
The Founders
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Posts posted by nik

  1. Science.... the search for truth..... but even more than that, more than anything else, doing justly, loving mercy, upholding the weak, being a champion of the helpless, showing kindness, honoring the truth, and showing civility to all.


    (Like some sort of overgrown boyscout I guess.)

  2. When I was in Jr. High, I got a big fat permament marker and drew a huge anchor on my chest during study hall.


    I forgot that was the day we had scoliolis checks..... somewhat embarrasing.

  3. I'm also confused....

    What time period are we in?

    The day befroe thing just confuses me sry



    I'm guessing sometime about the period of the French revolution, George III of England, and the Early years of the U.S. Government, and the wars springing from the French revolution (commonly accepted years are ~1790's-1810's, although the pinpointed start of the French revolution is 1792, beginning with the food riots, it was several problems coming to a head). Several reasons for this are:


    - Brits at war with the French (as well as most of Europe)

    - French expansionism

    - Post-American Revolution (evidenced by the formation of the U.S. Navy, an

    invention of T. Jefferson, I THINK).


    Fascination period of history affording itself to many anecdotes, as well as voyages on nearly all oceans. There is plenty of room for imagination here.


    Of course, some interesting plot twists may present themselves. Just wait!

  4. Like magic, the earth's axial tilt shifts to 90 degrees, so that the southern hemisphere - always facing the sun - experiences eternal summer, while the norther hemisphere is thrust into an ice age.


    I wish my grad students would quit playing freaking office politics!

  5. As I said, I don't remember......  If I can't find my notes, I'll have to do the test again.

    I finally found my notes on this experiment! I can't believe I still have them!


    For myelinated fibres, we measured impulse speeds of about 105 m/s (with a standard deviation of about 15 m/s).

  6. i think this RPG is getting no were

    i have been reading a long time now, and there are to many plots

    some one should take controle over it, not me but some one who knows how to rule this

    Actually, we did indeed elect a "GM" so to speak - an outside person who is fairly neutral about the whole game and steps in occassionally to alter outcomes, much like Hari Seldon's Foundation in the famous series of books by Asimov. Read carefully, and you might figure out who the "GM" is.


    Also, it's not really an RPG per se. Really, we are all sort of using collective creativity of the group to write a story. It's just in the RPG forum.


    Thanks for reading! We appreciate the "fan base."

  7. As Prometheus finishes speaking, he dissolves into a green mist which envelops Nik, Hannibal, and the centurion. They are picked up gently in the mist and carried back to the deck of the Pax, where they are placed on their feet. As the mist covers and swirls about the Pax, Nik’s wounds heal. His gold breastplate refastens itself to his chest, and his dark locks shine in the green light. The dirty rags of the Pax crew glow white, and the centurion’s bronze breastplate reforms as resplendent gold encrusted with emeralds. The bow's of her archers are cast in gold with gold stranded strings.


    The Pax transforms as the glorious vessel of before, and moreso! Her black sails mend themselves into shimmering green silken cloths, and her oars extend as silver. Her figurehead revives as ivory and gold with ruby eyes, and her once dented burned shields are remade as gold. Her cedar masts regrow from her deck, as the crew watches incredulous. Gold plate works its way up her masts. Her warped deck becomes as smooth cedar.


    The mist fades into the air and is soon gone. Aboard the Elusive, the chest is filled with pearls, and some spill onto the deck. Around the world, pearls spill over onto the decks of the Enterprize, the Batavia, and the Bonaventure.


    From the harbor, Nik stands smiling broadly at his might vessel. Hannibal speaks.


    “The curse is now lifted! We may join our fathers in peace! We are free” He exclaims, and the crew of the Pax cheers.


    The Pax begins sinking slowly in the deep blue water. As water slowly pools about the feet of Nik and his crew, they look peacefully up at the Admiral, smiling. The crew of the Pax gathers about Nik and bows low to the Admiral.


    The water forms about Nik’s chest and then his neck. Tilting his head back, Nik opens his mouth!


    “Thank you!” he says in a strong, deep voice which echoes over the surface of the waters.


    His head slips underwater, and he watches the Admiral until his face slips out of site into the deep dark of the sea.


    At last, the Pax finds its final rest…………..

