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Posts posted by HRH The KING

  1. that is til the moon goes out of the earths gravity, which it is doing


    It is indeed. By a few millimetres every year. I saw a documentary on Discovery about that. Patrick Stewart narrated it. :rolleyes:


    The Martian moon Phobos is spiralling in towards Mars, and the moon Triton is doing the same with Neptune, which might give Neptune a dazzling ring system.


    Won't happen for tens of millions of years tho'

  2. I know suffocating or the other myriad of deaths that can happen, would still have that. I want to see our world for more than a bunch of boarders. its hard to describe why I wouldn't mind dying up there.


    Alright, but just so you know, there is evidence to suggest that the crews of both Columbia and Challenger suffered terribly for several minutes before they finally met their violent deaths.


    I doubt you would want that.

  3. And King and UH and every other person that floated around Kronos trying to prove they were right- Sure we all have our arguments but enough was enough




    What did I say???


    The posts I made yesterday were my first on Qo'Nos for about two months!!!!


    I stick to my own thread on this site and use StarTrek.COM for Star Trek discussions.


    Whatever happened on Qo'Nos is not my problem.

  4. Yeah, those Viscera action figures will be a big hit. :rolleyes:


    I wonder if they will come with a "Hump Motion"??? :lol:


    Heyman is a great booker. The problem is that he frequently disagreed with Stephanie (which is understandable) and that was used as an excuse to kick him off the booking team.


    Also, it's not helped by the fact that Jerry Lawler constantly bad-mouths Heyman on screen and off. Hilariously he uses the excuse that Heyman should not be allowed to book for the WWE because his own wrestling company collapsed.


    Erm....yes Mr. Lawler, just like YOUR wrestling company USWA ALSO collapsed.


    Hypocrite. :rolleyes: