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Posts posted by HRH The KING

  1. Obviously you've never had the experience of buying something from cataloge or the net and then getting it home and it's nothing like what you thought it would be.


    In the context of a Starfleet uniform, from the ones I've seen on sale online, they don't look right even when they are displayed on their websites, so it would make no sense to buy them because they won't look accurate when they arrive at home either.

  2. Click For Spoiler
    WWE Monday Night RAW Review


    For the most part, a solid show.


    Nice opener with HBK who showed Chris Masters and all the other useless muscleheads from The Valley how it's done. I think it's a waste to place these two in a feud because Masters is frickin clueless. Masters is correct in one instance though, HBK needs to cut his hair.


    Absolutely stunning match between Shelton Benjamin (who is a star if they push him) and Kurt Angle. A wrestling clinic. I would have preferred that those three morons announcing would actually CALL THE FRICKIN' MATCH instead of babbling on with small talk. Shelton executed an incredible move on the ropes and not one of them called it or put him over. He didn't even get a replay. Jonathan Coachman is piss poor. Lawler and Ross are well past it now and should be replaced.


    This match really should have been on a PPV and a feud between the two, but clueless booking put an end to that.


    The "Kerwin White" character is a disgrace and Stephanie McMahon should be ashamed of herself for creating it. She thinks she is making some kind of insightful social commentary but the WWE couldn't write social commentary to save their lives. Stephanie McMahon is a cretin. Her September 11th comments a few years back proved that.


    I am sick and tired of Gene S*itsky. How this guy remains employed is beyond my understanding. I like Maria though. She's cute in a dumb way.


    The idea of Edge tormenting Matt and costing him matches makes sense, but to job him out to "Gay George Michael Impersonator" is BS. Conway's gimmick is bizarre and makes no sense whatsoever. Logic would say that some kind of "Fashion Model" gimmick would have suited Conway better.


    Great segment with Flair and Carlito. CCC makes a far superior interviewer than he does as a wrestler.


    S*itsky vs Big Fat was a waste of time. Both these guys are pathetic and beyond contempt.


    Lance Cade and Murdoch is piss poor. The "Cowboy and Deliverance Redneck" gimmick is long dead. Another bewildering decision from Stephanie McMahon.


    The Diva trade made no sense since the WWE said the deadline passed ages ago. It was so predictable that the new Diva would get attacked. BTW- I have absolutely no idea who the **** that Diva in the black outfit was.


    The Cena vs Jericho match was good. I think Jericho is making a mistake taking a break from the WWE to pursue a singing career because he can't sing. But it might give him a chance to come back with a fresh character approach. The Kurt Angle bit at the end was good and set up a potentially strong feud which will draw.


    Overall, a decent episode of Monday Night RAW.



  3. I never doubt the guy's knowledge of Star Trek.


    And the episodes he wrote and produced were certainly superior to Berman and Braga's efforts. Although IMO they were still poor.


    But IMO, the next Star Trek project needs to be darker and more complex and that's why Behr, Moore and Piller need to be in charge of the creative direction of the franchise.


    Coto can write episodes and be an influential voice on the creative team, but those three guys I mentioned should get the final say.


    In that sense Coto would take a role similar to Naren Shankar who wrote the occasional episodes and acted as sort of contributor and consultant for the show.

  4. I think Dominic is a crappy actor, at least from what I've seen on Smackdown. He has like one facial expression.


    Well, let's not forget that he's eight-years old, and has been brought in for his first ever wrestling angle in front of thousands of people in the arena and millions watching on television.

  5. Click For Spoiler
    WWE SummerSlam Results and Review


    WWE Championship.


    John Cena defeated Chris Jericho by pinfall.


    Very good match. Helped by the incredibly hot crowd who were divided between the two guys. I love it the crowd splits like that and half cheer for one guy, while half cheer for the other. I still believe Cena needs to work on those in-ring skills and needs a more aggressive attitude and style, but his performance was very good. I liked the ending to this match and I think they delivered a solid match. I hope Jericho doesn't spend too much time away from the WWE because his music career won't last long without the WWE.


    WWE Heavyweight Championship


    Dave Batista defeated John Bradshaw Layfield by pinfall.


    Another pretty good match. JBL at least got himself in decent shape for this one. I'm still not convinced by Batista though, but booking him in ten minute matches is a good idea because he can't survive a longer match. A good brawl. Nice spot with the collapsing barricade and a good finish with the steps. Enjoyable for what it was worth.


    WWE United States Championship.


    Chris Benoit defeated Orlando Jordan by pinfall.


    Very surprised that this match only lasted 24 seconds, but the result was correct. Benoit will bring some dignity back to this title which has a good history in WCW. Orlando Jordan was a terrible champion. He should go back to playing the stooge to JBL.


    Kurt Angle defeated Eugene by pinfall


    It became obvious that the fans are starting to turn on the "Eugene" character. Honestly I don't think it's going to last much longer. They were clearly supporting Angle in this match and rightly so because he's awesome. I think Christy Hemme would make a better cheerleader for Kurt. It would at least give her something interesting to do. She looked bored during this match.


    Randy Orton defeated The Undertaker by pinfall.


    Another decent match. Undertaker did the decent thing by putting over Orton, who will almost certainly move on to a feud with Batista. Nice appearance from the Cowboy, Bob Orton too, to help his son by distracting the Taker. Not sure what's next for the Undertaker, perhaps a feud with Eddie Guerrero? Taker needs to ditch the DeadMan gimmick now and go back to the Biker gimmick for that feud.


    Rey Mysterio defeated Eddie Guerrero


    Excellent match. A great way to end the feud between these two. I haven't been a big fan of this custody angle, although that kid is a superb actor. The spot with Eddie's wife pushing him off the ladder was hilarious and both wrestlers performed brilliantly. Superb match.


    Edge defeated Matt Hardy by stoppage due to blood loss.


    Although the crowd felt cheated, I think this was the right way to end this match. It sets up a rematch at Unforgiven for Matt to get his win and allows him to save face to pester Edge until then. Edge's WWE title push can wait until then. I seriously think Matt should be retained by the WWE because he can be a solid midcarder. Decent brawl.


    Hulk Hogan defeated Shawn Michaels by pinfall.


    Another good match. HBK carried Hogan to a solid main event. Can't say I like HBK's ring-attire though. Looked ugly and uncool. But it was an excellent brawl and a nice touch at the end with the handshake. I'd like to see a HBK/Angle feud again because those two have got definate chemistry.



  6. Click For Spoiler
    I'll post a more detailed review tomorrow, but for the most part it was an excellent show. Encouraging. I just hope the WWE realise how much work needs to be done.


    The basic results:


    John Cena defeated Chris Jericho by pinfall.


    Dave Batista defeated John Bradshaw Layfield by pinfall.


    Chris Benoit defeated Orlando Jordan by submission.


    Kurt Angle defeated Eugene by submission.


    Randy Orton defeated The Undertaker by pinfall.


    Rey Mysterio defeated Eddie Guerrero.


    Edge defeated Matt Hardy due to a blood loss stoppage.


    Hulk Hogan defeated Shawn Michaels by pinfall.