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Posts posted by HRH The KING

  1. Alright, then. I dislike ENT, some people don't. Everyone has their opinion. I respect them, even if I disagree.


    But I'll let this one go.


    But I have noticed this in recent years, that their is a definate division of Trek fans. Many of them are against each other. I've never seen this before with Star Trek. This is worrying, to a certain extent.




  2. I liked the ending of DS9. It was a pointless decision to put Ezri Dax into the show. To be honest, whenever an episode focused on her, I just skipped it and waited for the next 'War' episode.


    It was pointless adding a new character like her with only a season left, when all her screentime could have been devoted to the other regular or recurring characters.


    The other thing that bothered me is Worf. He went from being an Ambassador in DS9 to playing his regular role as the 'unfunny comic relief buffoon' in the absolute pile of **** that was Nemesis.


    What's with that? Were they that desperate to get him into the movie? Was it worth it?

  3. Well, I would have thought, obviously, to show you there is more to each character


    I coud find and post a list of all the songs Ruben Studdard sang/murdered on American Idol. It doesn't mean that I agree that they were of a good quality. I could give you a history of Wesley Crusher, but he's still one of the most hated characters in Star Trek. More details about the ENT characters doesn't mean that the show is good.



    I guess the same could be said for why the ratings for American Idol are so high. Since when in this world did ratings = quality on any level?


    If ENT was a quality show, then I would be agreeing with you, but since I don't believe it is, then I tend to believe the idea that the low ratings suffered by the show is because it is poorer in quality and the worst of any of the Trek shows.



    Oh. :shrug:


    Erm....Right then.



    So you went into it from the start telling yourself you'd hate it and, lo and behold, you did. No surprise.


    Don't try to put words in my posts that I didn't write. I thought the concept was flawed, but I did give it a chance. I thought it would struggle to cover any substantial new ground, and would suffer as a result. I was surprised at how poor the characters and stories were and as a result, the show was severely lacking for me. I wanted to like it, but I don't.



    Your choice. Your loss.


    It's no big loss.



    Well, I still love and will continue to watch and enjoy Star Trek Enterprise. I will for all the time it continues to be shown.


    I hope you do enjoy it.

  4. I never believed that, even with using stabilising force fields etc, that those two tiny little legs under Voyager would be enough to hold the ship when it landed. Although to be fair, the landing sequences and Blue Alert/Code Blue, were very cool.


    :o B) :o

  5. All you've done is describe the show. You've just given a summary of everything that's happened in Enterprise since the show started. For what?. I've seen every episode of Enterprise and I've been bored, hoping in vain that this series will improve. I'm still waiting. If Enterprise was as good as you seem to think it is then why are the ratings for this show so low? I don't think we're ever going to agree on how great you seem to think the characters are. I feel that the concept for this show was flawed from the start. They are limited in where they can go because they run the risk of contradicting existing canon and continuity. This 'Birth Of The Federation' concept could have been written into some kind of book and it have been more interesting. I believe this show is a dead loss. I have decided that I shall no longer watch this poor excuse for a Star Trek show anymore. If this show is a sign of where Trek is headed then I'll just say that it has been a good ride, but it is now coming to an end. Trek really was a great franchise. It's sad to see it end up like this. Well, at least it'll all be over for Enterprise after a few more seasons, then maybe after a break they can go back to brainstorming and give us a decent Trek show, which IMO, we haven't had since the days of Deep Space Nine, my favourite Trek show. Regarding the T&A, I've seen every episode of every Trek series ever made, I've seen every movie, and I've never seen T&A thrown into the viewing audiences faces like I have with Enterprise. I've just had enough of it. I'm sick and tired of it. No more of this terrible show for me.



    B) :o :o

  6. The 2nd Defiant seen in "What You Leave Behind", previously named Sao Paulo seemed to have the same registry as the original. Do you think the 2nd Defiant should have been NCC-74205-A like the Enterprises, or perhaps something new like using a roman numeral instead of a letter?


    It should have had the registry that you posted, but they gave the 'Sao Paulo/Defiant' the same registry as the original 'DS9 Defiant' because they needed to use the already existing stock footage of the first DS9 Defiant.