  8. The Admiral reaches down to open the chest. The lid does not budge. Straining against it, Worf tries to help. Still, the lid is closed tightly. As the Admiral pulls the lid hard, Seska instinctively reaches down to help. As Seska touches the chest, the lid opens easily, sending both the Admiral and Seska sprawling. Rising quickly, they gather around the chest and look inside…..


    The chest is empty…..


    Hannibal and the centurion glance at each other, a confused look on their faces. As Worf inhales deeply, he rears back and begins to kick the chest. Just as he brings his foot forward, he stops.


    A deep green mist begins to form in the bottom of the old box. The mist thickens and grows. It begins to swirl about, and the sound of a rushing wind is heard as the mist blows about those standing on the Elusive. The mist swirls about the crowd and forms a small vortex in the center of the ship, until it becomes a thick swirling cloud. The mist congeals and takes the shape of a man.


    The figure solidifies into a muscular human with large arms and handsome face. His eyes appear as a red flame, and a slight green aura surrounds him. He examines each of the crew with an expressionless visage as his deep gaze penetrates those about him. His blond locks of hair rest on his shoulders, and he wears a breastplate of pure emerald which shimmers in his aura. Cuffs of gold decorate his wrists. A silver sword is buckled about his waist, and his calves are covered with gold shin guards.


    “Greetings, weary travelers!” His voice is firm, yet benevolent. It echoes hollowly about the vessel as he speaks. “Noble crew of the Pax, and descendents of the family – friends of the treasure of Achates!” He proclaims.


    With a startled look, the centurion gasps. “Prometheus!” he exclaims.


    Prometheus smiles at the centurion and nods curtly. “You have traveled far, my friend. I know of your journey. Indeed, it is my pleasure that you have found me!”


    Prometheus looks about and smiles. His eyes rest briefly on Seska.


    “I know of what you seek.” He says. “The treasure I give you, you already possess. For the best of Achates was not his gold or his precious gems. It was neither wealth nor power. The offer of Achates was his loyal friendship to his noble companion Ulysses. In seeking this, you have found friends. Lost some, yes, but also in the finding, you possess the greatest treasure of all!”


    Prometheus pauses briefly, and continues. “Yet, I give you so much more. For many years I have longed to undo the box of Pandora. While I cannot, I give you this…..”


    Prometheus holds out his hand. In it are seven colored pearls, each shimmering in the light of his breastplate. The pearls float into the air and form a spinning circle above his hand.


    “Seven virtues! For the good of all men!” Prometheus exclaims with a smile, and he proceeds to list them.


    “The red pearl….. Humility!

    “Orange…. Generocity!

    “Yellow….. Love!

    “Green….. Kindness!

    “Blue…… Self-control!

    “Violet…… Faith and temperance!

    “Indigo…… Zeal!


    “I give these not just to you, but to all – for the greater good of mankind!” As the pearls spin in the air, each divides into two. Then four, then eight….. Eventually, the entire vessel swirls with lit orbs of color as they float and fly quickly about the vessel, intertwining themselves among those standing around. Several other pearls leave the Elusive and fly swiftly in all directions, leaving flaming colored streaks in the air behind them.


    “I send these to you, and to the world…. to Bora Bora, to the Bonaventure, to the Enterprize, to the Batavia…. Everywhere! Use them wisely and in excess! May you never run out!”


    Prometheus places his hands at his side and looks at the crew of the Pax - their eyes wide and their mouths open in awe.


    “Now.” He smiles at the tattered members of the Pax. “Let us undo that which YOU have come for, my friends…..”

  9. Hannibal walks to the port of the Pax, her deck creaking as he does so. Behind him, several crewmen work to cut the broken masts away from her battered shell. Buckets of water are handed up and dumped overside, and two crewmen hanging over the edge with a plank of wood work furiously to patch a gaping hole in her hull.


    In the center of the deck, the centurion pours water from a wooden bowl into Nik's mouth. Hannibal holds a white cloth stained with blood as he shouts across the harbor to the Admiral.


    "Admiral! It is now time! Are you prepared to open the treasure? The captain of the Pax wishes to see, if you will oblige him."


    Two archers with soot-covered faces and clad in dirty togas rush to the deck beside Hannibal. They fire broad-shafted, iron arrows into the hull of the Elusive. Each arrow trails a rope and sticks fast into the Elusive's hull. Pulling on the ropes, the archers slowly drag the Pax towards the Elusive. The Pax rocks precariously as the drifts.


    Alongside the Elusive, a plank is extended. Hannibal moves to the center of the Pax, picks Nik up and carries him to the deck of the Elusive. As he sets him down, Nik coughs weakly, splattering blood onto the deck of the Elusive. Hannibal motions for two workers from the Pax, who rush over and wipe the deck. Bowing apologetically, they move back to the Pax. Hannibal steps back to the Pax. Standing on her railing, he watches curiously.


    "It is time Admiral." Hannibal says quietly.

  10. As the band of explorers approach the beach, they see the Pax drifting half-a-furlong out. Hannibal and the centurion gasp at what they see. The Erinyes, finished with Nik, have deposited him on the deck of the Pax. They have not just tortured Nik, however. In the short time away, they have also destroyed the mighty Pax. The Pax’s sails are torn, and the shreds ripple in the breeze. Her oars float splintered and broken about her. The silver shields once adorning her side are dented and covered with soot. Her deck lies warped and cracked. Her gold figurehead is now covered with thick moss. It is as though the Pax has not been cared for in decades. Her fore and aft masts are broken and drag in the water behind her. The Pax lists awkwardly to one side. Black smoke drifts from her hold amidships. In the center is Nik. He sits on the deck with his head hanging, resting his chin on his bare chest. His breastplate and shirt have been removed, and he is covered with welts and claw marks. His bloodied hands are chained to the mast above his head. His locks are matted against his head with sweat and blood. Blood drips from his mouth, soaking his tattered black pants. He breaths in gasps.


    The centurion snaps to one of the archers. “We must retrieve the Pax!” he says quickly. “Fire the grapple!”


    The archer pulls a thick-shafted arrow from his quiver. At the back of the arrow, a thin, gold-stranded rope is attached, and this rope ends in a long coil. He places the arrow into his bow, takes aim, and fires. The arrow sticks firm into the bow of the Pax, trailing the rope behind it. The centurion and Hannibal grab the rope and begin pulling the Pax to shore.


    Up to their knees in water, the centurion and the archers leap aboard the Pax. Hannibal shoves it outward and leaps aboard as it drifts slowly. The centurion runs to the remaining mast. With a swing of his axe, the centurion cuts Niks chains, and he falls to his side on the deck. The centurion then runs below deck, where he finds the crew of the Pax undamaged, but chained by the Erinyes. Hannibal runs to Nik. Kneeling, he examines him.


    “M’Lord….” Is all he can say as he watches his captain.

  11. Returning from the brush, Hannibal wipes off his scimitar and sheaths it. Seeing Nik face down in the dirt, his eyes go wide and he runs up to his still form. Hannibal rolls Nik over. Nik's eyes are closed, but he breaths. Hannibal scans him to find a lead shot embedded in his bronze breastplate. Smiling, Hannibal helps Nik to sit. Removing the breastplate and Nik’s shirt, Hannibal reveals a large, deep-purple bruise the size of an orange on Nik’s chest just below his left pectoral muscle. Nik winces as Hannibal touches the spot.


    “Even the dead can break ribs.” He says. “You must be more careful m’lord! It would be a great loss to have come so far only to lose your parts.” Hannibal removes the long red sash tied about his head and wraps it tightly about Nik’s midsection. He helps Nik to stand. As Nik and Hannibal walk towards Seska, they are stopped as the Erinyes suddently land between them and Seska - their unfurled wings flapping wildly as they do so.


    “You shall not have her!” They hiss. “She is ours! She is driven by greed and lust for gold. She must be punished. She must be tortured.”


    Nik’s eyes flare angrily and he inhales sharply as Hannibal shouts.


    “No!” He says indignantly. “She is the third, also the bearer of the map! You MUST allow her to pass! Without her, we are doomed.”


    The old hags cackle mysteriously as they sneer at Nik. “We care nothing for your fate!” They say. “Justice must be paid. We must be allowed to fulfil our tasks.” As they speak, a chill wind picks up in the forest. Their wings spread menacingly, and they appear to grow in size as their eyes glow a fiery red. The snakes in their hair rear up and hiss loudly.


    Nik glances quickly at Hannibal and steps forward. A startled look appears on Hannibal’s face as speaks. “M’lord?” He says, his face a mixture of surprise and fear.

    Nik looks back at Hannibal – this time longer more sharply. Hannibal falters as he speaks.


    “The lord of the Pax says… ‘Take me instead.’” The centurion looks up in surprise and the archers each quickly draw and load an arrow into their bows. Nik glances back at them and they lower their arrows… and their heads.


