Lt. Evans

Ships Crew
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Posts posted by Lt. Evans

  1. This post is dedicated to expressing your thoughts on what you hope happened to the crew of Voyager when they got home. The only regulations I want to try and impose is don't get angry at someone if you don't agree with what they think happened. Just say what you think may have happened. Hopefully the mods will keep that in check for me. Hope you enjoy my ideas, look forward to hearing yours!


    Captain Janeway -


    After getting her ship back from the Delta Quadrant complete with new alien technology, I think that Star Fleet would have at first made Captain Janeway a lecturer in deep space travel at the academy, then after a well earned promotion to Admiral, then I think Janeway would be put in charge of Star Fleet activites in the Delta Quadrant, overseeing all ship's making voyages to that area of space.


    Commander Chakotay -


    I'd like think that Chakotay got command of his own ship, maybe a Defiant class ship with a fitting name like the 'U.S.S Sioux' but if he wasn't given command and the made him stay as a first officer, I'd want him under someone very important. If for some bizarre reason Star Fleet would not except him then I hope he would return to what was left of his Indian tribe and spend his time telling stories of the Delta quadrant and taking hallucinogens.


    Lieutenant Commander Tuvok -


    In my mind, he return to Vulcan and began suffering from the 'Pon Farr', and went on to have another child with wife. Then I hope that Tuvok was made the instructor for a detachment of Star Fleet marines. After a while of that he would retire from Star Fleet a lot like Spock, only to be talked back into it by Janeway who wants him to train more marines as part of the Delta Quadrant exploration program, these marine would serve as protection for explorers.


    Ensign Kim -


    I personally hope that Harry Kim got promoted straight to Lieutenant Commander after returning home. Then, after giving a few lectures on the Delta Quadrant at Star Fleet Academy in San Francisco I hope he was posted on Deep Space Nine, under Chief O'Brien, I think they'd make a good pair... O'Brien could teach Harry a lot of useful things and Harry would make a good friend for O'Brien and Bashir.


    Lieutenant Paris -


    Obviously he would be put in charge of the mass production of the Delta Flyer, and he would spend the rest of his time as a flight instructor for Delta Flyer pilots. After B'Elanna finally passed away and his kids had reached adult-hood, Tom Paris would put in for a final tranfer. Then, one day after arriving at a Deep Space Nine, a Delta Flyer would go missing. Tom Paris would have gone to explore the Gamma Quadrant.


    The Doctor (Emergency Medical Hologram) -


    Eventually settled on the name 'Joe' (As seen in the final episode) and he then decided to take the surname 'Zimmerman' after his creator. To save him giving lectures at the academy Star Fleet made copies of his program including his memory. The Doctor (Joseph Zimmerman) protested against this in fringment of his rights and took Star Fleet medical to court, however a settlement was reached. The Doctor would be copied but all of his copies would be given the rights of any sentient being. After a lengthy Star Fleet career he retired from the medical profession to care for his dying creator.


    B'Elanna Torres


    Would assist Tom Paris in the mass-production overseeing of the 'Delta Flyer' and would finally make peace with her ghosts from the past - having excepted both her Human and Klingon heritage. She would also teach engineering at the Star Fleet academy and the Klingon academy. She would unfortunatelyt contract an obscure disease only would in Klingon/Human hybrids with would affect her life span... but she would die happily in her husband's arms.


    Seven of Nine


    Would be posted on the U.S.S Enterprise. At first this would be a very bumpy experience, Picard and her would not get along at first but then would come to better understand each other and empathise with one another. She would marry Chakotay and then serve on his ship, the U.S.S Sioux. She would also spend a little time relaying designs for alien technology used by the borg. Finally she would retire and settle with Chakotay on a remote planet populated by Native American Indians.




    Spent the last of his days with Dexa and her son Brax. When Star Fleet operation in the Delta Quadrant finally reached him his first words were:


    "Can you tell Mr. Paris I've finally worked out how to make a Pizza!"




    Remained on the U.S.S Voyager serving as a tour guide to the ship turned museum. Then, he turned his attentions to Star Fleet academy, where he took an Engineering course. He graduated at the top of his class and then after reach the rank of Lieutenant commander he tranfered to command. Finally, when he was made a Captain he took command of a 'Shelly class' Star Fleet carrier named the 'U.S.S Hornet' which was sent to the delta quadrant as part of operations there. He was unfortunately killed during a run in with a borg cube, but the battle was a distinct victory which went on to be studied as a text book assault.

  2. I didn't mind the Voyager crew. I just think they needed a bar...


    I personally hope that Harry Kim got promoted to Lieutenant Commander after returning home. Then, after giving a few lectures on the Delta Quadrant at StarFleet Academy in San Francisco I hope he was posted on Deep Space Nine, under Chief O'Brien, I think they'd make a good pair... O'Brien could teach Harry a lot of useful things and Harry would make a good friend for O'Brien and Bashir.

  3. Actually the Interpid Class vessel was designed to fight the borg. I think of a Nova class ship as being more of a scout. Yes, Voyager did have a bar in its holodeck but that's only because Janeway realised as she was sitting on the bridge:-


    "This is going to be one damn long trip... we need beer."

  4. (Enterpise NX-01 bridge. Captain Archer turns his crew.)


    Archer: Say, why haven't we got a bar?


    Malcom: Because we suck in every way. We haven't even got a briefing room.


    Archer: Oh... so what do do we have?


    Malcom: We have a transporter which can only transport cargo. But we got so bored so quickly we tested it on you within the first episode.


    Dr. Phlox: Captain, I think the transport gave you brain damage!


    Archer: Why?


    Dr. Phlox: One episode you negotiated with pirates!