  7. The Ocampa, the Kazon, the Hirogen etc were only seen on Voyager.


    My favourite races were the Borg, Species 8472 (beofre they ruined them with that stupid episode with 'Boothby' in it) and the Viidians who were very creepy and scary. The idea of being forcibly havested for organs is deeply unsettling. But it made for a terrific villianous race, although you could sympathise with their despiration.



    :o :borgqueen: :o

  8. There's nothing wrong looking to see a prototype, new class, or new "older class" we haven't seen before


    I never said there was. I just feel that the Titan should at least look asthetically pleasing.



    I just think it silly to replace the Sovereign-class based on it's looks as that doesn't seem realistic.


    Luckily it isn't real, so everything should be OK. If you're going to fly around the galaxy in a starship, you may as well do it in syle.


    :o B) :o

  9. William Stryker, it's a shame that all you see is skin, sexuallity, and insult B&B.


    Yeah, it is.



    Yes, the "lots of skin and sexuallity" is a problem, one that I hope will be delt with before season 4.


    I hope so too.



    However, that's not what the show is about, it's just raitings-booster stuff demanded by UPN. I'm convinced that if ENT were in syndication, it would not be an issue.


    I hate Paramount.



    Let me ask you this: What about the characters, the stories, and the themes of the show? What are so bad about them?


    Uninspiring. Let us go through the characters:


    Archer: He, I think may be the best character. Best of a bad bunch.


    Reed: The most boring character. It pains me that they made the most boring character British.


    T'Pol: She'd look nice in FHM, but this is Star Trek. The sum of her character is basically what you see squeezed into her outfit.


    Dr. Phlox: I like John Billingsley, but this character is basically the 'Neelix' of this show. Annoying and overly 'quirky'.


    Hoshi: She's a COMM officer. Communication's officers do nothing on Trek except say "Hailing Frequencies Open/Closed Captain" and that's it.


    Trip: The most annoying character. I hate this guy more than any other on the show.


    Travis: Now this is the guy I feel sorry for. He has been given absolutely nothing to do on this show. Anthony Montgomery must be bored out of his mind. I sympathise with the guy, he went from being cancelled on 'Popular' to this. Good God!!! He must be under a gypsy curse or something.



    Personally, I've enjoyed VOY & ENT just as much as I did TNG. They each have something new and different to offer.


    OK. I'll will admit that Voyager was better than Enterprise. But that's not much of a compliment. Let's look at their characters:


    Janeway: Her VOICE!!!!!! She sounded as though she had sucked the helium out of a balloon.


    Chakotay: The most boring regular character ever seen on Trek, with possibly the exception of Ezri "Pointless" Dax. He had a tattoo, and that was it.


    B'elanna: Now remember, she's "FEISTY" Tom Paris actually loved her???? and married her???? I would have flown the Delta Flyer into a star, just to get away from her moodswings.


    The Doctor: Best thing about the show. Always entertaining. Robert Picardo was brilliant in this show.


    Paris: My favourite character on the show.


    Seven: A big improvement over the terrible 'Kes'. She did look very nice, but she did serve a purpose and had some good character development. Jeri Ryan is a very likable actress and her character had some good stories based around it.


    Harry: Another annoying character. he was the 'Wesley Crusher' of VOY. he was so nervous and green, I just didn't believe that he could have graduated from the Academy.


    Tuvok: Second most boring character. I didn't know Vulcans could be this boring. Spock would be spinning in his grave (if he was dead, of course).


    and finally:


    Neelix: This guy was the Jar Jar Binks of Star Trek Voyager. I could rant, but I won't. I HATE NEELIX.

  10. Why would the Sovereign & Prometheus-class be replaced when they're still top of the line?


    Because I hate them both.


    The Sovereign class looks awful, I prefered the Galaxy Class to this pile of trash. As for the Prometheus, it looks cool when it breaks into its sections, but when it is integrated, it looks butt ugly. IMO.


    It's bad enough that Riker would have to live with Troi and her tiresome psychobabble, lets give the poor guy something. A good looking ship would be a good first step.


    If I was Riker and had to live with Troi droning on about my emotions and my repressed feelings, I'd be running to the frickin' Holodeck trying to recreate Minuet.



    :o B) :o

  11. So the 'slave girls' weren't in TOS? Or are you going to imply that Mudd's women were any more than 'skin'? I guess skin is only 'wrong' when it's both sex's.


    That could be your guess, but it wouldn't be mine. I think the skin in 'Enterprise' is gratutious and pointless, both male and female. As for the slave girls, they were tiresome and unnecessary.


    I'm not remotely interested in what UK papers write about Trek or anything


    I am. Because this is just a sign of how Trek is now regarded. As a joke. This is not just in the tabloids. The broadsheets also regard T'Pol as the centre of attention for the show. I wonder why???. It might have something to do with the fact that her breasts are promoted as the Stars Of The Show. But I guess no one cares about little things like good storytelling and depth of character.


    If you really think Enterprise is about T'Pol's breasts perhaps you'd tell me where they feature in, say... Impulse?


    Oh come on. T'Pol's t*ts are featured in every episode of 'Enterprise' as much as anything else. This current season we are watching in the UK, they have actually tightened up her outfit, drawing MORE attention to her. Why don't they just cut the ****. Start the show with a black screen and in big red writing say "THE FOLLOWING EPISODE OF ENTERPRISE WILL FEATURE T'POL'S SET OF T*TS, BECAUSE THAT'S ALL WE'VE GOT ON THIS SHOW, JUST LIKE VOYAGER ONLY HAD JERI RYAN'S T*TS." They may as well called the show 'STAR T*TS', because that's seems to be the focus of the show.


    Most ordinary people don't watch or care about Trek and, honestly, couldn't name four episodes of TOS, if you asked them.


    But Star Trek needs the mainstream audience. How else do you explain that the viewing figures for Voyager and Enterprise were/are terrible compared to the peak of TNG. It's explained like this: It isn't attracting enough of a mainstream audience and the viewing figures are so low, it seems a large number of Trek fans aren't tuning in to watch the show. Nemesis flopped. Even hardcore fans didn't flock to it like they did with 'First Contact' for example. Trek is in deep trouble. Some fans just don't seem to see it.


    For whatever reason, you have chosen to not like the show. Fine, that's entirely your decision. But please don't pedal the, watered down Trek, lowest common denominator patronage that Ent basher's always seem to resort to. We who love Enterprise are not settling for less, nor a lower 'standard' of Trek. And we're mightily sick of being condescended to by so-called purists.


    And the 'so-called purists' as you would describe us who despise Enterprise, Voyager and Nemesis, and also Insurrection are sick and tired of seeing Star Trek die before their eyes. Enterprise IS watered-down crap. it's a disgrace to Trek and I'd rather see Trek die NOW, than fade away slowly buried under the legacy of years of decline.


    As for you continued attacks on Berman and Braga, go for it. Hey they're only living, feeling human beings with family's, who work producing a Sci-fi TV show.


    Oh, so sad. My heart bleeds for them. Break out the violins for these two clowns. You know what they? Hacks. Nothing more, nothing less. If they can't handle the franchise and if they're just not up to it, then they should quit. DS9 improved greatly when Berman shifted his attention to the doomed Voyager, and left the show in the hands of truly talented people on DS9 like Ronald Moore, Ira Stephan Behr, Rene Echevarria and Michael Piller. Both Berman and his flunky Braga need to go, and they should take Porthos, Water Polo and T'Pol's t*ts with their sorry a*ses.

  12. I thought that the opening space battle between the Borg Cube and the Starfleet Armada in First Contact was pretty cool. So many new designs of starship and it began what in my opinion is the greatest Trek movie. "Those were the days"



  13. I would like the Starship Titan to be a new starship. The next progression of ship onwards from the Sovereign/Prometheus designs of vessels. For all Riker has achieved on the Enterprise's D and E, it would seem only fair that he is given a new class of ship.

  14. If science fiction is in decline at the moment. Then this is good reason why Trek should be rested. Bring it back when the appetite for Sci-Fi returns.


