 other things to do, but I want to try and figure things out.


I think the biggest thing about my blowout was my lack of motivation to do anything. Not just because I have a case of senioritis, but because I feel like I have no purpose in life. If someone were to ask me why I get out of the bed in the morning I would tell them that the only reason is if I don't it will have negative consequences. That's the only reason I do anything anymore. I don't want the negative consequences that go along with not doing what I need to do. Is that just laziness? It's a horrible way to get through life. because of that my work is usually mediocre because that is what will get me away from those negative consequences. It also makes getting that mediocre work 10 times harder than it needs to be. And who wants to go through life just being mediocre?

Another part of it is I don't get joy out of anything I do. That helps the "what's the point" feeling. It feels like everything is so hard and it's only going to get harder and if there is no joy then why should I even bother working hard. Life just seems so impossible! Yet everyone around me seems to be getting through it without any trouble, although I know that isn't true. It feels like I'm fighting and crawling out of this huge pit without any hope of ever seeing the sun. I know I wont get out but I'm trying anyway because I don't want to look pathetic. I really wish I could stop the conveyor belt, get off and try to figure things out for a while, but I can't. I have to keep racing toward the future. I feel like I'm in a car on an icy road going 90 miles per hour. I'm going to stop with the cheesy metaphors and keep working on my homework.

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I'm getting really excited! I can't wait for Monday to come! I will actually be working with the directors of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir! How fun! I can't wait for New York!

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Not much ahas been going on lately. I get to see Assassins with my dad tonight, which is a big deal because he hates musicals, so that fact that he is willing to go with me means a lot! That's about all.

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I love musicals, they can be alot of fun to go to! My friends find me to be werid like that also lol! I have that same feeling also, what is the point to be being here in the first place? Then I think this, if I didn't have a meaning in life, then I would have not been borned in the first place.

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Thanks MrPsychic! Unfortunately it's quite faded by now.


It feels like forever since I last posted! What's been going on since then? I got my own group of 3rd graders for my YC internship. They are so cute and i love them all. This is much better than my last internship, even though I don't have a free period on Mondays and Wednesdays anymore.


Not only do I have the day off of school because of ice, but festival is also canceled (which i really was not looking forward to) and all this means that I get to relax and catch up on schoolwork that isn't done yet, maybe even get ahead to make my life a bit easier.


The only bad thing about no school today is that there was a Key Club meeting today and Vic has my D-con paperwork that was due a few days ago. There's still time to get it in, so i can still go but I don't want to let this sit any longer than I have to.



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Tracphone is the best brand. I work at Wal-Mart, so I would know. It can be crazy if you don't get the right kind of card.

Actually, tracfone is one of the worst prepaid cell phones. It has the worst coverage and the per minutes are the highest. I would personally recommend Cingular go phones, if you pay a dollar a day, you can talk to other cingular customers for free and non cingular for 10 cents a minute.

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I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!! New York was amazing! I want to tell you all about it but I'm coming down off the high and getting very tired, plus it will be easier to talk about once I have pictures to show, so I'll probably wait till then. Our performance went so well! I can't wait to get the CD of the concert!


Also, I'm dyeing my hair again since the red faded out a long time ago. This time it is purple. Here's a picture:


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I LOVE BOOKSALES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just bought $7 worth of books that were 25 cents each. It was fantastic and I'm actually going back later with my little sis. I finally got a copy of Brave New World, and also got a few Anne Rices but wont be reading those for a while since they are much later in the series.


I've been getting these really bad headaches the past few months and yesterday I went to the doctor to figure out what was wrong with me. It turns out that a mix of irregular eating, stress, and certain foods have been my problem. I got a prescription for the really bad ones, but I need to experiment with the foods on a list my doctor gave me to see which ones are more likely to give me headaches. I'm also supposed to find ways to reduce stress, but I have no idea how I'm going to do that.

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I've got a meeting with my mom and my math teacher on Thursday. It shouldn't be too bad because my parents realize that I'm not doing bad because I'm slacking off, I just can't give math the time it needs with two AP classes to worry about. Once the AP tests are over I know I'll do better.


I find it extremely exciting and extremely freaky that I only have a little over one month before I am done with high school. :lol: :hug:

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I know its busy but this will also be one of the most exciting times in your life. Its one of those times in your life where your life changes completely around. Don't fear it, embrace it!

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Its one of those times in your life where your life changes completely around.


Very much so! It seems like everything is changing. Very overwhelming at times.



I got my prom dress today! It was a bit emotional but shopping with my mom always is. Here's the dress:




I didn't think I would end up with a red dress, but I love the way this one looks on me. I also got a purse and shoes to match. I was a hard decision because I'd found a dress in another store that was less pretty but very unique. This one is beautiful but it is very traditional. But I suppose having two dresses that I love is a good problem to have.

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Remember all those times where I've complaned about senioritis? Well, that's nothing compared to right now. Right now I'm not even motivated to write anything more in this post.

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This is going to sound intensely girlish, but I'm going to say it anyway. I'm thinking about asking MLTN to prom and it's got me really nervous. I really like him and I know he likes me, but I don't know if he likes me. Lord, I sound like I'm in middle school! I'd already promised that I would go with a group of friends, but I talked to them and they said they didn't mind if he came to. I'm not really worried about that part. He would fit right in with my group of friends. Also, he lives so far away that if he did come he would need to stay the night here, and my parents said that he can sleep in the basement (my dad will probably duct tape the door shut) and that would be a bit awkward. I could give him the option of going just as friends - cause we've done that before - but then it will seem like I'm not confident and guys don't like girls who aren't confident. AHHHHHHHH! This is so hard! I'm probably way overthinking this. I just really like him and don't want to make our friendship awkward by adding tension.

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So, I call Erik and tell him what day my prom is, and he calls back 2 minutes later asking me to repeat the date. I tell him and hear "uh oh" from the other end of the line. Apparently he is going to be in Spain on that day, and is definitely not going to fly back for prom. So instead of him coming to mine, I'm going to go to his prom which is sure to be a much different experience since his senior class has 900 students. My entire school has 900 students! For all of you who live near me and were hoping to meet him, don't worry. My parents want him to come down before prom so they can meet him, since I will probably be staying the night at his house, as he would have at mine.

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In book club we're reading this graphic novel call Little White Mouse. I was a bit surprised because I've always seen them as glorified comic books. I've read a few chapters already and the storyline is good but it is taking me a while to get used to reading a story in this format. I'm still not sure if i like it or not. Since the club is having lunch with the author in a few weeks i should probably figure out how i feel about it by then. Not sure what I'll say if I don't like it. I would never say "i don't like your book" outright to an author, but i don't want to lie and say i like it. I'm really not that worried about it, but the whole experience will be interesting.


Took a mental health day today. It was nice being able to just sit and read all day. I will admit i turned the TV on at one point but that was only because the dead silence of the house was getting to me.

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