    “We can do nothing to the dead!” The old women gasp. “He is nothing to us!”


    “You seek to repay vice with torture, do you not?” Hannibal asks. “He can be… tortured.” Hannibal chokes on his words. “You saw his injury! Yes, he cannot be killed, for that is done, but that is not what you do!” Hannibal steps forward and speaks in a whisper. “You know this to be true.”


    The Erinyes squint at Hannibal until their eyes are slits, and they look back at Nik. Throwing back their heads, they laugh a hideous, miserable, screetching laugh.


    “Very well!” They say. “It is as you say. The woman filled with lust for gold may proceed. We will take the captain, and do as we please!” Hannibal steps to face Nik. He puts a hand on Nik’s shoulder, as Nik places a hand on his. They nod solemnly to each other.


    As Hannibal steps back, his head hanging, the Erinyes surround Nik, cackling wildly. With bony fingers, they caress his face and coo tauntingly. He looks straight up into the night sky. The old women grab Nik, and – spreading their dark wings wide – leap into the air, carrying Nik with them. They fly straight up and then to the water. Their laughter fades into the night as they fly towards the ocean.


    Hannibal stands next to the centurion, their heads hung low. The centurion steps forward and speaks slowly.


    “The star of Hercules approaches it’s zenith. The time is now.”


    “The emerald hands on the mountain….” Hannibal begins, “They are meant for but two people.” He looks over at Seska and the Admiral. “Place your hands on them.”


    Hannibal steps back beside the centurion. They both look sadly into the night sky….

  12. (OOC:One more time i am subjected to being a wuss or getting demeaned.I am going to not post anymore.Don't take poetic licsnse with the character please..Its MY chacracter..and DO get the names right)

    (also OOC:


    Aw, c'mon, Tinadoll! Don't leave. We neeeeeeed you! You have to help make the story. Without you, we're all just a bunch of schmucks running around in the woods.


    Also, NOBODY here thinks of you as anything less than a wuss! We're too afrraid

    of you kicking our a** to even think such a thought.


    C'mon.... don't go! Awwwwww!


    ::hangs his head..... kicks a rock:: )

  13. Standing about the two hand-shaped gems firmly embedded in the rock, all grows quiet for a few moments, as the Erinyes circle high overhead, their voices no longer heard.


    Suddenly, Nik and the crewmembers snap their heads upward at a higher point on the mountain. Hannibal immediately draws his scimitar, and the centurion his axe. With a brief look of terror in his eyes, Nik dives in front of the Admiral just as the sound of a shot rings out. Taking the shot in his chest, he falls to the ground.


    The two archers with Nik each quickly draw an arrow and fire into the brush overhead. The arrows catch ILS’s shirt below the armpits and pin him to a large tree behind him. Hannibal rears back, and with a shout, throws his scimitar. The large blade spins through the air towards ILS. It sticks hard in the tree between his legs with the hilt upward and the blade barely touching his crotch.


    With ILS immoveable, the centurion tosses Hannibal his broadsword and they both race into the woods after Seska.


    Looking upward, they see the Erinyes diving directly towards Seska, shrieking wildly as they dive.

  14. At Hannibal’s words, the old hags’ eyes widen and they step back shrieking. Their wings fan the air as they howl. Watching the Ambassador step forward, they creep towards her and hiss loudly as she reaches for her sword. Their heads tilt slowly back and forth as they watch the interaction between the Admiral and the Ambassador. When the Ambassador sheaths her sword, they move slowly back to Nik and all three gather close to peer at his face, their crooked noses almost touching his young, smooth face. A large drop of drool seeps from the mouth of one as they examine him. The snakes in their hair intertwine themselves with Nik’s locks as they continue to examine him – mumbling to themselves and hissing slightly. Nik stares straight ahead, Hannibal squares his jaw as he watches, and the centurion occasionally glances at the other sailors in the party. The archers lean passively, but attentively on their bows. The Erinyes continue to examine Nik, and speak.


    “So….” They hiss slowly and speak deliberately and quietly. “The ones who would destroy the curse have returned.” They breath heavily into Nik’s face as they continue to pour over him. “Where are the bearers of the map?”


    Nik gestures slowly towards the Admiral and the Ambassador, and Hannibal speaks.


    “The sisters of m’lord’s house have come to reclaim the treasure of Achates and undo the curse forever.” Hannibal takes half-a-step forward as he speaks.