    The skin showing may have been reduced, but it shouldn't even be in Trek. Is this what Paramount have resorted to to get viewers? Gratuitous skin??? A sad day for a once great franchise. In the UK, whenever a newspaper writes anything about 'Enterprise', it's always about one thing: Not how great the show is, not the great legacy of Trek and the vision of Roddenberry, not the writing or the acting, or the issues that it reflects, or the idea of hope and a better future. it's about one thing: T'Pol's t*ts. Is this what we want from Trek? What next? Special guest star Paris Hilton???


    As for Trip Tucker: Do you really think he has captured the imagination of the viewing public. Like Scotty? or Geordi LaForge???. None of the characters are inspiring or memorable.What was the last Trek character to get major mainstream attention? It was Seven Of Nine. Why did Jeri Ryan get the attention? Two reasons, and both of them were on her chest.


    Enterprise has always and continues to show 'intelligent, thought provoking and profound drama that is well written', in my opinion.


    I guess we'll have to disagree on this one


    I do not see Enterprise losing it's diginty nor do I wish to see it cancelled.


    Star Trek has already lost most of its dignity. It began to fall around the time of the start of Voyager and has got even worse in the past few years. I hope it can recover, but from what I have personally seen from 'Enterprise', which I do watch, but I am considering not watching the show anymore, Trek is in deep trouble.


    Finally, I have to say that I think that saying Rick Berman and Brannon Braga 'should be shot', is in extremely poor taste.


    Yes, I'm sorry, they should not be shot......they should thrown out of an airlock. Berman seems to lost his passion for Trek, the last few years, he seems to be on autopilot, the stories are boring, the last movie flopped, the characters on Enterprise are coma-inducing in their tediousness. This happened on Voyager and it's continuing on 'Enterprise'.

  15. Why does everyone think Trek should take a break for 10 years? If Trek went on a break that long, it might as well be over. Getting it revived in 1979 was a once-in-a-lifetime chance.


    The franchise is struggling. Giving it a five to ten year break would be a good thing. It would build anticipation for its return but only if it returned with the attributes that made Star Trek so well loved for so many years. Star Trek is currently in limbo. People want intelligent drama, like The West Wing or The Sopranos, or they want rubbish like Big Brother or The Batchelor. Star Trek currently appeals to few. Unless they drop the gratutious skin showings and the body oil massaging that we have seen in Enterprise, then the franchise will die. Berman and Braga are trying to appeal to braindead viewers to the show by appealing to their basest of desires, ie: sex appeal, and making Star Trek "sexy". It started with Seven of Nine and her looks and it continues with T'Pol. They fail to remember that the people who watch Star Trek are usually more intelligent than your average TV viewer. They don't want to watch Trip Tucker in his blue vest and boxer shorts, they want intelligent, thought provoking, profound drama that is well-written. Not the kind of we see now with 'Enterprise' and the absymal 'Nemesis'. Honestly, if Trek continues to go down this path, it will die anyway. I'd rather see the show end right now and never return, rather than watching it lose its dignity, and be ridiculed.

  16. 1. How long do you think it'd be before a 6th series?


    Not long. Because Paramount are stubborn and they would want to sqeeze every last dollar out of this franchise. A disaster would have to occur before they put this franchise out of it's misery, such as a total collapse of the ratings figures.


    Would there be a 6th series?


    Eventually, yes. But Trek needs to be taken off the screens for at least ten years. No more movies or TV shows. We are overdosed on Trek at the moment. This started in 1994 and this is one of the main reasons for the decline of the franchise, along with the poor leadership of Rick Berman and Brannon Braga.


    3. Would Trek get a reboot, as in new continuity?


    No, the problem with Trek is in the writing. Not with the continuity. I have always felt that 'Trek' show's should be set further in the TNG era and beyond. Setting a show 'before' a series or between two 'series' limits your options and routes for storytelling. The next Star Trek Show, after Enterprise should be set in the year 2400 or there abouts, aboard a new Starship Enterprise


    4. Would it be the end of Trek as we know it?


    Certainly not. But new leadership is needed. New writers and new producers. Berman and Braga must go.



    5. Would you get the DVD season sets?


    Absolutely not. Never in a million years would I want to watch an episode of Enterprise more than once. I can barely stand to watch the show now.