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Posts posted by Capt_Picard

  1. Child... I have set up a cable channel for a high school, graduated, be on national radio, and face death more times then I like to count and you call me a child... what I want to call you I can't say because there are people here who woulnd not like it and I would never type or speak those words.

  2. I gave it a 10 and I will say this right now...

    This was not the final to Enterprise. The final to the show was "Terra Prime". "These are the Voyages..." is something into it self. It is not just Enterprise or TNG, but an over all look at something people have to do. People must ask themselves what is worth more to them then anything else.


    Click For Spoiler

    For Trip it was that Archer and getting him to Earth and finish what he started at the cost of his life, for Ricker it was telling Picard the truth even thoe he himself could be kicked out of Starfleet. It is differnet for everyone for what might be the hardest choice they ever make, but that choice can chnage history... just like was Star Trek has done.


    Note from Mod: I took out the coding for size, colour, etc. because it was affecting the use of the spoiler.


  3. Trek is abut the story, what mankind has to over come to become better then it is, and that story has helped many people believe that the future for humans might be a good one. For Paramount to say that the want to end that story would be like saying that they don't believe that mankind can make themselves better then they are today. Also, about over a million or so Star Trek fans would crash the internet, destory anything the cause Trek to fall, and nuke the nation with the most people that didn't like Trek.