    The old hags draw back in astonishment, their eyes wide with wounded looks on their faces. They begin screetching in ear-splitting tones as they consider the sisters. Howling they surround the sisters and grow quiet.


    “Indeed…. The family has come to redeem itself.” The old women sneer at the sisters through small black eyes, never touching them, but penetrating with their gaze. Hannibal watches the other sailors carefully as the hags continue their examination.


    The old hags spin suddenly and approach Nik and Hannibal, now standing at his side.


    “So be it!” They hiss. “We have nothing to do with you…. But remember this! Among the living, only the bearers of the map may enter. When Luna’s eye shines upon the door, you will know the way! We will be watching!”


    The women throw back their heads and cackle loudly. Spreading their wings, they leap into the air. Their hideous laughing fades as they fly straight up and circle far overhead, watching the band as it stands near a cliff face at the sides of the mountain.


    In the clear evening, the full moon rises above the waters. Nik and Hannibal watch the moon slowly break the tops of the trees. As the moon clears the trees, eerie shadows move aside, and the group of explorers is cast in a dim light. Nik slowly turns his head back to the cliff face. Emerald gems can be seen embedded in the face of the cliff, now glowing in the moonlight. Two very large gems begin glowing, casting a dim green light on the band of sailors. As the glow intensifies, the shapes of these gems become clear. They are formed as human hands.


    Nik and Hannibal look at the gems for a moment, and Nik turns his head to the Ambassador and the Admiral. He nods quickly and tilts his head to the gems in the wall.

    Hannibal speaks.


    “The full moon shines brightly tonight. Luna’s gaze has been cast. Those gems are meant for only two people.”

  15. As the torchlight comes near the monoliths, the stone suddenly appears to crumble away, revealing living creatures encased within. A third statue covered in moss is heard crumbling as well. Large stone pieces fall to the ground from the statues, and the archers step aside as pieces of rock roll by. Nik stands calmly with his hands clasped behind his back, watching the statues come to life. Hannibal and the centurion sheath their weapons as the ground quakes around them. For several minutes, the stone appears to crack and crumble in the dim light.


    From within the crumbled stone spring three old women with hair of snakes and large bat-like wings. They wear black tattered robes, and their gnarled hands extend shaking at the members of the expedition. They stand stooped in their old age. Save for the enormous hideous wings and the coiling snakes for hair, they would be but pathetic old hags. Their eyes rest for a moment on each person, but seem confused when they behold the members of the Pax.


    Seeing the companions of the Elusive and the Enterprize reach for their swords, Hannibal holds his hand out to them. In a deep, booming voice he says, “Leave your swords as they are! These women are here to punish the unjust! Sent by the gods of old to torment those of ill will. They are called the Erinyes! Do not test them! Those who would seek violence here will meet violence. Only the pure of heart may survive, and only truth is revealed here.”


    Nik steps forward and looks into the eyes of the old women. They squint at him, revealing teeth long since rotted, and their hideous wings quiver slightly at his sight. The snakes in their hair seem to rear up in the dim light as they examine Nik. They speak in unison in a raspy, yet loud voice which grates upon the ears of the hearers.


    “Who is this that dares take what is not his?” They ask – their heads coming inches away from Nik’s face as he stares forward stonelike. From behind Nik, Hannibal speaks.


    “Magaera… Tishiphone…. Alecto…..” he begins, “You know why we are here.” Hannibal stares with intensity at the old women. They look past Nik to Hannibal, standing behind and to his side. A look of recognition crosses their pale faces as they turn back to Nik. As they huddle closer to Nik, their black wings gather him in a gruesome embrace.


    “So…” They cackle in a bon-chilling voice. “The curse lives on." They coo tauntingly at Nik. "YOU have no power over the curse. Begone! You cannot enter.” The central one points a gnarled, long-nailed finger at Nik’s chest.


    “And you have no power over us!” Hannibal shouts. “You were sent to the living, not to the dead.” The women recoil and shriek at Hannibal as he continues in a low voice. “You know this to be true. For millennia, you have tortured the lives of those who would do evil, and now you seek to avenge those driven by greed. You seek to protect that which cannot be stolen…. But what of those who have no life?”


    “You have not the map!” the women shriek quickly. “I have no use for the dead, but among the living, only the bearers of the map may enter here!” The women hiss wildly at the crews of the Elusive and the Enterprize.