  5. Before you scream curses at me in Klingonese and come charging at me shaking your prized Voyager DVDs in my face, hear me out. Are you sitting comfortably... good... I shall explain.


    Voyager is a great looking ship with a dedicated crew, but if you were me and you were touring the ship in dry-dock you would notice one small problem.


    "Where's the bar?! I can find the mess hall, but where's the bar?"


    Come on... this explain's a lot of things. On Deep Space Nine they've got Quark's bar. Horray! Cheers! P-a-r-t-y! Everyone's happy! Horray!


    And on Enterprise-D, everyone's in 'Ten Forward', drinking Suarian brandy, Klingon blood wine, Irish whisky and Romulan ale. Two Ensign are standing in a corner pointing toward the bar and talking


    "Do you see that... is that...?"


    "Yeah... it's..."


    "Oh, my god it can't..."


    "It is! She was in that thing with nuns. You know... Sister act."


    "It Whoopi... Whoopi... Whoopi Goldberg." The Ensign exclaims. Horray! Everybody party... it's Whoopi! Horray!


    (Meanwhile on Voyager)


    Voyager is flying through space. The Voyager theme tune is playing. On the bridge everyone is sat firmly in their chairs. Tom Paris is twiddling his thumbs. Tuvok looks like he might go to sleep in a minute. Chakotay keeps looking at his watch. And Harry Kim is thinking:


    "Why did I sigh up for this. It's like a bad road trip."


    Rewind a couple of decades and you've got Kirk flying around in the Enterprise. They haven't got a bar but Kirk makes sure they stop for one regualry. Scotty enters the bridge. Kirk turns to Chekov and Sulu.


    "Mr. Sulu set course for a place where we can party."


    "Setting course for Rigel VII, warp five."


    "Alright!" Scotty remarks in his strong accent "The best Green slave girl strippers in the quadrant!"


    Believe me when I say: "Voyager needs a bar."



  6. Conspiracies have been exposed before... or we would have the word 'conspiracy'. One thing I do always look at and scratch my head in Kennedy's assasination... there's something missing which I can't put my finger on. Definetly something going on... whether it's Shadow Policitans and secret societies and plutocrats, I can't say. One thing which is interest is how many recent Presidents have all been members of something called the 'Trilateral commission' which is a think tank of some sort.

  7. Why won't anyone follow Sisko...? I'd trust him more than any other captain. He lead fleets of ships! I'd follow him through the wormhole to fight the dominion in nothing but a shuttle craft. Kirk is definetly a close second though.

  8. Yes, Riker wanted Enterprise... but then the writer's messed it up by giving him the U.S.S Titan. Idiots... Riker's best quote was in Star Trek- Generations, and in it he said


    "You know I always hoped I'd get a shot at this chair."


    "There will be other Enterprises, number one..." Picard smiled

  9. Name: John Harriman

    Rank: Captain

    Born: 2258

    Origin: Human

    Birth place: New York, New York, Earth

    Assignment: U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701-B

    Previous: U.S.S. Saratoga NCC-1937

    Academy class: 2278 (94th percentile)


    Achievements: Medal of Honor, 2283; Starfleet Citation for Conspicuous Bravery, 2287


    Academic performance was in top percentile until final year, when parents died in accidental crash of transport ship on Mars. Cadet Harriman refused one-year leave of absence, completed midshipman cruise aboard U.S.S. Thebes, graduated from Academy.


    First posting: Starbase 331, supply shuttle pilot. Transferred to starship duty in 2279; assigned as junior helm officer, U.S.S. Tucson. In 2280, Promoted to lieutenant, junior grade.


    In 2282, transferred to U.S.S. Danforth as senior helm officer. In 2283, promoted to Lieutenant, after leading succesful landing party to rescue downed shuttle crew on a Prime Directive-protected planet with a pre-warp civilization.


    In 2286, transferred to U.S.S. Midway, as second officer and science officer. Decorated and promoted to lieutenant commander, 2287, after risking life to complete a mission that saved 283 colonists from natural disaster on Cestus IV.


    In 2289, named first officer of U.S.S. Saratoga by Captain Sevok, promoted to Commander. Served on four-year mission of exploration in Beta Quadrant, cataloging gaseous anomalies and stellar phenomena.


    In 2293, promoted to captain of U.S.S. Enterprise-B for its maiden voyage. The unfinished ship was unprepared to mount a rescue of the S.S. Lakul, trapped in an anomaly known as 'The Nexus'. With the assistance of Captain Kirk, Harriman saved the Lakul and most of its passengers and crew.


    Family: Wife and son (Sloane and Ferris)

    Residents: Chicago, Illinois, Earth

    Interests: Starfleet history, trout fishing, 20th-century Italian sports automobiles


    Click for Spoiler:


  10. Yes, but to be fair Riker was always after command of Enteprise... he wanted to be it's captain and if Jean-Luc had retired or been promoted to Admiral then Riker would have made no fuss about parking his behind right into the Captain's chair.

  11. Having read the other posts, you should know the drill by now. Photos:-


    Click for Spoiler:

    Dr. Leonard 'Bones' McCoy



    Dr. Beverly Crusher



    Dr. Katherine Pulaski



    Dr. Julian Bashir



    Emergency Medical Hologram (The Doctor)



    Dr. Phlox


  12. I vote for Sisko... even though this is blatantly going to be either a Kirk or Picard victory. So... er... pictures:-


    Click for Spoiler:

    Captain Kirk



    Captain Picard



    Captain Sisko



    Captain Janeway



    Captain Archer


  13. How come the science officer is always a non-human? Oh, well... pick your favourite. I think it's gonna be a close race between Data and Spock with Seven close behind. In case you need reminding:-


    Click for Spoiler:







    Jadzia Dax



    Seven of Nine