    Hannibal steps forward and whispers to the women.


    “We have found the map…. And the bearers!”

  16. With the Enterprize and the Elusive anchored in the shallows off the point, the Pax surges forward to the beach. As she approaches the sand, her oars are drawn in, and she runs her flat-bottomed bow onto the beach. Her sails immediately go slack as she comes to a stop. From the deck, Nik leaps onto the shore, followed by the centurion, Hannibal, and two archers in bronze breastplates. Six archers guard the Pax at her bow, and six stand unmoving at the stern. Hannibal's scimitar is drawn as he rapidly scans the brush. The centurion - his axe strapped to his back - begins cutting palm leaves with his broadsword for a makeshift shelter. Nik and the two archers stand at the water's edge and gaze at the two vessels off shore.


    Several of the crew jump from the Pax and run into the jungle. As they enter the thick trees, one of the archers beside Nik spins and fires an arrow into the brush in a single motion. Minutes later, the Pax crew bring out wood, fruits, nuts, herbs, and a gazelle shot by the archer. The food is brought aboard the Pax and the wood is placed some distance from it. The centurion uses a flint and a dagger to ignite a fire, while a small shelter is set up. Within a half-hour, the aroma of freshly cooked food floats from the Pax across the water to the sister ships.


    The centurion and Hannibal stand otuside the shelter looking into the dark jungle, and chat casually. Nik and the archers stand motionless beside the water, stare at the vessels offshore, and wait. Two archers aboard the Pax each fire arrows into the air. Their gold shafts scream as they fly each towards a vessel. The arrows stick into the bows of the ships with a message tied to their shafts.


    "The shore is safe. We humbly await your arrival. -nik" The messages say.

  17. As the Pax plows hard through the choppy waters, the spray soaks her crew and large waves break over her side. Hannibal leans hard against the tiller, glancing occasionally at the Enterprize and the Elusive as they crest wave after wave. The centurion, a rope tied securely about his waist, stands on the Pax’s starboard side, joined by ten large men leaning outward against their lifelines to keep the Pax aright.


    Nik stands calmly tied to the mast, listening to the beautiful voices carrying over the choppy seas. Save for the deafness of his crew and the sounds of the rushing waters, the voices can be heard clearly. A calm smile decorates his face as he tilts his head to better listen to the hypnotic singing coming from shore.


    As the Pax makes her way about the cape, the wreckages of less fortunate vessels can be seen littering the harsh rocks near the shore. Hannibal bares his teeth against the waves washing over the Pax as he smiles brazenly into the heart of Neptune’s fury. With his right hand, he signs an order to the crew, who pull themselves up slightly on their lifelines. The centurion looks back at the Enterprize and the Elusive and nods his head approvingly.


    After a day and a night in the fierce seas, the Pax arights herself as the waters now grow mysteriously calm, and her sails go limp temporarily. All is quiet. Her men stand on deck, hair clinging to their faces and clothes soaked with brine. Hannibal and the centurion cut Nik loose and remove his blindfold. For only the third time in 800 years, the captain of the Pax sleeps - a serene smile on his face. Hannibal and the centurion lie Nik down on the deck and continue their work.


    As the sister ships approach the Pax, Hannibal steps astern and removes his earplugs, signaling the rest of the crew to do so as well. Floating still in the level sea, Hannibal shouts to the vessels.


    “Brave sisters! The Cape is behind us! The treasure lies ahead! After you have found your rest, let us move forward and claim the reward for your labors!”


    The Pax lies still in the water as the centurion and Hannibal watch the two vessels off the Pax’s stern.

  18. Having sailed this region before and having read the exploits of the heroes of old, Nik can be seen doing something rather strange aboard the Pax. The centurion and Hannibal are passing out small items to the crewmembers who place them in their ears. Hannibal and the centurion then tie Nik securely to the central mast, blindfolding him in the process. In this way, Nik cannot communicate with his crew as they navigate the choppy waters off the cape, but he can hear.


    Two archers rush to her deck and each fires a gold-shafted arrow into the air. The arrows fly straight and true in the hard winds, and stick firmly into the main masts of the sister ships. Attached to each arrow is a message:


    "These are dangerous waters, and the rocks sharp. You must cover your ears! Trust me!"


    The Pax leans heavily in the wind blowing off the cape. Water foams about her hull, as she slices forward, the spray soaking the hair of her crew. Hannibal, at the tiller, pushes hard as the Pax tacks against the wind. Her oars are drawn in as she plows heavily forward.


    For those who can hear, faint voices can be heard carrying across the wind.

  19. Standing at the stern of the Pax, his crimson cape blowing in the stiff breeze near the Cape, Nik watches with interest the activity of the Enterprize and the the Elusive and deck hands secure the vessels together. He spots a pigeon released from the Elusive. In minutes, the bird crosses the two furlongs separating the two vessels. As the pigeon lands on Nik's outstretched arm, a young boy brings a gold platter of fruit and nuts to the deck, and sets it down near the tiller. The pigeon jumps to the platter and begins eating while Nik reads the message.


    Beckoning to the centurion, a brush and parchment is brought to Nik. While he writes, the pigeon alights, and begins flying back to the Elusive. Nik hands the brush back to the centurion, and an archer joins him at his side. He hands Nik a gold-shafted arrow, and Nik wraps the small parchment about its shaft near the point, tying it with a thin gold strand. The archer leaps to the railing on th stern, takes aim and fires. The arrow whistles through the air, passing underneath the pigeon, and sticks into the Elusive between the feet of the watching Admiral.


    The parchment, written in Aramaic, says, "The crew of the Pax humbly thank you for your cooperation. We stand ready to make speed at your convenience. " Aboard the Pax, Nik, Hannibal, and the Centurion all bow to the Admiral and the Ambassador.


    Hannibal talks to Nik as they watch the Elusive. "Our freedom is within the week, m'lord!"

  20. Nik holds his hand out for the approaching pigeon. He reads the message as he passes the pigeon to the centurion, who whispers something to it and releases it to fly back to the Elusive. In a few minutes, an archer rushes to the deck. He places two gold-shafted arrows into his bow, aims straight at the zenith, and fires. The arrow fly into broad arcs, one towards the Elusive, one towards the Enterprize - each arrow sticks into to main masts of each vessel.


    Attached to the arrows are messages. "If you board the Pax, we will conduct you to the shore at the cape. We must be careful! For a certain evil emanates from that place, the likes of which will make the bones of any man grow cold! -nik"


    As the shores of the cape draw near, Nik and the centurion carefully scan their eyes over the coast. The oars of the Pax are drawn in, and her sails become limp as she stops. Several archers can be seen lining her bow.

  21. The evening wears on as the table is cleared, and a hot bitter beverage is poured into silver cups for the guests. As before, the Elusive and the Enterprize are stocked with provisions from the Pax. Hannibal invites Worf over for another fistfight, and this time Drago joins in, creating a raucous melee. With Worf's shoulder dislocated, Drago holding a cracked rib, and Hannibal wiping caked blood from his eye, the three men retire laughing to the stern with three silver goblets and a large flagon of rum where they talk about women, tell dirty jokes, and sing songs of the heroes of old. Nik rests on his elbows and listens to his descendants talk into the night, occassionally glancing up at the stars - some bearing familiar names. The centurion stands guard at the bow. Every few minutes he entertains himself by skipping gold doubloons across the surface of the black waters.


    As Nik sits listening, he picks up the Ambassador's mirror, looks at, spins it in his fingers, and considers. He motions, and the centurion rushes to his side. In a matter of seconds, Nik flashes a few rapid, complex movements with his hand and eyes. The Centurion nods and rushes below.


    The guests depart for the evening and the gangplanks are removed. The vessels lie silently tied together in the still night, as Hannibal, Nik, and the Centurion stand motionless on the Pax's deck throughout the evening.


    Late the next morning, as the cool breezes begin to wax, Nik, Hannibal, and the Centurion are seen in their same spots. The torches and decorations removed, the Pax and her crew stand ready for her mission.


    Upon seeing the Ambassador and the Admiral on the decks of their respective ships, the Centurion speaks loudly.


    "Good afternoon, ladies! I trust you are well rested!"


    Hannibal steps forward. "Ladies, the captain of the Pax asks if you are ready to begin our mission. Your vessels are stocked, and together you know the way! The captain awaits your answer." Nik smiles broadly at the ladies and their glorious vessels on either side of his warship, nodding as Hannibal speaks.


    At the helms of the Enterprize and the Elusive, identical packages wrapped in gold foil sit. A small piece of parchment is tied to each. "To the lady of the Enterprize" and "To the lady of the Elusive." They say respectively.......